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Thread: IRC (now w/ weddings)

  1. #481
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    I am Vincent., and i must say it was a blood bath. Sephiroth, owned. But we must not forget that there was one other. The_Kalm_Traveler, infact he is still there in the distance.

    Wilik's testimony, was inspiring. I very much enjoyed it.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  2. #482
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    <Ciber> we know you poor college students can't afford to drink
    [14:23:27] Ciber: did i show you the new GW command bridge? :P
    What? Ciber talking about money? Those have to be edits
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #483
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    ------ Abuse of power can be FUN --------

    [01:44] <Assassin> propose a cool sounding name to use in a mmorpg
    [01:45] <Z> Lecko
    [01:46] <Assassin> i said kool
    [01:46] <Z> Lokar
    [01:46] <Assassin> get off the L's
    [01:46] <Z> Azok
    [01:47] <Assassin> you suck
    [01:47] <Wilik> McGillacuddings
    [01:49] <Z> i got it
    [01:49] <Z> GaylordFocker
    [01:49] <Assassin> wait i have one
    [01:49] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
    [01:49] <Wilik> Fudgepacker?
    [01:49] * Z was kicked by Assassin (kicked)
    [01:49] * Z has joined #gotwoot
    [01:50] <Z> what was that for?
    [01:50] <Assassin> quiet you programming primate
    [01:50] <Z> ooooootaaaaaay
    [01:50] <Wilik> primate?
    [01:50] <Z> yeah im a monkry
    [01:50] <Z> oo
    [01:50] <Z> oooooo
    [01:50] <Z> ooo
    [01:50] <Wilik> Assassin, dont make me embarise you infront of the newbie
    [01:51] <Assassin> i was talking to Wilik acutally
    [01:51] <Assassin> and niggaplz!
    [01:51] * Assassin has quit IRC (Killed (Wilik (Assassin? how fuckin original is that? come up with something better dumbass)))
    [01:52] * Assassin has joined #gotwoot
    [01:52] <Assassin> monkiplz!


    [09:24] <RedX1> good morning, everyone!
    [09:25] <_kAi_> it's night to you
    [09:25] <Arcness> lol
    [09:25] <RedX1> my clock says different.
    [09:25] <_kAi_> change it
    [09:25] <_kAi_> 23:25:48
    [09:25] <RedX1> make me!
    [09:26] * _kAi_ sets mode: +b RedX1!*@*
    [09:26] <Arcness> lol
    [09:26] <Arcness> he made you alright
    [09:26] <Arcness> lol
    [09:26] <_kAi_> /msg me when you're done
    [09:29] <Arcness> hey Kai
    [09:29] <Arcness> remember that Red guy
    [09:29] <_kAi_> lol
    [09:29] <Arcness> I dont really remember him well, but talked back to you that one day
    [09:29] <_kAi_> yeah i just noticed his msg
    [09:29] <_kAi_> haha
    [09:29] <_kAi_> oh
    [09:29] <_kAi_> someone else i see
    [09:29] * _kAi_ sets mode: -b RedX1!*@*
    [09:30] <RedX1> sheesh..
    [09:30] <Arcness> youre lucky
    [09:30] <Arcness> i said something
    [09:30] <_kAi_> haha
    [09:30] <RedX1> appreciate it.
    [09:30] <_kAi_> yeah
    [09:30] <RedX1> people are so cold this morn.. i mean night..
    [09:31] * Arcness sets mode: +b RedX1!*@*
    [09:31] <Arcness> appreciate it more
    [09:31] * Arcness sets mode: -b RedX1!*@*
    [09:31] <Arcness> :P
    [09:31] <RedX1> having fun?
    [09:31] <Arcness> iam done
    [09:31] <Arcness> lol
    [09:31] <_kAi_> lol
    [09:32] <RedX1> good.. lol.
    [09:33] <RedX1> yet, i still fear you both..
    [09:33] <_kAi_> nothing to fear
    [09:33] <Arcness> ya
    [09:33] <Arcness> except from me and kai
    [09:33] <Arcness> but thats about it
    [09:33] <Arcness> especially kai
    [09:33] <Arcness> but especially me
    [09:34] <Assassin> no ph34r of me?
    [09:35] <_kAi_> who are you?
    [09:35] <Assassin> bob
    [09:35] <Arcness> well
    [09:35] <Arcness> you didnt ban him
    [09:35] <_kAi_> hey junaidbob
    [09:35] <Arcness> turn on that h and show him
    [09:35] <Assassin> im playing nice cop today
    [09:35] <Arcness> liar
    [09:35] <_kAi_> oh ic
    [09:35] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
    [09:35] * RedX1 was kicked by Assassin (haku told me to)
    [09:36] <Arcness> lol i said ban
    [09:36] <Arcness> not kick
    [09:36] * RedX1 has joined #gotwoot
    [09:36] <Assassin> lol, i improvised
    [09:36] <RedX1> why's everyone picking on me?!
    [09:36] <RedX1> damn..
    [09:36] <Arcness> Red
    [09:36] <Assassin> cuz ur a commie bastard!
    [09:36] <Arcness> lol i had a comment
    [09:36] <Arcness> but thats good enough
    [09:36] <Arcness> good one
    [09:36] <Arcness> lol
    [09:36] <Assassin> B)
    [09:37] <RedX1> commie bastard?
    [09:37] <RedX1> where?!
    [09:41] <Arcness> Red if you mess with Kai
    [09:41] <Arcness> this is whats going to happen
    [09:41] <Arcness>
    [09:41] <RedX1> kai has the power to do that?
    [09:42] <Arcness> of course
    [09:43] <Arcness> i've seen him do much worse
    [09:46] <RedX1> really now?
    [09:49] <Arcness> yup
    [09:49] <Arcness> really
    [09:49] <Arcness> dont test him
    [09:50] <RedX1> ahem..
    [09:50] * RedX1 gets ready..
    [09:50] <Assassin> thats quite a punch
    [09:50] * RedX1 runs
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  4. #484
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Best birthday party ever

    [22:14:42] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (happy early bday))).
    [22:14:52] Deadfire: lol nice DO
    [22:15:09] DragonOutlaw: =)
    [22:15:09] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:15:15] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
    [22:15:20] Arcness: lol DO
    [22:15:26] Arcness: thanks
    [22:15:28] Arcness: lol
    [22:15:45] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (WHOESE BIRTHDAY IS IT EVERYONE!?!?!? ITS HAKUS))).
    [22:16:00] darkshadow: rofl
    [22:16:06] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:16:10] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
    [22:16:16] Arcness: Lol
    [22:16:18] Arcness: AGAIN!
    [22:16:19] Vincent: lol
    [22:16:25] DragonOutlaw: Damn right
    [22:16:35] Arcness: no
    [22:16:36] Arcness: again
    [22:16:39] Arcness: i wanna go again
    [22:16:40] Arcness: do it
    [22:16:41] Vincent: third time is the charm
    [22:16:41] Arcness: lol
    [22:16:55] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (M000000000000000000000))).
    [22:17:16] RedX1: then what's the fourth?
    [22:17:18] Z: that isnt relevant to his bday
    [22:17:19] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:17:23] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
    [22:17:27] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (Shut up Z))).
    [22:17:44] Vincent: lol
    [22:17:46] Deadfire: lol
    [22:17:47] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:17:51] DragonOutlaw: :P
    [22:17:52] Arcness: lol
    [22:17:57] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
    [22:18:07] Deadfire: boot DO Arc
    [22:18:14] Deadfire: just try it
    [22:18:17] Vincent: yea
    [22:18:25] *** Z has been kicked from #gotwoot by Arcness: Thanks for getting me kicked
    [22:18:27] *** Z has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:18:29] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: bday kick
    [22:18:29] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:18:29] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.

    *DO then starts doing this many times over*

    [22:21:38] Arcness: i wont even be able to get on the server
    [22:21:44] Arcness: thats gonna be my bday
    [22:21:46] Arcness: lol
    [22:21:52] DragonOutlaw: >.>
    [22:21:53] Arcness: kline
    [22:22:09] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: bday kick
    [22:22:09] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:22:09] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.

    *This starts another chain of boots*

    [22:24:49] Arcness: my friend got whipped before
    [22:25:02] Arcness: lol
    [22:25:10] Z: haku dont wear a hat theyll steal it!!
    [22:25:11] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: lol bday
    [22:25:11] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:25:11] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
    [22:25:12] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: lol bday
    [22:25:12] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:25:13] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
    [22:25:20] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: BRB ACTUALLY
    [22:25:20] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
    [22:25:21] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot

    Giving him a total of 4 kills and 28 boots from the channel.. Happy B-day Haku!
    image fail!

  5. #485
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Bump, If anyone has any questions ask Deadfire

    [13:26:53] *** WebUser8713 has joined #gotwoot.
    [13:27:08] WebUser8713: hello
    [13:27:12] Deadfire: Well a webuser has joined
    [13:27:18] darkshadow:
    [13:27:18] Deadfire: hello there
    [13:27:20] Aiham: Hello Webuser.
    [13:27:26] WebUser8713: hi
    [13:27:38] WebUser8713: how cna i download naruto he re?
    [13:27:39] Deadfire: want to pick a nick and chat awhile?
    [13:27:46] WebUser8713: uhm
    [13:27:54] Deadfire: I'm sorry I only understand english
    [13:27:54] WebUser8713: how do i pick a nick?
    [13:28:09] Deadfire: /nick *insert nick here*
    [13:28:10] Aiham: /quit NAME
    [13:28:15] Aiham: Aww.
    [13:28:18] Aiham: Hokay, /nick HAME
    [13:28:20] Aiham: NAME
    [13:28:26] WebUser8713: uhm
    [13:28:26] IFHTT: grab a blanket and a basket of food and go out to a park and pickanick
    [13:28:26] WebUser8713: ok
    [13:28:45] *** WebUser8713 is now known as sasuke.
    [13:28:49] darkshadow: omg
    [13:28:51] Aiham: WOW
    [13:28:51] Aiham: Original!
    [13:28:54] Deadfire: there you go
    [13:29:02] Deadfire: ok now what is the question?
    [13:29:14] sasuke: uhm, i wanted to download some naruto
    [13:29:16] Deadfire: now I will warn you
    [13:29:42] Deadfire: If i can find that answer on our frontpage these guys will insult the shit out of you
    [13:29:42] sasuke: about what?
    [13:29:59] * darkshadow tries not to
    [13:30:00] Vincent: your momma
    [13:30:16] sasuke: uhh
    [13:30:20] sasuke: what?
    [13:30:22] Deadfire: ok what eps of naruto are you looking for?
    [13:30:37] sasuke: 100-133
    [13:30:49] Deadfire:
    [13:31:16] Deadfire: you see thats under the heading torrents on the frontpage
    [13:31:33] sasuke: oh....
    [13:31:33] Deadfire: so I'll allow these guys to do their shit
    [13:31:34] sasuke: err
    [13:31:46] sasuke: how do i use a .torrent file
    [13:31:57] Deadfire: ah now thats a interesting one
    [13:32:13] Deadfire:
    [13:32:19] Deadfire: you find that answer here
    [13:32:31] Deadfire: you need a program to do it
    [13:32:36] sasuke: forum, isnt that a place where people do illegal stuff ?
    [13:32:48] Deadfire: ROFL
    [13:33:03] darkshadow: .....
    [13:33:04] IFHTT: bahaha
    [13:33:09] Aiham: LOL?
    [13:33:21] Deadfire: ok shh everyone again
    [13:33:35] * Aiham shh's
    [13:33:45] * darkshadow sheats katana
    [13:33:49] Deadfire: sasuke, you do understand that you already crossed that line a long time ago right
    [13:34:00] sasuke: uhh really?
    [13:34:11] sasuke: a friend gave me the other episodes
    [13:34:20] sasuke: is that illegal ???
    [13:34:32] Deadfire: in the US it is
    [13:34:54] sasuke: oh
    [13:34:57] sasuke: thats bad right?
    [13:35:05] Deadfire: umm... depends
    [13:35:07] sasuke: can they see what i have on my pc?
    [13:35:11] Deadfire: I can
    [13:35:14] Deadfire: and I am
    [13:35:14] sasuke:
    [13:35:24] *** sasuke has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
    [13:35:30] Aiham: Haha.
    [13:35:31] Deadfire: PWNED!~!!!!
    image fail!

  6. #486
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Heh heh. The end was really great! I wonder if the dude deleted all his episodes before he stopped to think...

    "forum, isnt that a place where people do illegal stuff ?"

    This kid sure knows the truth behind things instinctively.

  7. #487
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Photoshop, Eclipse, Notepad
    Hahaha, LoL. That was great, but still harsh, lol.
    Whats the channel for this Irc? ?
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  8. #488
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....

    check the IRC FAQ.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  9. #489
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    Hahaha, LoL. That was great, but still harsh, lol.
    Whats the channel for this Irc? ? #gotwoot

    or there is the Web interface Found here you need java for it
    image fail!

  10. #490
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Mayonaka TV
    Oh hell. That sasuke-kid was so....


    Hmm... I definitely need to join the chan one of this days...

  11. #491
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Oh hell. That sasuke-kid was so....


    Hmm... I definitely need to join the chan one of this days...
    Why not do it now...

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #492
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    Stop messing with my team mate, he is a busy man . Also he is at work and they block IRC so he can't get on it. But i have a feeling he will find his way to IRC late at night.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  13. #493

  14. #494
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    Someone wanna unban me? "LMAONADE"

    You got your ass banned? who?

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  15. #495
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    wish i could help you there buddy but you have to /msg one of the @ or %..... I think posting it in the IRC FAQ might help.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  16. #496
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Maybe they don’t need a cup of LMAONADE any more.

  17. #497
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    if you find out tell me.....
    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    Someone wanna unban me? "LMAONADE"

    you have been unbanned come back in.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  18. #498
    Oh cool. Ya I was spamming the "Yo mama" jokes. I must admit, they are pretty good.

  19. #499
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    It makes you think doesn't it?

    [20:47:33] Z: DF are hiding a world wanted suspect?
    [20:47:45] Deadfire: It's possible
    [20:47:47] Z: do you know what he did?
    [20:48:38] Z: do you want to know?
    [20:48:44] Z: to bad your gonna know
    [20:49:20] Z: 10 years ago a man going by the name Terra left his homeland of Zanzibar
    [20:49:52] Z: he traveled the world in search of revenge against the world...for his birth
    [20:50:02] Kanbei: what the hell are you talking about
    [20:50:19] Deadfire: it appears he is telling my life story
    [20:50:24] Deadfire: go on Z
    [20:50:31] Knives122: it would be a short
    [20:50:48] Z: on his travels he went to every continent and sexually abused each leader Ghandi, GWB, etc.
    [20:51:39] Z: he has been wanted for several years and we traced his name to a hd an 80 gig harddrive
    [20:52:13] Z: that hardrive was bought from a man in Moscow 9 years ago
    [20:52:33] Z: it seems that that hd has the evidence we need
    [20:52:44] Z: do you have that HARDRIVE?
    [20:53:48] Deadfire: prehaps
    [20:54:05] Z: damn you we are running out of time
    [20:54:38] Knives122: what happens when the time runs out?
    [20:54:45] Z: we need to see what is on that hd we may be able to solve this case
    [20:55:13] Knives122: what case?
    [20:55:23] Z: Terra will have succeeded in giving the world leaders...a virus more deadly than AIDS itself
    [20:56:25] Z: This man we are searching for is not the Terracosmo you know
    [20:56:25] Knives122: super aids?
    [20:56:46] Z: SDVS
    [20:56:59] Z: Super Deadly Virus Syndrome
    [20:57:07] Knives122: is it terras evil counter part?
    [20:57:12] Z: the scientists couldnt name it for some reason
    [20:57:14] Knives122: Evil Terrra
    [20:58:00] Z: the Terracosmo you know is not the man we are looking for Terracosmo's name is like Dio or something
    [20:58:12] Z: Tera is this guys actual name
    [20:58:15] Z: terra
    [21:00:01] Z: if you decide you know anything anything at all heres my card
    [21:00:27] * Z hands Deadfire and Knives122 a blank piece of paper
    [21:00:38] Z: view it under a black light youll see
    [21:01:02] Knives122: Dio is the pic of terra with the pink hair isn't it?
    [21:01:27] * Z walks away like Sherlock Holmes does after he does something really brilliant
    image fail!

  20. #500
    Z for president/prime minister/furher/chairman

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