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Thread: Farewell Gotwoot (at least for now)

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  1. #1
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Farewell Gotwoot (at least for now)

    Well this is something I wished I didn’t have to write but it was suggested I do (strongly mind you). At first I wasn’t even going to try but it seems that some really do care about my persona on the net so writing a little something is worth it to them.

    This is my farewell to Gotwoot and Resignation as a Moderator, effective August 19th

    For those that don’t know, the reason for this is that I will be serving my home of Canada in its military. The contract I have with them is 4 years long and has a long training plan ahead for me. The reason for doing this was purely on reasons of personal advancement, and not for a reason of “I want to go shoot people” More information can be found in this thread

    In the coming months it will become harder for me to visit the forums much less watch anime that I have been downloading and have not been able to watch as well. If I find time to visit the net it will be writing E-mails to family and friends first. This is a farewell, however I would like you all know that it’s possibly not permanent. I’m not sure what the future will hold for me, although I hope fate has a good story to tell me. I will miss my days at Gotwoot and #gotwoot. The laughs, the bullshit, the ups and the downs, they were really good times.

    I can’t be glad of everything that has happened over these years, more recently my own decline in the kindness I once had to those on the these forums and frankly some other things. I’m not proud of it, and I wish that I could retrace those steps, however it is pointless. I’ll miss more then a few of you all, being that the people here were basically my only community for the last 3-4 years. Some people I met here I count as real friends, and I would be glad to help them in anyway I could.

    At that I’d like to finish this post off, I’m not very good at writing farewell letters so this is about as far as I can get.I wish good luck to all of you, and here is to hope that I’m not gone forever.

    Also one last thing for you all: DF's Farewell Contest


    -Pte(r) David "Deadfire" Lagimodiere
    Last edited by Deadfire; Tue, 08-14-2007 at 03:18 PM.
    image fail!

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