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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 26

  1. #21
    Wow the best episode of shippuuden so far and maybe the best episode of naruto overrall imho.

    But i think its all in vain because theres just no way chiyo and sakura are gonna get that guy.

  2. #22
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    It wouldn't be an antidote if it didn't treat the poison o_O
    So ummm... Tell me why Sakura was in such a rush to try and end it before the antidote wore off to later then find out all she has to do is endure the pain.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A very nice episode.

    This fight also demonstrated though that Sakura made the right decision by becoming a medic. She's clearly not cut out for to be a pure fighting ninja: During one episode she twice, incorrectly, thought the enemy was already defeated. And to make it worse even a kid would have been able to ensure the victory during the first time, and to make it doubly worse Sakura is a medical ninja and should have thus had some insight into Sasori's fake body's inner workings and so realise he won't die just because the artifical parts are separated from each others.

    Still, perhaps she learned her lesson. Even though it was a lesson that will likely cost the geezer's life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    So ummm... Tell me why Sakura was in such a rush to try and end it before the antidote wore off to later then find out all she has to do is endure the pain.
    After the three minutes she could be poisoned again. And that's very likely with Sasori as your opponent.

  4. #24
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Which is why they are now both poisons and its obvious who's gonna get the antidote because ones an old women and the other is a main character.

    But I digress, because what we had today was our first perfect episode of Shippuden! Da dada daaaaaaa! It just rocked on all cylinders.

    As far as the puppets are concerned, if I had to pick between 10 puppets that fought like fully trained ninjas and 100 puppets that fought like Gato's henchmen, I think I'd rather have the 10 puppets.

    Although, like the woman said, as the puppets got destroyed, he used the strings from the destroyed puppets to take better control of the ones that were left. So they sucked to begin with but the more you destroyed the better the remaining ones fought.

    It was wierd that Sasori's "brain" seems to be in his heart. Or that he kept his brain in his chest, or I'm assuming he just transferred his entire spirit to a log and organs were just irrelevant.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Without a brain there would be no person and perhaps a heart is the most important organ for chakra in the Naruto universe so that would explain it. It would actually make sense to keep them both in the same nifty container that can be switched from one puppet body into an another. Things would get more complicated if there were two containers, because essentially they would both be vital, and thus two would offer twice the number of targets for an opponent.

  6. #26
    Great episode, loved every minute of it
    Can't wait for the next one, those 10 puppets were awesome

    Especially the one with the "wires" coming out of the head

    Btw, maybe it's just me, but when that spine-cord thingie was coming out of Sasori to attack Sakura (4:45), it kinda seem like the old hentai anime (my cousin had) when robotic phallusses were used to, ehm, take advantage of innocent girls...
    It kinda had that moment which made me laugh a bit.. (it's probably just me )
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    So ummm... Tell me why Sakura was in such a rush to try and end it before the antidote wore off to later then find out all she has to do is endure the pain.
    No, the antidote stays in her body for three minutes so she can inhale all the poison she wants for that duration and the poison would turn to harmless proteins. When she got stabbed by Sasori's knife-on-a-rope (which was laced with poison), all she had to do was endure the pain because the poison was nullified.

    I guess she wanted to end the battle within three minutes in case Sasori decided to use poison again, either by inhalation or puncturing.

  8. #28
    gah, ody beat me to it.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by ody
    No, the antidote stays in her body for three minutes so she can inhale all the poison she wants for that duration and the poison would turn to harmless proteins. When she got stabbed by Sasori's knife-on-a-rope (which was laced with poison), all she had to do was endure the pain because the poison was nullified.

    I guess she wanted to end the battle within three minutes in case Sasori decided to use poison again, either by inhalation or puncturing.
    Well, Sasori is poison... Since he's a puppet he shouldn't fear the poison, so that's why every weapon Sasori used was drenched in the stuff. Well, all except the fire I think. Never heard of a poison fire before
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  10. #30
    I commend Sasori for doing something that I have wanted to do for a long time....


    Nah I thought that it was good, I liked the ep, I liked the attitude.

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  11. #31
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Ah yeah this is more like it! Pretty damn sweet ep and by FAR the best Shippu ep so far, and great that we didn't get to see any clonewars in this one and just a little treejumping. I just hope they keep this up and don't go back to slacker-mode ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    Nanaka crash, heres the link lol
    aah good ol' Nanaca Crash...had some badass record on that..gonna go see if i can find the screens in mah imageshack acc ^^

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  12. #32
    my guess is that this will end up like when tsunade jumped in front of naruto and got impaled with oro's sword..

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by redcat
    my guess is that this will end up like when tsunade jumped in front of naruto and got impaled with oro's sword..
    Except Naruto doesn't die....

    I think it's pretty safe to assume Chiyo dies, as there's only 1 dose of the antidote left, which basically means Sakura got stabbed so that Chiyo could have a less mangled corpse.

  14. #34
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Good episode. I'm glad the animation didn't suck, as this was the first manga chapter I read and the fight didn't make much sense to me. Seeing it animated made it much clearer.

  15. #35
    In my opinion, this episode shows a vast improvement in quality over the previous weeks, and is possibly the best fighting episode this season. That's not saying much, considering the lack of quality we have been given and the general slowness at which the plot seems to be unfolding, but I am hoping for continued improvement (in both plot and animation) as the weeks go by.

  16. #36
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Wow. 24mins of captivated Naruto goodness, just like old times (without Naruto, :P)

    Dunno what cleaned out the iron sand from Chiyo's puppet arm. Probably the water, but then I would have thought that arm would be wasted then. Thourough enjoyment.

    And as mentioned, the short @ the end-> Hilarious as ever.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Necromas
    I think it's pretty safe to assume Chiyo dies, as there's only 1 dose of the antidote left, which basically means Sakura got stabbed so that Chiyo could have a less mangled corpse.
    I disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Dunno what cleaned out the iron sand from Chiyo's puppet arm. Probably the water, but then I would have thought that arm would be wasted then. Thourough enjoyment.
    when sakura killed the 3rd kazekage puppet Chiyo was able to pour it out.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Wow. 24mins of captivated Naruto goodness, just like old times (without Naruto, :P)

    Dunno what cleaned out the iron sand from Chiyo's puppet arm. Probably the water, but then I would have thought that arm would be wasted then. Thourough enjoyment.

    And as mentioned, the short @ the end-> Hilarious as ever.

    well, the control of the iron sand was lost when the 3rd Kazekage puppet was destroyed.
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  19. #39
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Yeah, I see now. I'd be interested in how the Third Kazekage kept his iron sand with him when he was alive. Couldn't imagine him like Gaara.

    Chiyo doesn't HAVE to die. Remember, the poison will kill you in three days. That's why Sasori sent the Third Kazekage in to finish Sakura, because he doesn't plan for her survive the battle. So by the looks of things, if they're both alive after killing Sasori, then Sakura could make more antidote for Chiyo, though she'll have to find more of that plant cos she used up the Sand's supplies.

  20. #40
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Ah, found it...This was my previous highscore.

    This is my current highscore, and no theres no photoshop or some other shit.

    Sorry if this might be a little offtopic, if theres some other thread this should have been posted in instead then would the mods be kind enough to move it ^^

    And yes, i have waay too much free time on my hands

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

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