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Thread: IRC (now w/ weddings)

  1. #581
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    * T_T was kicked by Fire_of_Dead (Idiot)
    * T_T has joined #gotwoot
    <T_T> wtf?
    <T_T> what did i do?
    * T_T is now known as Z
    <Z> i take that kick,why to the heart man
    <Z> it hurt like a bitch
    <Fire_of_Dead> start making sense, Z
    <Z> * You were kicked by Fire_of_Dead (Idiot) <<
    <Fire_of_Dead> and?
    <Fire_of_Dead> are you not for flooding?
    <Z> im saying it hurt my feelers :P
    <Fire_of_Dead> I'm very sure you got how i came up with that insult
    <Z> yeah...
    <Fire_of_Dead> I just...
    <Fire_of_Dead> I Hate Everything About You
    <Fire_of_Dead> thats all
    <Fire_of_Dead> nothing personal
    image fail!

  2. #582
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    You know you're the wisest man around when you must resort to quoting yourself.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #583

    KitKat shows her claws

    [02:45:03] <Yale> Ok.. do.. I need to vamoose.. sooo.. /silence me
    [02:45:07] <Yale> so I cant talk..
    [02:45:13] <Yale> just for tonight
    [02:45:15] <Yale> or /shun
    [02:45:16] <Yale> >.>
    [02:45:19] * Quits: Yale ( (Killed (DragonOutlaw (/silence me )))
    [02:45:24] <Bung> lol
    [02:45:28] <DrAgE> lol
    [02:45:32] <KitKat> hehe
    [02:45:52] * Joins: Yale (
    [02:45:59] <DrAgE> he is back
    [02:46:03] <Yale> >.>
    [02:46:04] <Yukimura> lol, couldn't stay away
    [02:46:08] <DrAgE> i thought he had to sleep
    [02:46:14] <Yukimura> he's a liar!
    [02:46:14] <DragonOutlaw> go to sleep yale
    [02:46:46] * KitKat sets mode: +b *!*
    [02:46:47] * Yale was kicked by KitKat (This is for your own good :P)
    [02:47:02] <DragonOutlaw> omg!
    [02:47:06] <DragonOutlaw> sarah banned someone
    [02:47:13] <KitKat> Hehe
    [02:47:39] <DrAgE> this has to be recorded

  4. #584
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    [13:06] <Genji> kai, werent you pissed when the ref gave the penalty?
    [13:06] <Genji> i know i was
    13:06] <Chaos> * Topic is 'FIFA refs need to be fired!'
    [13:06] <Chaos> * Set by _kAi_ on Tue Jun 27 08:54:11
    [13:07] <Chaos> ...i'd say he's pretty pissed
    [13:08] <_kAi_> pissed?
    [13:08] <_kAi_> my god i was fucken angry
    [13:08] <Chaos> ......aka pissed?
    [13:08] <Chaos>
    [13:08] <_kAi_> worse
    [13:08] <_kAi_> angry > pissed
    [13:08] <Genji> furious?
    [13:08] <Chaos> enraged?
    [13:08] <Random> homocidal?
    [13:08] <_kAi_> stfu
    13:08] * Chaos pulls out a theasaurus
    13:08] <Chaos> ....
    13:09] <Chaos> irate?
    13:10] <Chaos> infuriated?
    [13:10] <Chaos> irate
    [13:10] <Chaos> livid
    [13:10] <Chaos> .....
    [13:10] <Thi3f> erected
    4[13:10] <Chaos> *rimshot*
    [13:10] <Random> lol
    [13:10] <Genji> LOL at mangatraders topic

    3[13:10] * Set by _kAi_ on Mon Jun 26 23:45:20
    [13:11] <Arcness> Dont you touch my fake gold

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  5. #585
    Goddammit. Somebody unban me. all I said was that Super Man Returns sucked.

  6. #586
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    Goddammit. Somebody unban me. all I said was that Super Man Returns sucked.
    It might take a superman to unban you. And after what you said... I just don't know if even the superman is forgiving enough.

  7. #587
    [23:39] * Arcness is now known as Arcness|Sleeping
    [23:39] <Arcness|Sleeping> as my name denotes
    [23:39] <Arcness|Sleeping> ;p
    [23:39] <Arcness|Sleeping> later DF
    [23:40] * Deadfire is now known as DF_SLEEP
    [23:40] <DF_SLEEP> you too
    [23:40] <Chaos> ..
    [23:40] <Chaos> if they both go to sleep at the same time
    [23:40] <Chaos> isn't it a big possibility that they're sleeping with each other?
    [23:40] * Arcness|Sleeping sets mode: +b *!*
    [23:40] * Chaos was kicked by DF_SLEEP (Nope)
    [23:40] <Arcness|Sleeping> lol
    [23:40] <Arcness|Sleeping> double team
    [23:41] <DF_SLEEP> thats fucking team work
    [23:41] <Arcness|Sleeping> awesome
    [23:41] * Arcness|Sleeping highfives
    [23:41] * DF_SLEEP highfives

  8. #588
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    hmm....I never noticed that happened....

    Also, who gives high fives while sleeping with each other?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  9. #589
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    We all knew Carnage was a 14 year old who liked watching naked anime girls bounce around...however what we all inferred was proven true today.

    <Nasphreak29> ...go find some yaoi for ya
    <Jeffrey> mmmmmmmmmmm

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  10. #590
    ^^ I hate you lol, jk (Im going to kill you)

    Edit to post after: I'm not angry.........
    Last edited by Carnage; Sat, 07-08-2006 at 06:03 PM.

  11. #591
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    I'd sarcastically tell you "and I love you too" however, I'm not sure how far you'd take it and I don't need you calling me up for a date.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #592
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    More people need to come into the Channel. Chaos, stop scaring people off with your stupidity.

    People, get in here.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  13. #593

    IFHTT is an idiot when high

    [00:07:43] <IFHTT> Note to self: pouring lighter fluid on your hand then lighting it on fire is not fun
    [00:07:57] <Yukimura> wow
    [00:08:00] <vampie117> lmao
    [00:08:02] <vampie117> wtf?
    [00:08:14] <IFHTT> <_<
    [00:08:14] <Yukimura> you're a fucking genius TonTon...
    [00:08:20] <IFHTT> I just doused my hand in lighter fluid
    [00:08:30] <vampie117> were you high?
    [00:08:33] <IFHTT> and figured what the hell it'll just burn the fluid off
    [00:08:47] <Yukimura> ummm hair...
    [00:08:55] <vampie117> he was high
    [00:08:55] <IFHTT> yeah
    [00:09:01] <IFHTT> found this out the hard way
    [00:09:13] <Yukimura> so is all of it gone?
    [00:09:22] <IFHTT> quite a bit yes
    [00:09:26] <Yukimura> pic?
    [00:09:29] <IFHTT> hang on
    [00:09:32] <IFHTT> lol
    [00:09:33] <Yukimura> this is too funny
    [00:09:35] <vampie117> when was this?
    [00:09:43] <IFHTT> about 10 minutes ago
    [00:09:44] <vampie117> send it to me too plz xD
    [00:09:45] <Genji> ROFL tonton
    [00:09:47] <IFHTT> lol
    [00:09:58] <Genji> dont you know hair already burns like crazy
    [00:09:59] <Yukimura> take the pic, then post, then go the the hospital...
    [00:10:00] <Genji> xD
    [00:10:16] <vampie117> THIS WAS JUST NOW
    [00:10:26] <vampie117> HOW OLDARE YOU!??! -_-
    [00:10:31] <IFHTT> 20
    [00:10:34] <Deadfire> lol
    [00:10:41] <Yukimura> he's from Arkansas...
    [00:10:44] <vampie117> please tell me you were at least drunk or something -_-
    [00:10:50] <IFHTT> i was high
    [00:10:53] <IFHTT> you called it
    [00:10:56] <vampie117> oh okay
    [00:11:01] <Genji> lol hair burns so freaking fast
    [00:11:02] <vampie117> i'd be scared
    [00:11:02] <Genji> haha
    [00:11:08] <IFHTT> i still figured it wouldn't burn that bad
    [00:11:10] <Genji> and you burned it with lighter fluid on it, hahahah
    [00:11:58] <Yukimura> what sequence of events led to you being high and having lighter fluid in a position to spill all over your hand...
    [00:12:22] * Genji is dying of laughing
    [00:12:27] <vampie117> lol note to self: keep flammible fluids away before getting high

    My Favorite Part!
    [00:12:29] <IFHTT> well it wasn't really so much an accident
    [00:12:37] <IFHTT> as an experiment

    [00:13:06] <Yukimura> the plot thickens, this was premeditated...
    [00:13:53] <Aiham> That reminds me of when the father burnt his hand in "Me and You and Everyone We Know"
    [00:14:03] <Aiham> I don't think he was high though.
    [00:14:54] * Yukimura gives IFHTT 'the Prize'
    [00:15:09] <IFHTT> <_<
    [00:15:12] <Genji> damn someone needs to post this on gotwoot
    [00:15:23] <Yukimura> i'm already planning to
    [00:15:31] <Yukimura> i'm just waiting for the pic

    And a little sanity check

    [00:16:24] <IFHTT> it smells so bad
    [00:22:29] <IFHTT> it still smells like burnt hair
    [00:23:04] <Yukimura> did it hurt?
    [00:23:20] <IFHTT> it got warm
    [00:23:24] <IFHTT> it didn't burn bad
    [00:25:14] <IFHTT> also I didn't just let it burn, i put it out quick
    [00:27:33] <Yukimura>
    [00:27:37] <Yukimura> the aftermath
    [00:27:50] <IFHTT> lol
    [00:27:59] <IFHTT> it didn't burn like a wild fire
    [00:28:16] <IFHTT> although had it spread down arm, i'd have probably shit myself

    This happend in #Mangatraders but since most involved were GWers anyway I just had to post it. I edited out most of vampie117 and my dumbest comments, IFHTT seems to have learned from his mistake, however if any of you guys get high on a regular basis...stay the fuck away from flammable liquids for Chrsts sake!

    EDIT: you doubters were right!

    [00:38:50] <IFHTT> confession: I just said I was high to hide my stupidity...
    [00:38:57] <IFHTT> <_<
    [00:39:06] <IFHTT> i was sober...

    IFHTT is in fact a raging lunatic and needs to be stopped
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 07-17-2006 at 11:40 PM.

  14. #594
    <Insert valid defense here>

    Well What can I say? I excel in stupidity. And yes I wasn't high but I wasn't being very bright either... I will however agree with Yuki, in that I am in fact a raging lunatic and need to be stopped. I willl also agree with Arcness, more people need to get in the channel to experience this kind of stupidity from the front line.

  15. #595
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    <_____> you'd think the church would be all over in vitro, cuz then peole don't have any sex ata ll
    <Thi3f> I chat with an azn gurl in california who's parents are total whackos, they kicked her older sister out of the house for having sex when she was 18
    <Genji> lol
    <Chaos> what the fuck?
    <_____> you mean vampie?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  16. #596
    IRC ADMIN DO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcness
    More people need to come into the Channel. Chaos, stop scaring people off with your stupidity.

    People, get in here.
    Indeed. Where else can people get abused by me?

  17. #597

    The Brink of War!!!!

    Canada and the US dance to the edge and back over two well loved members of the GW community.

    KitKat considers a job in the US, Idaho to be precise...sheis not particulary interested
    [18:49:34] <KitKat> Meh, it's not too hard for Canadians to get jobs in the US
    [18:50:12] * Yukimura burns the plans for the marry KitKAt to get her a visa consest
    [18:50:28] <Yukimura> Void in Washington State... [[Can't have Zinobi winning]]
    [18:50:32] <KitKat> lol
    [18:52:29] <Arcness> once you leave
    [18:52:32] <Arcness> you cant come back
    [18:53:06] <Yukimura> lol, the American taint will spread throughout your soul if you stay too long and live amongst us
    [18:53:21] <KitKat> No way! I'll always be completely Canadian
    [18:53:33] <Arcness> not to us
    [18:53:42] <Arcness> your canadian side will be dead to us fellow canadians
    [18:54:06] <KitKat>
    [18:54:07] <complich8ed> someday, we damned arrogant americans will win KitKat over
    [18:54:11] <complich8ed> and then she'll become one of us
    [18:54:14] <complich8ed> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    [18:54:15] <Yukimura> damn right!
    [18:54:17] <complich8ed> AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    [18:54:19] <complich8ed> HAHAHAHA
    [18:54:20] <complich8ed> HA
    [18:54:22] <complich8ed> *cough*
    [18:54:29] <KitKat> o.O
    [18:54:35] <Yukimura> no one can resist our glamour and crazy attitude problems
    [18:54:36] <complich8ed> ( one of us. one of us. ONE OF US! )
    [18:54:47] <Arcness> iam canadian so i cant argue with you guys
    [18:56:00] <Yukimura> at least she won't have to worry about being seduced by some suave guy like in Europe...

    Arcness in his great wisdom, offers an exchange. I am negotiating for the US.
    [18:56:30] <Arcness> ok, we'll trade you
    [18:56:35] <Arcness> kitkat for IFHTT
    [18:56:40] <Yukimura> ?!?!?
    [18:56:50] <Yukimura> you can't do cross gender trades
    [18:56:52] <Arcness> TT wants to be canadian anyways
    [18:56:58] <Arcness> oh we can
    [18:57:24] <KitKat> no, don't trade me away! Then you'll become just like the NHL
    [18:57:46] <Yukimura> it's not fair we get another woman, and no matter how kind and sweet and adorable she is now America will twist her into a cold heartless Ice Princess
    [18:57:56] <Arcness> not our problem
    [18:58:44] <Yukimura> well we'd never accept taking on a potential American Woman without geting rid of one we don't like already
    [19:02:48] <Arcness> no dice
    [19:02:54] <Arcness> TT for Kitkat
    [19:03:17] <Yukimura> no deal
    [19:03:42] <Arcness> yes deal
    [19:03:45] <Yukimura> KitKAt is awesome, but..i can't give him up
    [19:03:54] <Arcness> no dice, he already wants to move
    [19:04:01] <Yukimura> wel he can't
    [19:04:02] <Arcness> Kitkat wants to move ( partly)

    Arcness is pretty stubborn, so I am forced to play hardball
    [19:04:07] <Yukimura> he's been drafted
    [19:04:16] * KitKat doesn't want to move ;_;
    [19:04:29] <Yukimura> see, she doesn't even want to come here
    [19:04:41] <Arcness> drafted = moving to canada to escape the draft
    [19:04:49] <Arcness> there you go TT is coming to canada
    [19:04:53] <Yukimura> if he does that and you don't return him...WAR!
    [19:05:28] <Yukimura> you think Isreal can toss missles at a northern neighbor, wait till you see what we throw at you
    [19:05:37] <Arcness> dont worry we'll just create fear in your country and watch you accuse each other, and ultimately destory each other
    [19:05:56] <Yukimura> lol TonTon of Troy

    At this point complich8 offered KitKat the second slot in his dorm room, and Arcness declared himself the not speaking anymore for an hour. I choose to believe that he was frightened off by the threat of destruction rained on his fair Canada

  18. #598
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    you canadians can't have him, he is an american, they will hunt you down if you take him. Although having KitKat would be really awsome since she is KitKat after all.

    I think you all should compromise on vacationing.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  19. #599
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    Besides, once you're a corrupt American bastard, you'll always be one.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  20. #600
    I hate to say it but Canada looks better every day. I'd leave you guys behind in a heartbeat, given the oppurtunity :P I've never been to Canada but just from what I hear, Canada owns.

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