Originally Posted by
Its my thread you fucking idiotic piece of trash.
You know I just realized after you deleted my other thread how much of a fucking Nazi police state you and the rest of your cronies have made this place. Theres absolutely no freedom to do anything, don't get me wrong I understand that the forums needed moderating and to be clean. But you guys turned into the American government, trying to fix something and always ending up making it worse.
You've turned GW into a soft, pussyass, censored, simply shitty forum wear a bunch of 12 year olds come to jerk each other off. Now you can ban me because I guess SK doesnt fall in line with the regime and do exactly as he told, instead I actually try to bring some activity to the damn shithole forums this place has become. Fucking assholes.
I remember when I liked coming to GW, now I feel like I come here more as a routine more than anything. But I still have hope for the place, and thats what keeps me coming back. Even if everyone hates, me, despises everything I do even if they have no idea who I am, I am a solid member who's stayed loyal to this community since 04, and contributes without fear of mods or ridicule.