Story time with KitKat is fun.... This should be a weekly event.
good job KitKat. very sweet.
Story time with KitKat is fun.... This should be a weekly event.
good job KitKat. very sweet.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
I should've known that GW was going to be in that story. She plays it like crack heads snort crack(along with others on that channel.)![]()
R.I.P Captain America.
Question: Who really understands Knives122?
<Knives122> Oh yeah joker, heath ledger is playing you in The Dark Knight
<Joker-kun> Knives... ima be honest, I have no fucking clue what you're talking about
<Knives122> The new batman movie?
<AvatarofMalice> you fail
<Knives122> you know, the sequel?
<z> Batman Ends
<z> OoOoOoOoO
<^ness> joker, you know why you dont understand knives? Because your mother and father arent brother and sister like knives' parents
<Knives122> that's not the title
<Joker-kun> oh... I havn't heard a batman joke about me in awhile...
<Joker-kun> rofl hakuness
<Knives122> -_-
<Knives122> My parents aren't related
<Joker-kun> haha! and he actually defends it
<^ness> XD
<Joker-kun> that's awesome
<Knives122> ......i hate you all
<Joker-kun> it's mutual, don't worry
* Knives122 walks away with that bruce banner piano music playing in the background
"Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."
If no one knows what the piano music is you can listen to it here(haku found some person playing it on a piano, but I found a mp3 of it )
Sad Music
Last edited by Knives122; Tue, 08-08-2006 at 06:57 PM.
R.I.P Captain America.
OK guys I'm trying to get in to the irc channel, but you lot seem to have dissapeared fromt he address given on the first page of this thread. Can anyone just tell me what I have to type in to the web browser to get to the channel?
do you have mIRC?
I'm official.
Yes, I do. I just want to avoid the hassle of typing shit in to there, would rather do it in a web browser.
Edit: Nevermind, I'm in.
A hulk reference? That's awesome. I used to watch that old show with my dad.
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
Why do I always seem to be the butt of everone's joke on IRC? It's not fair I tells ya.
But you'll all pay soon enough, you'll all pay.
R.I.P Captain America.
awwwww... poor Knives122, you know we only make fun of you because we *cough* you.
Keep that chin up, or you will never see the next hit coming.
and sure I will pay, I don't mind.
and trust me we have all had our fair share of being where you are now.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
<Knives122> -_0
* Carnage knows he wouldnt get it anyway
<Knives122> monocle
<Chaos> did you just wink at me?
<Chaos> fucking queer
<Carnage> its official, hes gay
<Chaos> so now you can marry him
<Carnage> no, no
<Chaos> don't hold back carnage
<Carnage> he winked at you
<Carnage> he doesnt want me
<Assertnfailure> is pretty much every conversation in here the same?
<Carnage> he wants you
<Carnage> yes
<Chaos> nobody wants you
<Knives122> it's a fucking monocle you dickheeds
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Well... here's me drunk at my buddy Robb's house (Joker-R).
[00:55:39] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › hjvfjgjh
[00:55:49] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › 0 zn .,tj kp0klyg
[00:56:44] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › in lekeybord
[00:56:57] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › were druuuunk
[00:57:03] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › haaaaaag
[00:57:12] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › lexfruuunk
[00:57:20] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › drux
[00:57:25] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › srunk
[00:57:27] ‹ z|shana › hmmmmm.......the song finishes before the video does >_>
[00:57:32] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › drunk
[00:57:35] › Kirai|ill wonders if joker-r|joker-kun really just called her a hag
[00:57:47] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › dog11111
[00:57:59] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › l fuclk
[00:58:00] ‹ Kirai|ill › Plastic vicar
[00:58:10] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › high/drubk
[00:58:19] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › 5543
[00:58:41] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › diralexities
[00:58:49] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › plz tell me
[00:58:58] ‹ Kirai|ill › you're making less sense than Israel's foreign policy
[00:59:02] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › diralexities
[00:59:06] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › diralexities
[00:59:10] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › diralexities
[00:59:24] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › m fuck ed
[00:59:36] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › FUUUUUCKED
[01:00:09] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › IM USING NONSCREEEN K BOard
[01:00:28] ‹ Kirai|ill › why would you do that?
[01:00:44] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › lejoker
[01:01:18] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › isdrunk rtypijg u till u drinkuig u
[01:01:25] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › 416
[01:01:55] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › robb fekll asleep
[01:02:06] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › bu t me
[01:02:21] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › m still wawake
[01:02:27] ‹ Kirai|ill › you're still wide awake, and treating me to a wonderful conversation
[01:03:00] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › fuc
[01:03:03] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › yoi
[01:03:09] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › u fck
[01:03:21] ‹ z|shana › gos
[01:03:23] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › im dr00l9ng
[01:03:24] ‹ z|shana › god*
[01:03:36] ‹ z|shana › youre drunk
[01:03:38] ‹ Kirai|ill › insults work so much better when they contain all of the right letters, and in the right order
[01:03:47] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › imsuchjker my feem
[01:03:59] ‹ Kirai|ill › Of coure you are
[01:04:05] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › fuck you
[01:04:10] ‹ Kirai|ill › \o/
[01:04:18] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › hah take that
[01:04:26] › Kirai|ill takes that
[01:05:01] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › df u
[01:05:09] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › la f u
[01:05:18] ‹ Kirai|ill › la no
[01:05:21] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › l fuck u
[01:05:29] ‹ Kirai|ill › No, no you don't :P
[01:05:36] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › la fuck you
[01:06:15] ‹ Kirai|ill › Kretach
[01:06:19] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › im truble sobe
[01:06:20] ‹ Kirai|ill › Go moch ka la
[01:06:32] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › SOBER
[01:06:37] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › I RY
[01:06:42] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › --KUN
[01:06:56] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › JOKERKUUB
[01:07:03] ‹ Kirai|ill › orly
[01:07:25] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › SPINS
[01:07:39] ‹ Kirai|ill › spinnahs for the win!
[01:07:43] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › I HAVE SPINXS --KUN
[01:08:22] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › F U
[01:09:07] ‹ Kirai|ill › how quaint
[01:10:13] ::: Quit: (z|shana) ( (Quit
[01:10:44] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › PINCHED DICK IN ZOOPER
[01:10:51] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › J-KU
[01:10:57] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › N
[01:11:13] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › ZUPER
[01:11:21] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › ZIPPER
[01:11:59] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › LE JOKER DRUK
[01:12:05] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › DRUNK
[01:13:00] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › la pue
[01:13:09] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › puke
[01:13:52] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › Kirai|ill fucu
[01:14:31] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › pbjs
[01:15:42] ‹ joker-r|joker-kun › sleep 4 'e joker
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
<Chaos> isn't it fun when haku and deadfire get off of each other's dick long enough to ban me?
<Chaos> it makes me feel special that i'm the only thing
<Chaos> that will stop their gay sex
<Chaos> for a banning
* Thi3f was kicked by Comrade_Deadfire (Good stuff)
* Comrade_Deadfire sets mode: -b *!*
* Thi3f has joined #gotwoot
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Thi3f
<Thi3f> But you're too busy to suck up to ChariLaX
<Chaos> i say something to haku, deadfire comes to the rescue...i wonder why haku won't rescue himself and vice-versa
* Arcness sets mode: +b *!*
<Chaos> you'll notice i was talking to deadfire
<Joker-kun> ahaaa
<Chaos> but haku banned me
* You were kicked by Arcness (k, here DF. Haku coming to the rescue....)
And it is revealed....
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
That you are a child playing at being an adult?Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Originally Posted by Kirai no Tenshi
ooooooooooooooooooooo, she called you a child. She said that you are immature.
Choas, raise you head little one. Live again to be banned and kicked another day.![]()
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Closing Link: RyougaZell[***.**.***.*] (User has been banned from Gotwoot (Open proxy found on your host, please visit***.**.***.*))
Teh-D0vil appeared and everything went insane!!
<Chaos> much
<Teh-D0vil> what is it that you desire?
<penpen> a package of ramen noodles
<Chaos> lol
* Teh-D0vil summons a package of ramen noodles for penpen
<penpen> or a broodwich
<ech0> summon boobs
<penpen> :s
<ech0> a package of boobs
* Teh-D0vil notes that these are EVIL ramen noodles
<Chaos> lol
<penpen> instant boobs
<penpen> just add water
<penpen> ?
<Chaos> evil ramen noodles
<Chaos> harder to adjust the taste with flavor packets
* Teh-D0vil summons a package of instant boobs for DO, once again EVIL BOOBS
<ech0> oh those are the best!
<Chaos> you die of hunger before you can get it to taste correctly
<Teh-D0vil> >_> the nipples huge
<Teh-D0vil> thats what makes them evil
<Chaos> lol
<Teh-D0vil> mwa hahah
<penpen> shitting dick nipples?
<Teh-D0vil> dick nipples indeed
<Chaos> :O
<Chaos> ech0 enjoys them all the same @.@
<penpen> this is my new fetish
<penpen> :|
<Chaos> dick nipples?
* Teh-D0vil collects penpen's e-soul
* Teh-D0vil jars the e-soul
<penpen> lols
<DO> sell it on ebay
<penpen> e-soul has firewall
<penpen> PWNT
<Chaos> lol
<Chaos> he's Teh-D0vil
* Teh-D0vil sells it on ebay
<Chaos> he can do anything past firewalls
* Chaos buys it
<Chaos> penpen, I OWN YOU
* IFHTT is tired
* Teh-D0vil makes a pretty evil penny off of penpen's e-soul
* Teh-D0vil buys some D0vil pr0n
<penpen> chaos, you want this package of ramen noodles for that soul you just bought?
<Teh-D0vil> >_>
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Heh. That was pretty hilarious indeed. In an evil way.
That was Lunch, now it's Dinner
Yes it's long but you won't regret reading to the end
* Teh-D0vil eyes the pikachu
* Chaos fires up the pot for Teh-D0vil
* Teh-D0vil has his club
<Pikachu> ahhh!!
* DrAgE boils some water.
* Pikachu runs for his life
<Pikachu> Oh god...
<Knives122> one someone like that would do someting that stupid pikachu
<Kraco> Club? You should have a fork.
<Knives122> *only
* Teh-D0vil runs after the pikachu
* DrAgE closes the door.
* Teh-D0vil clubs in
<Pikachu> r u plannign to boil/barbecue and what esle to me?
* Teh-D0vil hits the temple
* Chaos chucks it into the pot
<Pikachu> PIKACHU!!
* Chaos puts the lid on
<Knives122> shut up pikachu
* Pikachu thundershocks everyone in the room
<darkshadow> GW + pokemon battle team = win
<darkshadow> <_<
<Pikachu> >.>
* Teh-D0vil awaits his pikachu dinner
<Chaos> ^.^
<Teh-D0vil> Chaos call me when its done
* DrAgE adds some seasoning.
<Pikachu> god....
<Pikachu> so cruel
* Chaos puts in the evil spices
* DrAgE chopps some carrots.
<Teh-D0vil> excellent
<Pikachu> Kit, aren't you an animal activist(sp) HELP ME!!
<Chaos> actually she gave him something to help you taste better
<Chaos> i forgot what it was
<LaZie> hmm
* KitKat is confused
<KitKat> oh, marinade, lol
<Chaos> righto
* Pikachu screams loud and clear into Kits ears
<Pikachu> HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Teh-D0vil> mmmm
<Knives122> not righto
<Teh-D0vil> pikachuuuu
* DrAgE silences Pikachu.... now now play nice.
<Chaos> Teh-D0vil, do you like it rare medium or welldone?
* Teh-D0vil sits down at his table
<Pikachu> ......................
* Pikachu cries
* DrAgE takes out the butchers knife.
<Teh-D0vil> uhhh welldone please
<Chaos> Teh-D0vil, pikachu rare might twitch a bit
<Chaos> okay then
* Chaos chucks more evil spices into the pot
* Pikachu evoles into....
* Teh-D0vil readys his fork and knive
* Chaos serves pikachu before he evolves
<Chaos> WALA
* Pikachu is now known as Richu
<Knives122> don't use one of my knives teh-d0vil
<Chaos> my greatest masterpiece
<Richu> T-T
<Knives122> give me back my knife
* Teh-D0vil bites richu's head clean off
* Teh-D0vil chews some
<Richu> Ouch...
* Teh-D0vil swallows
<Richu> soooo mean T-T
* DrAgE looks on
<Richu> Kit, your not my friend anymore T-T
* Teh-D0vil forks the rest of richu and eats it
<Chaos> lol
<Richu> ....
<KitKat> Who's Richu?
<Richu> ....
<Chaos> pikachu
<Chaos> lol
<LaZie> it wasnt a pleasant sight
<Richu> a0er9u3j-o0awejf-]
* Teh-D0vil 24 hours later
<Teh-D0vil> uhhh
<Chaos> oh wait Teh-D0vil
* Richu is now known as GhostofRichu
* Teh-D0vil takes his newspaper and walks to the shitter
<darkshadow> richu = lucifus
<Chaos> >.>
<Chaos> oh god
<DrAgE> lol
* Chaos evacuates everybody
<GhostofRichu> I've come back to haunt you!
<KitKat> Oh, right, Lucifus
* Teh-D0vil craps out the richu parts
<KitKat> Sorry dude, didn't realize you'd turned into a pokemon
<GhostofRichu> rofl xD
<GhostofRichu> hah
* Teh-D0vil flushes
<IFHTT|away> back
* Teh-D0vil washes his hands and walks out of the washroom
<IFHTT> i'm pissed
<Teh-D0vil> eat a pokemon
<Teh-D0vil> its awesome
<DrAgE> welcome back
<GhostofRichu> Thats just great, the members of gotwoot ate me...
<IFHTT> ok
<Teh-D0vil> ive ate 2
<Teh-D0vil> a pikachu and a richu
<Chaos> lol
<darkshadow> richu is that a pokemon??
<Chaos> GhostofRichu, change into something else so we can cook you
<LaZie> isnt it Raichu?
<GhostofRichu> ...
<darkshadow> raichu
<Thi3f> It's Raichu
<Chaos> lol
<GhostofRichu> :O
<Thi3f> Everyone knows that
<Teh-D0vil> lol
<GhostofRichu> rofl
* Teh-D0vil runs up to lazie
* Teh-D0vil clubs in
<DO> im confused
<DO> who is who
* Teh-D0vil hits the temple
* Teh-D0vil eats lazie
<Thi3f> DO, mass whois!
* Chaos gets the broth ready
<LaZie> hmm
<Yukimura> *assh@
* LaZie was kicked by Teh-D0vil (Youve been eaten)
<DrAgE> no darkshadow, it seems that there are no takers
<Chaos> lol
* LaZie has joined #gotwoot
<LaZie> ...
<IFHTT> with about 2 bullets
<GhostofRaichu> lol
<Yukimura> why is there so much activity in here...
<Chaos> another LaZie! IFHTT, wanan eat him?
<darkshadow> >_>
<Teh-D0vil> eat him
<GhostofRaichu> LETS PARTY!!
* IFHTT eats LaZie
<Teh-D0vil> haha
* LaZie was kicked by Teh-D0vil (You've been eaten, by TT)
<GhostofRaichu> rofl
<Chaos> we need to open up a restraunt
<Chaos> "chez pokemon"
<darkshadow> lol
<Chaos> GhostofRaichu why are you still here?
* z has joined #gotwoot
<GhostofRaichu> Lets Eat Teh-D0vil!!
<Knives122> -_-
* Teh-D0vil eats GhostofRaichu
<GhostofRaichu> ftw!! o.0
<DrAgE> Teh-D0vil, won
<z> GhostofRaichu?
<GhostofRaichu> I'm a ghost!
<GhostofRaichu> YOu can't eat me!!!
<Teh-D0vil> iam teh dovil
z> what did i miss?
* Teh-D0vil clubs Z in the head
* Teh-D0vil eats him
* Teh-D0vil eats Lazie and thus the GhostofRaichu
* Chaos fires up the pot
* Chaos ignores everyone and adds the spices, and carrots
<Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate> DON'T YOU EVER GET FULL?
<Teh-D0vil> lol
* Chaos casually walks past Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate
* Chaos clubs him
<Teh-D0vil> iam teh-D0vil
<Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate> ......
* Chaos drags him to the pot
<Teh-D0vil> lol
<Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate> I AM THE F*CKING DEVIL!
* Chaos ignores him continously
* Chaos closes the lid
* Chaos begins looking for the celery
* Chaos finds it, and adds it in
<Teh-D0vil> mmmm devil
* Chaos continues ignoring Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate's actions
<Chaos> alright
<Teh-D0vil> keep going chaos
* Teh-D0vil sits down in his normal table
<Knives122> me thinks I'll come back later
<Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate> You only have celery?
* Chaos throws the half alive Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate onto the plate
<Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate> wheres the main course?
<Chaos> we're eating flambe!
* Teh-D0vil sets mode: +b *!*
* Chaos lights it on fire
<Chaos> dig in
* Knives122 was kicked by Teh-D0vil (/me eats knives)
<Teh-D0vil> chaos iam good for now
* Lucifus-TheDevilIncarnate comes back to life for he is almighty!@
<Teh-D0vil> place lucifus in the fridge
<Teh-D0vil> for later
* DrAgE sets mode: -b *!*
<Chaos> Teh-D0vil, everybody else was a good audience
<Chaos> we'll throw them some flaming meat
<Teh-D0vil> lol
* DrAgE is a vegan from today onward
<Teh-D0vil> how many people have I eaten today?
<DrAgE> 5
Thus ends this chapter in dining with Teh-d0vil.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba