ROFL kai, thats awesome
[22:25] <TwisT> but if you say next is gonna rock i hope your talking about "that" ^^
[22:26] <Budweineken> not only "that", but "those" also happen
[22:26] <TwisT> :O
[22:27] <TwisT> do "those" happen anything in this episode?
[22:27] <Budweineken> a little bit of "this"
I thought this to be quite the exchange of words
I'm official.
After Joker-kun shows us a picture of his baby
[16:10] <DS> thats a HUGE picture
[16:10] <Arcness> lol cute kid le jokerrrrrrrr~~~~
[16:10] <Joker-kun> I didn't feel like resizing
[16:10] <Kraco> She looks about ready to start to watch anime.
[16:10] <DS> you could make like a poster out of that >_>
[16:10] <Joker-kun> thanks...
[16:10] <Arcness> whats her name?
[16:10] <Deadfire> Joker-chan
[16:11] <Assassin> joker, you should change her name to something else, just to piss off the mother
[16:12] <Arcness> her long name would be Elhaym
[16:12] <Arcness> ZOMG I WANT A KID
[16:12] <Arcness> just to name it
[23:38] <Deadfire> playing: "Deadfire - Dragonoutlaw sucks" [128kbps][44kHz][Stereo]
[23:39] <Knives> It even has bad kbps, haha
[23:39] <DO> its called bitrate
[23:40] <DO> I'm cool if I get my own song
[23:40] <Knives> But it's portraying you in a negative way.
[23:40] <Knives> I don't really see that as a complement..
[23:40] <DO> Still its cool
[23:41] * DO has a song
Last edited by Deadfire; Sat, 01-27-2007 at 01:00 AM.
image fail!
[14:57] <Deadfire> so
[14:58] <Deadfire> it's my sister's birthday today
[14:58] <Deadfire> I have 14 little girls aged 9 yelling like crazy
[14:58] <_kAi_> does she want cock for her birthday?
[14:58] <_kAi_> ok then.
[14:58] <Deadfire> she is 9 kai
[14:58] <Assassin> lol kai
[14:58] <_kAi_> well, i just found that out
[14:58] <Deadfire> Kai you like them young eh?
[14:58] <_kAi_> only your sister
[14:59] <Deadfire> ....
[14:59] * Deadfire sets mode: +b *!*@kai.sublime.voodoo
[14:59] * _kAi_ was kicked by Deadfire (you get the fuck away from my sister)
Why does KAI like 29 year olds?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
[20:12] <complich8> ok, here's my plan
[20:12] <Wilik> fuckin Assassin
[20:12] <complich8> basically: step 1: ignore wilik
[20:12] <Assassin>
[20:12] <Deadfire> lol
[20:12] * Wilik has left #gwstaff
[20:12] <Budweineken> lol
[20:12] <Assassin> haha
[20:12] <complich8> hey, that worked =D
<Yukimura> DF!
<Yukimura> help!
<Deadfire> what?
<Yukimura> my dad's computer is beeping periodically at bootup
<DS> vga card dead
<DS> replace
<Yukimura> that might explain the black screen
image fail!
Unban me from the channel, homophobes!
Terra seemed to have gotten lost....
On Rizon
<Terracosmo>- please unban me from the channel
<Deadfire> what channel?
<Terracosmo> gw
<Deadfire> your not banned
<Deadfire> or blocked
<Terracosmo> * You were kicked from #gotwoot by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)
<Deadfire> lol
<Deadfire> thats on rizon
<Deadfire> your on rizon you dumbass
<Terracosmo> oh fuck
<Terracosmo> where is the goddamn channel then
<Deadfire> #gotwoot
On Gotwoot
* Terracosmo has joined #gotwoot
<Terracosmo> there we go
<Terracosmo> I fail at the internet
<Deadfire> you fail at IRC Terra
<Deadfire> you're lucky I was there
<Arcness> DF you dont have a life
<Arcness> where else would you be?
image fail!
Fucking shit!! It's conspiracy da yo!!!
<Terracosmo> I wouldn't mind waking up in the morning next to this
* Chaos is never clicking Terra's links again
<Terracosmo> surrender to my love!
<Arcness> !kb Chaos Surrender to his love
* Gotwoot sets mode: +b *!*
* You were kicked by Gotwoot (Surrender to his love)
* Rejoined channel #gotwoot
<Arcness> !kb Chaos Surrender to his love again
* Gotwoot sets mode: +b *!*
* You were kicked by Gotwoot (Surrender to his love again)
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
[22:05] <Terracosmo> yeah during the sex I was like "aahhh ja da!! watashi wa virgin da!!" with my best japanese and the guy was like "mwhaahahaha RASENGAN!" and I had orgasms
lol i can't stop laughing at that one. hahahaha RASENGAN!Originally Posted by Assassin
i saved a unicorn
[22:50] <z> i had mozzarella cheese today Spiegel do dont go there >.>
[22:52] <Spiegel-Laptop> z, i will have terra f*** the cheese right out of your ass
[22:52] <Chaos> diagram?
[22:52] <Spiegel-Laptop> and i am sure assassin will be videotaping it
[22:53] <z> lmao
[22:53] <Spiegel-Laptop> i made too many diagrams yesterday lol
[22:53] <Spiegel-Laptop> just look at the horse one and that can be z too
[22:53] <z> a horse
[22:53] <Spiegel-Laptop> hey, horses have big dicks
[23:02] <Chaos>
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
OMFG LOL!! knives in the distance has the funny-as-hell-yet-disgusting-at-the-same-time thing mastered! I like the director glasses on Assassin
lol knives in the distance...hahahaha![]()
i saved a unicorn
-_- that's not funny
R.I.P Captain America.
And terra is dealt another minority card to add to his hand.Originally Posted by Terracosmo
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
he was dealt nothing. Hardcore buttsm3cks earned him that card.![]()
...he did a lot more than just buttsm3cking from what i read. Comeon, at least give him the cred. he deserves. He needs his street rep.
i saved a unicorn
[22:41] <Deadfire> besides we are colder then sack...sacka.... that square like province
[22:41] <Assassin> sasquatch
[22:42] <Assassin> its more of a parallellapiped
[22:42] <Deadfire> it's a silly place
[22:42] <BroRapist> trapezoid
[22:42] <BroRapist> it's nice shape
[22:42] <Deadfire> full of farmers
[22:42] <Deadfire> and a city named regina
[22:42] <Deadfire> that sounds like vagina
[22:43] <Assassin> it should be renamed vagina
[22:43] <BroRapist> vegina
[22:43] <Assassin> it'll pick up in tourism overnite
[22:43] <Deadfire> people would quickly leave however
[22:43] <Deadfire> as there isn't much there
[22:44] <Assassin> it should be the las vegas of canada
[22:44] <Assassin> man, i should be prime minister. i'd totally own this country
[22:45] <Deadfire> then the natives would get angry
[22:45] <Deadfire> but what else is new
[22:45] <BroRapist> the prime minister has to be white
[22:45] <Assassin> i'll give them free gas for a year
[22:45] <Assassin> and then they'll sniff them selves to death
[22:45] <Assassin> brown PM in 2025!
[22:45] <Deadfire> give them smallpox bankets like the americans did
[22:46] <Assassin> lol, complete pwnage