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Thread: The College Thread

  1. #181
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Hahaha, loans are going to bury you in debt hell. Have fun paying them off for the next 15 years.

  2. #182
    I only have a $2000 loan that I can pay off right now if needed. All of my other expenses are paid for by my work terms.

  3. #183
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mut
    Hahaha, loans are going to bury you in debt hell. Have fun paying them off for the next 15 years.
    I don't think it will take me 15 years to pay a $5000 loan. Or are you just trolling?

  4. #184
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    i'm paying as i go *cough* or rather i was... and now luckily i've landed financial aid this year.

    for this fall, they've given me $600 to "buy books" and my 3 classes i'm taking have already been paid for and then im going to recieve the difference in total financial aid award and tuition cost. the same will happen in the spring.

    then again, i'm only attending a '2-year' college and not a really expensive 4 year university

  5. #185
    Well, I guess an update could be in order, I am in college, waiting for an 8 a.m. class right now, the professor just walked in and I am tired as hell. I need to plan better and sleep earlier, but I don't want to. Classes are not bad and I am actually keeping on top of my math for once. Roommate is fine, we get along. Lifes fine in general....

    University of Alabama... Roll Tide!

  6. #186
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    I signed up for a 7:00 to 9:45 pm english class that meets once a week.. Yay night class -.-.. At least my Mondays and Fridays are still free~

  7. #187
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hey, just screwed myself royally. I have an intro to psych class that meets every Tuesday and Friday at 10:55am. I've been going to classes regularly (except when I had to repair my car earlier this week) and I've always been in class way ahead of time. My second exam was scheduled for this Friday so I studied for the past few days and stuff, rescheduled anything that was supposed to happen on Friday to a later time to accommodate my exam scheduling. However, my timing was off. I thought the exam was at 12:55, but it was at 10:55. For the past two weeks, in my head, i've been thinking that class meets at 12:55 everyday and the exam was at 12:55. This wasn't a "ohh he changed our class schedule" thing, it was an I go to class everyday on time and the numbers got switched in my head on the fuckin day of the exam of all days.

    So, I just wanted to know, what do you guys think is the best way to go about handling the situation so that I can take the makeup. I was thinking of just telling my professor the truth and explaining everything, but I don't know if this will work. Some of my friends told me to either get a doctors note, or say that my grandfather died. Have any of you guys ever used any of these excuses, or any others for that matter, before? If so, did it work and what did you use to document your excuse?

    The professor seems really nice which is why i'd feel helluva guilty if I lied to him. I'm also a horrible liar so I'm really afraid i'd get caught in a lie somewhere. Need advice!
    i saved a unicorn

  8. #188
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Don't go the relatives' death route, it never works. If you can get a 'legitimate' doctor's note, that's about the only thing that will save you. You will need a signed, written note that you were too ill to make it to the exam. It is standard policy for most colleges.

    Then again, I've taken a few exams of mine with a high fever. There was no other option at the time.

    However, if you don't think you can commit the lie, and furthermore you feel guilty about lying (which means you will fail at lying), there are no other options. Fail the class, and take it over.

  9. #189
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    Hmm, it gets harder, the longer you leave it. Ideally, if you realized you missed your exam, and went to your professor right away, I find a lot of profs are pretty understanding (unless they're that mean kind of prof that likes failing students). You didn't skip the exam on purpose, it was an honest mistake. If you're generally a good student and show up to all your classes, and your prof recognizes that, he might give you the exam as soon as you come to him, and let you write it in his office or somesuch. I've had friends that slept through their exams and that's what happened with them. If your prof doesn't trust you, and thinks that you've been using your time to figure out the questions on the exam so that you can cheat... then yeah, you're pretty screwed.

  10. #190
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I was going to tell him right away, but when I looked in my binder I realized that I didn't have the syllabus. The course is offered on a campus in which I only know 1 building so I wandered around for about 45 minutes looking for a building that would have a computer in it. Once I found the library, I looked at his website to see where his office was; it was on another campus altogether. As i stated previously, I scheduled events around the exam so I didn't have any time to see him today (Friday). I think I will e-mail him tomorrow asking him for an appointment ASAP. He doesn't like e-mails at all, but its the only way I can get in touch with him over the weekend. Once monday arrives, i'll visit him in his office.

    thanks for your input guys.
    i saved a unicorn

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