Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax View Post
@Kraco: you'll probably have to run the system in place (in the case in this situation) to see what's causing the noise. It could be vibration from the PSU contacting the case, or a cable rubbing a fan. OCZ products don't have the best reputation for reliability, just pushing the envelope for performance.
Yeah. I have tried a few times to locate the source by simply opening the case and even pressing some parts of the system to see if it would reduce the noise, if it's from vibration and resonance, but not with much luck. It's incredibly hard to pinpoint the source. It's kind of annoying since it just starts suddenly one day, perhaps lasts until I turn off the computer, then next day the PC might be okay once again. A week may go by without the rattling, but then it's suddenly back, sometimes for days. The noise has been gone for a month once or twice.

I was hoping having the PSU outside of the case would allow me to know for sure. But like you said, if it's resonance related after all, then I'm naturally out of luck.