[13:21] <@Ryllharu> now if you had ended up at a zebra crossing and an actual zebra crossed it
[13:21] <@Ryllharu> that would just be really werid
[13:21] <@Ryllharu> *weird
[13:21] <@Buffalobiian> in a totally awesome way
[13:22] <@Ryllharu> "crosswalks" in the US.
[13:22] <&DS> "zebrapad" in the dutch
[13:22] * @Buffalobiian read Zebra-raped
[13:23] <&DS> raper
[13:23] <&DS> you are dangerous buff
[13:23] <&DS> seeing rape everywhere
[13:23] <@Ryllharu> yeah PERV
[13:24] <@Buffalobiian> that actually looks like NERV :P
[13:24] <&DS> dislexic raper
[13:24] <@Buffalobiian> haven't seen perv written in capitals for a while now
[13:24] <@Ryllharu> buff: If you were the head of an organization, it would be PERV
[13:25] <@Ryllharu> Pedophiles Excitedly Raping Victims
[13:25] <@Buffalobiian> no, Penises, Erections, Rectums and Vaginas
[13:25] <@Ryllharu> haha
[13:25] <@Ryllharu> that works too
[13:25] <@Buffalobiian> it'll be a sexual education institution