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Thread: Naruto Chapter 366

  1. #41
    Genin KCMmmmm's Avatar
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    Poopdeville: your most recent post definitely lives up to your name. Thank you for turning something innocent and fun into just another dirty idea. On the other hand, you forgot to mention that Naruto has been trained by both Kakashi - who is hopelessly addicted to the "Make Out" series - and Jiraiya (who wrote the "Make Out" series. Definitely a good pair of influences for our young developing hero. Oh well, it's his choice.

    Back on topic: Why couldn't Naruto just sit still and listen? Everybody knows that once you get the bad guys monologuing they go down without any trouble.

  2. #42
    wow great chapter

    I cant wait for Sasuke vs Itachi but somehow it feels like it might not happen? I always thought the final showdown would involve Sasuke finding Itachi instead of vice versa and Sasuke using his three partners to help take down itachi.

    I was really curious about what Itachi had to say,
    Naruto, being a fucking dumbass he is, charges at him again without listening or thinking. and he should know by now that Itachi is still on a whole different level than him.

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by February
    I was really curious about what Itachi had to say,
    Naruto, being a fucking dumbass he is, charges at him again without listening or thinking. and he should know by now that Itachi is still on a whole different level than him.
    Why would listening be a good idea? That would only give Itachi time and opportunity to attack. Tactically, he did the right thing by attacking. He should have called for backup first though.

  4. #44
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Why would listening be a good idea? That would only give Itachi time and opportunity to attack. Tactically, he did the right thing by attacking. He should have called for backup first though.
    If Itachi is as strong as he's been made out to be, he could have easily killed Naruto had he really wanted.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fahoumh
    If Itachi is as strong as he's been made out to be, he could have easily killed Naruto had he really wanted.
    Kakashi acknowledged that Naruto had already surpassed him and said Naruto has twice as much chakra as he does (without even using the Kyuubi powers). Naruto has good reason to be confident in his own abilities.

    Itachi doesn't want to kill Naruto anyway. They both know it.

    I still say Naruto did the right thing.

  6. #46
    Having chakra means jack shit if you don't know what to do with it. In terms of knowing the ultimate jutsu, Naruto may have surpassed Kakashi but in my opinion if it ever came down to a deathmatch between the two I would put my money on Kakashi each and every time.

    And yes, for those who may notice this is my first manga section post, I have been converted due to the slow pace of the anime. Then again, maybe I should have waited a bit to see Kakashi's MS animated first...

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I'm about 90% sure that the Naruto thats talking to Itachi is just a Kage Bunshin
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #48
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    I'm about 90% sure that the Naruto thats talking to Itachi is just a Kage Bunshin
    Yeah, that sounds very possible...Naruto's Kage Bunshin control has really advanced since the series started.

    poopdeville, the reason he should have listened was he knows (or at least he should know) how strong Itachi is and if Itachi said he just wants to talk that it means he just wants to talk. Itachi doesn't have to go for the "just want to talk then attack when the enemy's let his guard down" trickery. This is a guy who wiped out an entire clan.

    DB_Hunter has it right, Kakashi has killed and can kill if he must. All this training and Naruto is still as rash as ever.

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Having chakra means jack shit if you don't know what to do with it. In terms of knowing the ultimate jutsu, Naruto may have surpassed Kakashi but in my opinion if it ever came down to a deathmatch between the two I would put my money on Kakashi each and every time.
    I wouldn't, especially if it came down to a deathmatch. Naruto fought evenly with Kakuzu, who happened to beat the shit out of Kakashi and fought (at least) evenly with Shodaime Hokage. I realize Kakuzu was already hurt. But he had three hearts left -- two more than Kakashi managed to kill.

    And Naruto fought evenly against Orochimaru. Naruto is at least nearly as strong as Sarutobi (when he died) if he uses the Kyuubi. The worst Kakashi could do to him is use the MS on him. But Naruto already knows how to break free of genjutsu and can use Kyuubi's chakra to do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by fahoumh
    poopdeville, the reason he should have listened was he knows (or at least he should know) how strong Itachi is and if Itachi said he just wants to talk that it means he just wants to talk. Itachi doesn't have to go for the "just want to talk then attack when the enemy's let his guard down" trickery. This is a guy who wiped out an entire clan.
    Did you forget that his mission was to capture Itachi? If the Chuunin Exam arc taught us anything, it's that ninja need to try to complete their mission no matter how great the risk. He wasn't going to run away, even if he was out classed. So why let the enemy prepare and lose what little advantage he had?

    Attacking before giving the enemy a chance to prepare is the right thing to do.

  10. #50
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Did you forget that his mission was to capture Itachi? If the Chuunin Exam arc taught us anything, it's that ninja need to try to complete their mission no matter how great the risk. He wasn't going to run away, even if he was out classed. So why let the enemy prepare and lose what little advantage he had?

    Attacking before giving the enemy a chance to prepare is the right thing to do.
    Actually they're planning to bring Sasuke back and tracking Itachi since Sasuke is also after him.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    I wouldn't, especially if it came down to a deathmatch. Naruto fought evenly with Kakuzu, who happened to beat the shit out of Kakashi and fought (at least) evenly with Shodaime Hokage. I realize Kakuzu was already hurt. But he had three hearts left -- two more than Kakashi managed to kill.

    And Naruto fought evenly against Orochimaru. Naruto is at least nearly as strong as Sarutobi (when he died) if he uses the Kyuubi. The worst Kakashi could do to him is use the MS on him. But Naruto already knows how to break free of genjutsu and can use Kyuubi's chakra to do it.
    I wouldnt say he fought evenly, all Naruto did was landing 1 attack on Kakuzu and that was the end of the fight. Im truly disappointed that a Akatsuki level ninja who lived for several generations could not see through Naruto's simple Kage bunshin diversion. That is the only major complaint I have of the manga storyline, everything else seems reasonable.

    Yes, Naruto has grown alot and even learned an extremely dangerous move that the 4th created. Yes, Naruto has an extreme amount of chakra with his kyuubi powers. Yes, Naruto has shown us that he has the endurance and strength to pull through powerful enemies. But its obvious that he's still a whole level under Itachi. He doesnt possess genjutsu nor can he easily counter them. He still charges with mass kage bunshins (which wastes his chakras) He still depends on 1 powerful move to finish his opponent off (which requires him to make contact or close range with the enemy) I have also rarely seen him plant traps or devise a well made plan like Shikamaru's.
    And we have seen the arguably one of the most powerful techniques, the MS. There has been no way to successfully counter it (yet), and Itachi probably still has loads of other tricks up his sleeve.
    Why is it so hard to believe that Naruto has no chance versus Itachi at this point? Why does he feel the need to charge and aggrevate someone who is strong enough to kill him when he just wants to talk?

    This is my worthless opinion though

  12. #52
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    No, seriously.....did you see how many clones Naruto sent out? I would be surprised if the real Naruto is not actually with Kiba and the others.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #53
    I think it's too soon for Itachi to be defeated by Sasuke, I don't know could happen, but I don't think so at this stage.

    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    No, seriously.....did you see how many clones Naruto sent out? I would be surprised if the real Naruto is not actually with Kiba and the others.
    Yeah, it would be better to keep him with the others.

    Jiraiya can't die, not yet. He needs to kick some Orochimaru ass! or Tobi.

  14. #54
    very good chapter, unfortunately it seems that jiraiya might be the next one to go when he faces madara

    this whole naruto argument is laughable. Naruto, lacks insight or strategic battling, it was kakashi who uncovered every detail about kakuzo and propably would have beaten him if naruto didnt show up anyway. Itachi can obliterate naruto if he pleased, naruto seems like that pest that itachi and kisame don't really address until naruto barks at them. We did not even see the full extent of itachi's strength, he only seemed cautious about fighting jiraiya. Sasuke on the other hand, is also growing like naruto, they are both still mastering their styles but again sasuke has outgrown naruto just like in the early manga and by the time they encounter naruto will either realize it and magically grow more as a ninja or fail his mission and outgrow sasuke a few months later.
    Last edited by elmojo; Mon, 08-20-2007 at 09:37 AM.

  15. #55
    Naruto is just too damn incoherent about everything he does. Its more of an insult to Itachi to even consider Naruto to be anywhere near his level than anything else. And he can't really effectivley counter genjutsu. That time with the 30% Itachi clone was pathetic. As soon as Itachi realised what was going on, he went up a gear and Naruto was helpless again.

    Even if Naruto learnt how to counter normal Genjutsu, he would be no match for the MS. That argument is like saying Sakura would be able to neutralise the MS, which is BS.

  16. #56
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i agree with everyone who says that Naruto is an idiot and, in reality, would probably be killed by Itachi or even maybe Kakashi if it was one on one. But you're forgetting something: the show's got his name on it, he's the main character. That means he won't ever lose in a life or death match, ever.

    and, yeah, with all those clones that went out there, it's unlikely that the one Itachi found is the genuine article.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by kAi

    Jiraiya can't die, not yet. He needs to kick some Orochimaru ass! or Tobi.
    I think Jiraiya is going to die, and soon. Probably in a big fight with either Pein, Tobi, or the female Akatsuki, but I'm going to guess Pein since 1) we haven't seen him fight yet and 2) Kishimoto knows that his fans want to see the Akatsuki leader fight, after he was built up in part 1. Why do I think Jiraiya is going to die? Like someone else said in this thread, the foreshadowing is too strong. Jiraiya having a drink with Tsunade and reminiscing about old times? One or both of them are going to die.

    This also fits in with Kishimoto's "the new generation needs to take over" theme. I suspect he will kill off the older characters one by one, and Jiraiya is next. I will guess that Tsunade will get it next.

  18. #58
    If Itachi met up with one of Naruto's bunshins as Assertn suggested, then Naruto did a very smart thing for strategic planning. He collected information on Itachi's answer to the 2 on 1 attack from behind anti-sharingan strat and Itachi's response to a 1 on 1 rushdown. It's the same thing he did that allowed him to land the wind shuriken rasengan on Kakuzu. He might have found a hole in Itachi's offense similar to when Sasuke charged his sword w/ electricity discovering that electrcity made duds out of Deidara's bombs.

  19. #59
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Naruto is just too damn incoherent about everything he does. Its more of an insult to Itachi to even consider Naruto to be anywhere near his level than anything else. And he can't really effectivley counter genjutsu. That time with the 30% Itachi clone was pathetic. As soon as Itachi realised what was going on, he went up a gear and Naruto was helpless again.

    Even if Naruto learnt how to counter normal Genjutsu, he would be no match for the MS. That argument is like saying Sakura would be able to neutralise the MS, which is BS.
    He didn't use Kyuubi's chakra then. You must admit it's at least a possibility that he can break free of any genjutsu if he sends enough chakra to his brain (in the way Jiraiya described). So the question becomes: who has more chakra? Itachi or the Kyuubi? I'll admit we don't know the answer to that question, especially since the Sasuke/Kyuubi encounter. It seems like some of the Uchiha might have a way of controlling the Kyuubi. But Naruto would clearly dispell Kakashi's MS.

    On the other hand, my argument is in response to the claim that attacking Itachi was dumb. His mission was to capture Itachi. As Sarutobi said, you don't know who wins until a fight is over.

    On a completely different note: Naruto has mastered a wind element attack. He's probably as strong as many Konoha jounin, but he isn't a jounin yet. What other kind of chakra do you think he'll use? From the look of it, the Kyuubi uses wind element chakra too.

  20. #60
    Just having a strong attack doesn't make one a jounin level ninja. Sure Naruto only needs one hit to finish pretty much any opponent, but he has to get that hit in. Kazuku underestimated Naruto and brashly went in for the kill without considering the possibility of the Shadow Clones being distractions. If Kakashi had tried the same trick on him he would have probably been more wary since he'd expect more danger and trickiness from him. If Naruto was treated like a true threat by an opposing jounin level ninja I don't think there are many that would lose to him. All they'd have to do would be move faster than him and kill him quickly with a kunai to the back of the neck (come to think of it....why didn't Rock Lee do that to Gaara?).

    Also, where are you getting that Kyubi uses wind chakra? From the thing about his tail waving creating Tsunamis? From what we've seen so far the Kyubi chakra has always been raw energy that can be harnessed for increased strength & speed, or for directly attacking an enemy (Kyubi Claw, Kyubi Rasengan, Kyubi Death Ball). In all the instances it manifested for a direct attack it had a definate shape but never seemed to have any element to it.

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