we had mentioned the movie Memoirs of a Geisha...
[00:07] <rockmanj> maybe i should be like the chairman
[00:07] <rockmanj> get em while they're young
[00:07] <rockmanj> :-P
[00:08] <Assassin> ...
[00:08] <dragonrage> see i knew you were a child molester...
[00:27] <rockmanj> hey, ASS change that back to the im joking part
[00:27] <rockmanj> im not a child molestor
[00:27] <Assassin> give me a good reason, and i'll consider it
[00:27] <rockmanj> becuse its slander
[00:27] <Assassin> not good enough
[00:28] <rockmanj> and umm
[00:28] <rockmanj> you are the most awesome person...ever
[00:28] <rockmanj> :-D
[00:28] <Zinobi> rockman cmon think
[00:28] <dragonrage> suck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:28] <Assassin> pfft, fine
[00:29] <Assassin> nah, im only kidding! hah!
[00:29] <Assassin> you fail!
[00:29] <Assassin> child molester