I am Vincent., and i must say it was a blood bath. Sephiroth, owned. But we must not forget that there was one other. The_Kalm_Traveler, infact he is still there in the distance.
Wilik's testimony, was inspiring. I very much enjoyed it.
I am Vincent., and i must say it was a blood bath. Sephiroth, owned. But we must not forget that there was one other. The_Kalm_Traveler, infact he is still there in the distance.
Wilik's testimony, was inspiring. I very much enjoyed it.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
What? Ciber talking about money? Those have to be edits<Ciber> we know you poor college students can't afford to drink
[14:23:27] Ciber: did i show you the new GW command bridge? :P
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
------ Abuse of power can be FUN --------
[01:44] <Assassin> propose a cool sounding name to use in a mmorpg
[01:45] <Z> Lecko
[01:46] <Assassin> i said kool
[01:46] <Z> Lokar
[01:46] <Assassin> get off the L's
[01:46] <Z> Azok
[01:47] <Assassin> you suck
[01:47] <Wilik> McGillacuddings
[01:49] <Z> i got it
[01:49] <Z> GaylordFocker
[01:49] <Assassin> wait i have one
[01:49] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
[01:49] <Wilik> Fudgepacker?
[01:49] * Z was kicked by Assassin (kicked)
[01:49] * Z has joined #gotwoot
[01:50] <Z> what was that for?
[01:50] <Assassin> quiet you programming primate
[01:50] <Z> ooooootaaaaaay
[01:50] <Wilik> primate?
[01:50] <Z> yeah im a monkry
[01:50] <Z> oo
[01:50] <Z> oooooo
[01:50] <Z> ooo
[01:50] <Wilik> Assassin, dont make me embarise you infront of the newbie
[01:51] <Assassin> i was talking to Wilik acutally
[01:51] <Assassin> and niggaplz!
[01:51] * Assassin has quit IRC (Killed (Wilik (Assassin? how fuckin original is that? come up with something better dumbass)))
[01:52] * Assassin has joined #gotwoot
[01:52] <Assassin> monkiplz!
[09:24] <RedX1> good morning, everyone!
[09:25] <_kAi_> it's night to you
[09:25] <Arcness> lol
[09:25] <RedX1> my clock says different.
[09:25] <_kAi_> change it
[09:25] <_kAi_> 23:25:48
[09:25] <RedX1> make me!
[09:26] * _kAi_ sets mode: +b RedX1!*@*
[09:26] <Arcness> lol
[09:26] <Arcness> he made you alright
[09:26] <Arcness> lol
[09:26] <_kAi_> /msg me when you're done
[09:29] <Arcness> hey Kai
[09:29] <Arcness> remember that Red guy
[09:29] <_kAi_> lol
[09:29] <Arcness> I dont really remember him well, but talked back to you that one day
[09:29] <_kAi_> yeah i just noticed his msg
[09:29] <_kAi_> haha
[09:29] <_kAi_> oh
[09:29] <_kAi_> someone else i see
[09:29] * _kAi_ sets mode: -b RedX1!*@*
[09:30] <RedX1> sheesh..
[09:30] <Arcness> youre lucky
[09:30] <Arcness> i said something
[09:30] <_kAi_> haha
[09:30] <RedX1> appreciate it.
[09:30] <_kAi_> yeah
[09:30] <RedX1> people are so cold this morn.. i mean night..
[09:31] * Arcness sets mode: +b RedX1!*@*
[09:31] <Arcness> appreciate it more
[09:31] * Arcness sets mode: -b RedX1!*@*
[09:31] <Arcness> :P
[09:31] <RedX1> having fun?
[09:31] <Arcness> iam done
[09:31] <Arcness> lol
[09:31] <_kAi_> lol
[09:32] <RedX1> good.. lol.
[09:33] <RedX1> yet, i still fear you both..
[09:33] <_kAi_> nothing to fear
[09:33] <Arcness> ya
[09:33] <Arcness> except from me and kai
[09:33] <Arcness> but thats about it
[09:33] <Arcness> especially kai
[09:33] <Arcness> but especially me
[09:34] <Assassin> no ph34r of me?
[09:35] <_kAi_> who are you?
[09:35] <Assassin> bob
[09:35] <Arcness> well
[09:35] <Arcness> you didnt ban him
[09:35] <_kAi_> hey junaidbob
[09:35] <Arcness> turn on that h and show him
[09:35] <Assassin> im playing nice cop today
[09:35] <Arcness> liar
[09:35] <_kAi_> oh ic
[09:35] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
[09:35] * RedX1 was kicked by Assassin (haku told me to)
[09:36] <Arcness> lol i said ban
[09:36] <Arcness> not kick
[09:36] * RedX1 has joined #gotwoot
[09:36] <Assassin> lol, i improvised
[09:36] <RedX1> why's everyone picking on me?!
[09:36] <RedX1> damn..
[09:36] <Arcness> Red
[09:36] <Assassin> cuz ur a commie bastard!
[09:36] <Arcness> lol i had a comment
[09:36] <Arcness> but thats good enough
[09:36] <Arcness> good one
[09:36] <Arcness> lol
[09:36] <Assassin> B)
[09:37] <RedX1> commie bastard?
[09:37] <RedX1> where?!
[09:41] <Arcness> Red if you mess with Kai
[09:41] <Arcness> this is whats going to happen
[09:41] <Arcness> http://nov.4chan.org/gif/src/1146549162054.gif
[09:41] <RedX1> kai has the power to do that?
[09:42] <Arcness> of course
[09:43] <Arcness> i've seen him do much worse
[09:46] <RedX1> really now?
[09:49] <Arcness> yup
[09:49] <Arcness> really
[09:49] <Arcness> dont test him
[09:50] <RedX1> ahem..
[09:50] * RedX1 gets ready..
[09:50] <Assassin> thats quite a punch
[09:50] * RedX1 runs
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Best birthday party ever
[22:14:42] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (happy early bday))).
[22:14:52] Deadfire: lol nice DO
[22:15:09] DragonOutlaw: =)
[22:15:09] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:15:15] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:15:20] Arcness: lol DO
[22:15:26] Arcness: thanks
[22:15:28] Arcness: lol
[22:15:45] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (WHOESE BIRTHDAY IS IT EVERYONE!?!?!? ITS HAKUS))).
[22:16:00] darkshadow: rofl
[22:16:06] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:16:10] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:16:16] Arcness: Lol
[22:16:18] Arcness: AGAIN!
[22:16:19] Vincent: lol
[22:16:25] DragonOutlaw: Damn right
[22:16:35] Arcness: no
[22:16:36] Arcness: again
[22:16:39] Arcness: i wanna go again
[22:16:40] Arcness: do it
[22:16:41] Vincent: third time is the charm
[22:16:41] Arcness: lol
[22:16:55] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (M000000000000000000000))).
[22:17:16] RedX1: then what's the fourth?
[22:17:18] Z: that isnt relevant to his bday
[22:17:19] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:17:23] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:17:27] *** Arcness has signed off IRC (Killed (DragonOutlaw (Shut up Z))).
[22:17:44] Vincent: lol
[22:17:46] Deadfire: lol
[22:17:47] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:17:51] DragonOutlaw: :P
[22:17:52] Arcness: lol
[22:17:57] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:18:07] Deadfire: boot DO Arc
[22:18:14] Deadfire: just try it
[22:18:17] Vincent: yea
[22:18:25] *** Z has been kicked from #gotwoot by Arcness: Thanks for getting me kicked
[22:18:27] *** Z has joined #gotwoot.
[22:18:29] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: bday kick
[22:18:29] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:18:29] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
*DO then starts doing this many times over*
[22:21:38] Arcness: i wont even be able to get on the server
[22:21:44] Arcness: thats gonna be my bday
[22:21:46] Arcness: lol
[22:21:52] DragonOutlaw: >.>
[22:21:53] Arcness: kline
[22:22:09] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: bday kick
[22:22:09] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:22:09] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
*This starts another chain of boots*
[22:24:49] Arcness: my friend got whipped before
[22:25:02] Arcness: lol
[22:25:10] Z: haku dont wear a hat theyll steal it!!
[22:25:11] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: lol bday
[22:25:11] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:25:11] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:25:12] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: lol bday
[22:25:12] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:25:13] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot.
[22:25:20] *** Arcness has been kicked from #gotwoot by DragonOutlaw: BRB ACTUALLY
[22:25:20] *** Arcness has joined #gotwoot.
[22:25:21] *** Mode change "+h Arcness" for channel #gotwoot by Gotwoot
Giving him a total of 4 kills and 28 boots from the channel.. Happy B-day Haku!
image fail!
Bump, If anyone has any questions ask Deadfire
[13:26:53] *** WebUser8713 has joined #gotwoot.
[13:27:08] WebUser8713: hello
[13:27:12] Deadfire: Well a webuser has joined
[13:27:18] darkshadow:
[13:27:18] Deadfire: hello there
[13:27:20] Aiham: Hello Webuser.
[13:27:26] WebUser8713: hi
[13:27:38] WebUser8713: how cna i download naruto he re?
[13:27:39] Deadfire: want to pick a nick and chat awhile?
[13:27:46] WebUser8713: uhm
[13:27:54] Deadfire: I'm sorry I only understand english
[13:27:54] WebUser8713: how do i pick a nick?
[13:28:09] Deadfire: /nick *insert nick here*
[13:28:10] Aiham: /quit NAME
[13:28:15] Aiham: Aww.
[13:28:18] Aiham: Hokay, /nick HAME
[13:28:20] Aiham: NAME
[13:28:26] WebUser8713: uhm
[13:28:26] IFHTT: grab a blanket and a basket of food and go out to a park and pickanick
[13:28:26] WebUser8713: ok
[13:28:45] *** WebUser8713 is now known as sasuke.
[13:28:49] darkshadow: omg
[13:28:51] Aiham: WOW
[13:28:51] Aiham: Original!
[13:28:54] Deadfire: there you go
[13:29:02] Deadfire: ok now what is the question?
[13:29:14] sasuke: uhm, i wanted to download some naruto
[13:29:16] Deadfire: now I will warn you
[13:29:42] Deadfire: If i can find that answer on our frontpage these guys will insult the shit out of you
[13:29:42] sasuke: about what?
[13:29:59] * darkshadow tries not to
[13:30:00] Vincent: your momma
[13:30:16] sasuke: uhh
[13:30:20] sasuke: what?
[13:30:22] Deadfire: ok what eps of naruto are you looking for?
[13:30:37] sasuke: 100-133
[13:30:49] Deadfire: http://www.gotwoot.net/wp-torrents.php?s=10
[13:31:16] Deadfire: you see thats under the heading torrents on the frontpage
[13:31:33] sasuke: oh....
[13:31:33] Deadfire: so I'll allow these guys to do their shit
[13:31:34] sasuke: err
[13:31:46] sasuke: how do i use a .torrent file
[13:31:57] Deadfire: ah now thats a interesting one
[13:32:13] Deadfire: http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=9904
[13:32:19] Deadfire: you find that answer here
[13:32:31] Deadfire: you need a program to do it
[13:32:36] sasuke: forum, isnt that a place where people do illegal stuff?
[13:32:48] Deadfire: ROFL
[13:33:03] darkshadow: .....
[13:33:04] IFHTT: bahaha
[13:33:09] Aiham: LOL?
[13:33:21] Deadfire: ok shh everyone again
[13:33:35] * Aiham shh's
[13:33:45] * darkshadow sheats katana
[13:33:49] Deadfire: sasuke, you do understand that you already crossed that line a long time ago right
[13:34:00] sasuke: uhh really?
[13:34:11] sasuke: a friend gave me the other episodes
[13:34:20] sasuke: is that illegal ???
[13:34:32] Deadfire: in the US it is
[13:34:54] sasuke: oh
[13:34:57] sasuke: thats bad right?
[13:35:05] Deadfire: umm... depends
[13:35:07] sasuke: can they see what i have on my pc?
[13:35:11] Deadfire: I can
[13:35:14] Deadfire: and I am
[13:35:14] sasuke:
[13:35:24] *** sasuke has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
[13:35:30] Aiham: Haha.
[13:35:31] Deadfire: PWNED!~!!!!
image fail!
Heh heh. The end was really great! I wonder if the dude deleted all his episodes before he stopped to think...
"forum, isnt that a place where people do illegal stuff ?"
This kid sure knows the truth behind things instinctively.
Hahaha, LoL. That was great, but still harsh, lol.
Whats the channel for this Irc? irc:irc.rizon.net/gotwoot ?
check the IRC FAQ.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
irc.gotwoot.net #gotwootOriginally Posted by Lucifus
or there is the Web interface Found here you need java for it
image fail!
Oh hell. That sasuke-kid was so....
Hmm... I definitely need to join the chan one of this days...
Why not do it now...Originally Posted by RyougaZell
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Stop messing with my team mate, he is a busy man. Also he is at work and they block IRC so he can't get on it. But i have a feeling he will find his way to IRC late at night.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Someone wanna unban me? "LMAONADE"
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
You got your ass banned? who?![]()
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
wish i could help you there buddy but you have to /msg one of the @ or %..... I think posting it in the IRC FAQ might help.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Maybe they don’t need a cup of LMAONADE any more.
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
you have been unbanned come back in.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Oh cool. Ya I was spamming the "Yo mama" jokes. I must admit, they are pretty good.
It makes you think doesn't it?
[20:47:33] Z: DF are hiding a world wanted suspect?
[20:47:45] Deadfire: It's possible
[20:47:47] Z: do you know what he did?
[20:48:38] Z: do you want to know?
[20:48:44] Z: to bad your gonna know
[20:49:20] Z: 10 years ago a man going by the name Terra left his homeland of Zanzibar
[20:49:52] Z: he traveled the world in search of revenge against the world...for his birth
[20:50:02] Kanbei: what the hell are you talking about
[20:50:19] Deadfire: it appears he is telling my life story
[20:50:24] Deadfire: go on Z
[20:50:31] Knives122: it would be a short
[20:50:48] Z: on his travels he went to every continent and sexually abused each leader Ghandi, GWB, etc.
[20:51:39] Z: he has been wanted for several years and we traced his name to a hd an 80 gig harddrive
[20:52:13] Z: that hardrive was bought from a man in Moscow 9 years ago
[20:52:33] Z: it seems that that hd has the evidence we need
[20:52:44] Z: do you have that HARDRIVE?
[20:53:48] Deadfire: prehaps
[20:54:05] Z: damn you we are running out of time
[20:54:38] Knives122: what happens when the time runs out?
[20:54:45] Z: we need to see what is on that hd we may be able to solve this case
[20:55:13] Knives122: what case?
[20:55:23] Z: Terra will have succeeded in giving the world leaders...a virus more deadly than AIDS itself
[20:56:25] Z: This man we are searching for is not the Terracosmo you know
[20:56:25] Knives122: super aids?
[20:56:46] Z: SDVS
[20:56:59] Z: Super Deadly Virus Syndrome
[20:57:07] Knives122: is it terras evil counter part?
[20:57:12] Z: the scientists couldnt name it for some reason
[20:57:14] Knives122: Evil Terrra
[20:58:00] Z: the Terracosmo you know is not the man we are looking for Terracosmo's name is like Dio or something
[20:58:12] Z: Tera is this guys actual name
[20:58:15] Z: terra
[21:00:01] Z: if you decide you know anything anything at all heres my card
[21:00:27] * Z hands Deadfire and Knives122 a blank piece of paper
[21:00:38] Z: view it under a black light youll see
[21:01:02] Knives122: Dio is the pic of terra with the pink hair isn't it?
[21:01:27] * Z walks away like Sherlock Holmes does after he does something really brilliant
image fail!
Z for president/prime minister/furher/chairman