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Thread: IRC (now w/ weddings)

  1. #861
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Well, if you had been there and had known she's from GW, just imagine what would have happened when you had called her from across the room: "Hey, I'm Assassin!" at a wedding.

    She could have only answered: "Please, not at my friend's wedding! Can't you let me live at least till tomorrow?"

  2. #862
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    What is it with Gotwooters finding out they know each other indirectly through other people's weddings? That brings the tally to 2... any more? :P
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

  3. #863
    [15:01] <Yale> totally hitable
    [15:02] <Yale> Raven I'd hit

  4. #864
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    I totally need to stay away from IRC even more. Yale screwed it up for y'all.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #865
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Totally out of context.. The word LOLI was not even mentioned once in your Post, Kai..

  6. #866
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven
    Never more.
    Just quoting the raven. kekekekekekekeke
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #867
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Just quoting the raven. kekekekekekekeke
    Lol Assertn.

    Yale, you totally did screw everything up, nobody can go in without you claiming to fuck them or have impregnated them.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  8. #868
    Yale doesn't impregnate me, I impregnate him!

  9. #869
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    aww .>>-- I feel the love

  10. #870
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiegel
    Yale doesn't impregnate me, I impregnate him!
    You forgot to add "In soviet russia..." before that.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #871
    Quote Originally Posted by Spade
    You forgot to add "In soviet russia..." before that.
    Sorry.... *Clears throat*

    In Soviet Russia, Yale doesn't Impregnate me, I impregnate Him!

  12. #872
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    Apr 2006
    *runs into thread too late* yes, assasin and i have friends in common. it's strange and freaky.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Well, if you had been there and had known she's from GW, just imagine what would have happened when you had called her from across the room: "Hey, I'm Assassin!" at a wedding.

    She could have only answered: "Please, not at my friend's wedding! Can't you let me live at least till tomorrow?"
    haha honestly, i wouldn't have recognized him. probably would've stared blankly at him and then spent the rest of the night wondering who the hell "assasin" was

  13. #873
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    Lol that was like me when I had `a50 standing a foot away from me with the words coming out of his mouth "Is your name Iridani, cuz I'm `a50!" and I just stared for a good minute or two before I realized what it meant XD Was a tad slow on the uptake that night...
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

  14. #874
    I'm going to become a wedding crasher.

    You can donate to my fund.

  15. #875
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    May 2005
    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    [11:22] <Yale> You won't get pussy in England .. your just a commoner there ;p
    [11:22] <Yuki|Work> its hard to see the core on him
    [11:22] <Yale> plus you can be like.. Hajimemashite.. and they will be impressed
    [11:22] <Wilik> I remember I saw this pic of terra once
    [11:22] <Thi3f> Yale, true, but Brighton!
    [11:22] <Wilik> and he looked like a chick
    [11:22] <Yale> and they will try to speak in english with you
    [11:22] <Wilik> and I was like "man i'd fuck her"
    [11:22] <Thi3f> lol
    [11:22] <Wilik> then I found out it was terra
    [11:22] <Yale> xD
    [11:22] <Yale> Id fuck terra ;(
    [11:23] <Wilik> yea, me too probably
    [11:23] <Yale> lol
    [11:23] <Masa> ...
    [11:23] <Wilik> dot dot dot!
    [11:23] <Yuki|Work> lol
    [11:24] <Wilik> lol
    [11:24] <Wilik> masa is like super happy
    [11:24] <Wilik> because I said something gay
    [11:24] <Yale> :X
    [11:24] <Masa> something uber gay
    [11:24] <Thi3f> Now all you should show your pics too
    [11:25] <Wilik> I think i'd fuck prince too
    [11:25] <Yale> god I havent been following any gotwoot forum stuff this week.. been too busy
    [11:25] <Thi3f> Cause I can't remember seeing any of you
    [11:25] <Wilik> if that makes you feel any different
    [11:25] <Yale> I wouldnt fuck prince..
    [11:25] <Wilik> everyone wants to fuck prince
    [11:25] <Yale> He is totally a top.. even though he look slike a bottom
    [11:25] <Wilik> well
    [11:25] <Wilik> im not a bottom
    [11:25] <Wilik> and I can over power him
    [11:25] <Wilik> so no big deal

    also #mangatraders is the new place to be, just so you all know

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  16. #876
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    In my own little world
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    [11:22] <Yale> You won't get pussy in England .. your just a commoner there ;p
    [11:22] <Yuki|Work> its hard to see the core on him
    [11:22] <Yale> plus you can be like.. Hajimemashite.. and they will be impressed
    [11:22] <Wilik> I remember I saw this pic of terra once
    [11:22] <Thi3f> Yale, true, but Brighton!
    [11:22] <Wilik> and he looked like a chick
    [11:22] <Yale> and they will try to speak in english with you
    [11:22] <Wilik> and I was like "man i'd fuck her"
    I love how that came out of nowhere. Even if there was some context left out of an earlier convo, I'm gonna pretend there wasn't.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  17. #877
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    [ 22:22:53 ] *[ Guardmonkey10 ] eh?
    [ 22:23:02 ] *[ Guardmonkey10 ] sweet
    [ 22:23:05 ] *[ Guardmonkey10 ] hentai rocks
    [ 22:23:32 ] *[ +Masa ] GO GO GO GO GO
    [ 22:23:35 ] *[ +Masa ] and enjoy my yaoi hentai!
    [ 22:23:41 ] *[ +Masa ] or the other straight shit
    [ 22:23:42 ] *[ &Budweineken ] you're sick
    [ 22:23:50 ] *! +Masa coughs on Bud
    [ 22:26:11 ] *[ &Budweineken ] Oh Masa, if you haven't noticed yet... the Yankees lost.
    [ 22:26:18 ] *[ +Masa ] get AIDS, Bud
    [ 22:26:22 ] *[ Guardmonkey10 ] ROFL
    [ 22:26:28 ] *[ &Budweineken ] you'll probably get it before me
    [ 22:26:43 ] *[ &Budweineken ] with all your ass-fucking and all
    [ 22:26:46 ] *[ Guardmonkey10 ] yeah, anal sex causes a lot of tearing..
    [ 22:26:50 ] *[ Guardmonkey10 ] LOL

  18. #878
    I got bored enough today to do this, It is a stats page for both the #gotwoot and #mangatraders channels on the Gotwoot IRC. It is extremely incomplete as I do not have the best log files, it is pretty much from March of 2007 on. So, here it is for the masses to enjoy!

  19. #879
    [20:22] <Y> brb
    [20:22] <Y> tornado
    [20:23] * Quits: Y ( (Quit: )
    [20:23] <Assassin> lol wtf
    [20:23] <_kAi_> heh
    [20:23] <Dark_Sage> it's a midwestern thing
    [20:23] <Assassin> man, if he dies in a tornado, it'll be so funny
    [20:23] <_kAi_> lol
    [20:23] <Dark_Sage> People think the tornado will somehow cause their computers to electrocute them
    [20:24] <_kAi_> opposed to the tornado running into there house and crushing them
    [20:24] <_kAi_> or throwing them around the city
    [20:24] <Dark_Sage> If the tornado was that close they'd really hear it
    [20:24] <Dark_Sage> Most people have some sort of shelter against it
    [20:26] <st33v> it'd be funny if Y's body is thrown through assassin's window
    [20:26] <st33v> via the tornado
    [20:26] <Assassin> lol
    [20:26] <_kAi_> Assassin would jump on his gay ass
    [20:26] <Assassin> i totally would
    [20:26] <st33v> assassin would check the pulse first
    [20:26] <Assassin> but i'd do it fast, before he died. im not into that whole dead thing >.>
    [20:27] <st33v> he'd have a doctor in the room to confirm the moment when he's clinically dead
    [20:27] <Assassin> lol
    [20:28] <st33v> you sick fuck
    [20:28] <Assassin> no necrophelic ass pounding for me, no sir
    [20:28] <Dark_Sage> What's wrong with necrophilia?
    [20:28] <Assassin> its only for zombies
    [20:29] <Dark_Sage> The body doesn't decay for a while
    [20:29] <Dark_Sage> No zombie there.
    [20:29] <Assassin> but the lack of blood flow = no warm flesh
    [20:29] <Assassin> which is essential when engaging in sodomy
    [20:30] <Dark_Sage> Microwave it.
    [20:30] <Assassin> radiation can kill you
    [20:30] <Assassin> dont want radioactive zombies
    [20:30] <Dark_Sage> Hair dryer then?
    [20:31] <Assassin> no, there is no substitute for blood flow
    [20:31] <Dark_Sage> You are too picky.
    [20:31] <Assassin> believe me, i've tried
    [20:31] <Assassin> >.> <.<
    [20:31] <Dark_Sage> If your penis is hard enough, you can do anything.
    [20:31] <Dark_Sage> Coat it in plaster if need be.
    [20:32] <Assassin> plaster condom
    [20:32] <Dark_Sage> Exactly. Can't be too safe when dealing with the dead.
    [20:32] <Assassin> well this conversation, which started from Y being in a tornado, has officially lost all meaning
    [20:33] <st33v> lol
    [20:33] <Dark_Sage> Meanings are for the weak.

  20. #880
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    May 2005
    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    that was perhaps the best thing i've ever heard out of that Sage kid...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

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