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Thread: Game: The Final Fantasy Retrospective

  1. #1
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Game: The Final Fantasy Retrospective

    I was browsing through and found this awesome documentaries...

    A 13-part documentary on all the final fantasy's.

    Currently 4 parts have been released.

    Part 1 focus on the game that began it all.

    Part 2 focus on the FF's that never made it to America (on the NES) till their re-releases on GBA/PSX/PSP

    Part 3 focus on the series debut on the 16bit era with FF4 and FF5.

    Part 4 focus solely on the masterpiece known as FF6.

    Part 5 will be released this saturday on the game that began it for many of us... FF7...


  2. #2
    Looking forward to Part 5. FF7 was where it all started for me. I still remember running around the Midgar slums trying to figure out how to get Cloud to wear a dress. That was nearly 10 years ago.....

  3. #3
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    FFVII was my first Final Fantasy game as well. After that, I played FFVI on an emulator, before going on to VIII, IX, X, X2, and then XII. Skipped XI due to lack of online capabilities for PS2. X is my favourite.

    "This is my story."
    Last edited by Psyke; Tue, 08-07-2007 at 08:38 AM.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The game they won't be including was my first "Final Fantasy", Mystic Quest, the retarded SNES cousin of Final Fantasy. I played 4, 7, and then up through the list, skipping only 11 and 12. I skipped 6 to play Chrono Trigger instead, I've since tried 6 on emulators, but I just can't get into it.

    Of all of them, 8 is my favorite. The full orchestral score, the sci-fi feel of it, the Sorceress' Knight story theme, an interesting spell system, and the only limit break system that ever made sense to me.

    Why are they saving up a "desperation" attack through 100+ battles? It makes more sense to use your last resort as many times as you can when you're at your weakest. It added another strategy element to the game. Until you get the spell that fakes it, do you avoid healing in order to use the strongest attack? There was higher-level battle strategy required in 8 with the limit breaks and the spell limitations that I didn't get to see again until 10.

  5. #5
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    The only FF of the main line which I haven't been able to finish is FF3. Nor on NES emulator, nor on GBA emulator nor on NDS... LOL.
    FFXI is out of the question... bleh.

    Rylharu: Who knows? Maybe they will mention it. The perspective is supposed to be a 13 part series... and the first 4 parts have already covered the first five games of the main line. Maybe they dedicate a part to all alternate universes, like mystic quest. And several for the Ivalice Alliance, FF7 Compilation and Fabula Nova Crystallis.

  6. #6
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    And i love's retrospectives, the metroid ones are great too.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Rylharu: Who knows? Maybe they will mention it...
    ...And several for the Ivalice Alliance, FF7 Compilation and Fabula Nova Crystallis.
    I still doubt it, Mystic Quest is notorious for being reviled by hard core fans of the series. It's overly easy, simplified, and really comes off as a half-assed effort. It was made Stateside first, in an attempt to get more people into the rpg genre. Luckily, it did succeed with me.

    I expect they will more likely delve into Final Fantasy Tactics and forgo the mention of Mystic Quest. Chronologically, they've already past it by. Tactics has a massive following (myself included). Monk + 3 Dancers + Orlando = Instant victory.

    And yes, I'm serious about that many dancers. Don't underestimate lower damage at that rapid a pace.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    final fantasy for me started as just watching.. i'd never seen that type of game before and my friend and his dad were playing the original ff on nes. and then ff2 on snes which will always be my favorite in the series. i never beat 1 on nes, had to use emulator help. I have played all of them up to 9... played X for 10 minutes and didn't like the system... didn't play X2, put about 20 hours or so into XII before losing interest / having too many other things to do to rpg.

    psyke : if you have not, you need to go back and play the first 4-5 games they're where it really all started even if 7 is the "best"

  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Funny, I just ran across this about an hour ago.

    Not to knock either game, I just found the over-simplified parallels kinda funny.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #10
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbaucom
    psyke : if you have not, you need to go back and play the first 4-5 games they're where it really all started even if 7 is the "best"
    I've got the PSP remake of the original FF, but yet to start. You should give FFX another try though. The system might be drastically different, but the plot is absolutely brilliant. I loved Yuna and Tidus.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  11. #11
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    .... can't believe I made that mistake....

    X, X-2 and XII indeed have way different systems... but personally I found them good.

    LOL... indeed

    I`ll buy those remakes as soon as FFVII Crisis Core is out...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Of all of them, 8 is my favorite. The full orchestral score, the sci-fi feel of it, the Sorceress' Knight story theme, an interesting spell system, and the only limit break system that ever made sense to me.

    Why are they saving up a "desperation" attack through 100+ battles? It makes more sense to use your last resort as many times as you can when you're at your weakest. It added another strategy element to the game. Until you get the spell that fakes it, do you avoid healing in order to use the strongest attack? There was higher-level battle strategy required in 8 with the limit breaks and the spell limitations that I didn't get to see again until 10.
    I thought FF8's limit break system was pretty poor. Coupled with the junction system, it was very easy to exploit the entire combat system as a whole. Load Squall up with 100 Ultima and 100 Haste, while keeping his health very low. Your party will be invincible. You get a limit break at the start of every battle and every turn that is powerful enough to wipe out just about any enemy in the game except the last boss. When you battle the last boss, you're doing a Lionheart almost every turn for 300,000 dmg.

  13. #13
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    The first FF I played was FF2(in america) followed by FF3. Those 2 games were amazing way back then. Then I played FF5(in america) which also pretty good.

    The old ones were good, but I forgot how their stories went, been too long so I won't rate them. As for the newer FFs...

    FF7 - The best of them all, simply amazing story and I loved the materia system. Awesome music.

    FF8 - A lot of people seem to like this one, but I didn't find it any good at all. The story was short and lame and I didn't understand how Rinoa suddenly fell in love with Squall. Music wasn't all that. Plus the game was so damn easy.

    FF9 - Not a fan of the art, story was ok. Pretty decent game and I liked the battle music.

    FF10 - I put this one 2nd after FF7. Amazing story and fighting system, but I didn't like Tidus too much. He looked too much like a pretty boy and he had an annoying voice. I mean c'mon, you're going to save the world! Awesome music.

    FF10-2 - Why on earth did I buy this game? I should've just went to DL some hentai. The fighting system was good, but the story wasn't all that along with the music. You are trying to save the world! Why the hell are you dressed in skimpy outfits?!?!!

    That's pretty much it... I didn't touch FF12 because Vaan(Name of the hero I believe) looked too homosexual.

    I just don't see how when I ask what's the best FF I get a mixture of FF7 and FF8. Imho, FF7 is way out of FF8s league and FF10 owns FF8.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Tue, 08-07-2007 at 02:39 PM.

  14. #14
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    it was very easy to exploit the entire combat system as a whole. Load Squall up with 100 Ultima and 100 Haste, while keeping his health very low.
    Yes, by the end, it's absurdly easy to exploit the combat system. However, there were some nice touches. Enemies ALWAYS leveled with you, so while some battles remained easy after you got the hang of things, there was still the enemy type that could get a 1 hit kill on you. Tyrannosaurs did lots of damage back in the garden, and they still do lots of damage out in the wild. But by then, you've got all sorts of spells and the strongest of them junctioned to the appropriate ability, etc.

    I still think the limit system had that appropriate feel to it. Early on, your whole party falls into the yellow, and then you're furiously recycling through the characters to hear that characteristic chime. Leave the battle system on Active, and you get a slight panic feeling during an pivotal boss fight up to about the midpoint.

    Granted, they could have made the game harder. I always appreciated what the first Lunar had done. Every boss's level was always 1.5 times your own. No matter how much power leveling you did, the boss was always that much better than you. If they had applied this to FF8, it would have had the challenge where you needed to exploit the system. It worked well for the two games of Disgaea. The creators pointed out the whole idea was to exploit the combat system, FF8 just never made itself hard enough.

    I like both FF7 and FF8. They each have their good points. I think 8 had a better soundtrack and a more cohesive story (many of 7's quests have no connection to the main storyline, where in 8, everything connects back to Ultimacia, the past, and where everyone grew up). 8 was another graphics leap, and the character, mech, and costume design really had one up on 7.
    On the other hand, 7 has just so much to do. There's always another Weapon to fight, always another sidequest, always another rare materia to dig up and master into a copy, another city to revisit after a major event.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 08-07-2007 at 03:21 PM.

  15. #15
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I find funny how many people miss great games because they think one or two characters look gay.

    Some said it about Zidane. Many said Tidus looked gay... many more said the same about Vaan.

    And most of them played FF7 first and never quite understood FF7 wasn't a continuation of FF6. And what happened then? Compilation of FF7... and now people say Square is milking the saga. Who can understand them?

    FFX-2... had a great system, and a normal storyline. Gameplay owns story, enough for me on this title. Ever since FFX they have being critics about the costumes of the characters... well... FFX is a tropical world so... who cares if the girls use skimpy outfits on FFX-2?

    FFXII... Vaan was an orphan and a thief... can't you imagine he can't afford a t-shirt instead of labeling as gay? He does get Penelo...


    Fav characters from every FF:
    FF - Black Mage
    FF2 - None
    FF3 - None
    FF4 - Rydia, Kain
    FF5 - Leena
    FF6 - Terra, Celes, Shadow
    FF7 - Yuffie, Vincent, Reno (even if its not playable)
    FF8 - Selphie, Zell
    FF9 - None
    FF10 - Rikku
    FF10-2 - Yuna, Rikku
    FF11 - Bleh
    FF12 - Penelo, Balthier
    FFT - Agrias, Ramza
    FFTA - Can't remember
    FFVIIDC - Shelke, Vincent, Yuffie

  16. #16
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Must copy list scheme...if I didn't play it or hated everyone, I didn't include it.

    FF: Warrior/Fighter
    FF4: Rydia, the Twins
    FF6: Terra
    FF7: Barrett, Tifa, Aerith
    FF8: Edea, Irvine, Rinoa (even if she's a ditz), Laguna (he's a jackass)
    FF10: Rikku, Lulu
    FF10-2: Rikku
    FFT: Princess Ovelia (I like to think she killed him), the two Assassins.
    FFTA: Ritz

  17. #17
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I find funny how many people miss great games because they think one or two characters look gay.
    Well, that's just how some people are. Character looks can play a big role in someones tastes whether it's a video game, a tv show, a movie, etc.

    Take mmorpgs for example. I'm more into using swords and bows and such. You'll never see me playing a mage or something simply because I'm just not a big fan of them. No matter how good they are, I still won't play them. Their style doesn't interest me.

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Well, the one I consider the best is probably left out of the festivities: I loved the gameplay and style of Final Fantasy Tactics, but the story was what made it memorable for me. One of the best storylines and some of the greatest characters in a game I've ever witnessed.

    My favecharacters from every FF I played:
    FF - Black Mage
    FF4 - Kain
    FF6 - Edgar (in combat), Kefka, my fave playable character is probably Cyan
    FF7 - Cid &#!@% Highwind
    FF8 - Irvine, Seifer until he became a puss towards the end.
    FF9 - Blank, the main characters all pissed me off
    FF10 - Auron
    FF12 - I suppose it'd have to be Basch.
    FFT - Delita Hyral, also really loved Wiegraf and Mustadio
    FFVIIDC - Vincent

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #19
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Hey masa... if you read this... could you edit the thread title? I messed up and used Perspective instead of Retrospective...

    Oh well...
    My previous list should be redone to take out Reno and Shelke for being not playable...
    thus... my character list of Non-playable characters is...

    Chaos (FF) - Damn recursive over paradoxical enemy... created by the fiends which it sent to the past so they could create him and thus he could create them and sent them to the past so he could be created and... you understand
    Kefka (FFVI) - Damn bastard rocks as a Villan!
    Reno (FFVII) - The Turks simply rule.
    Rude (FFVII) - Same as above
    Elena (FFVII) - Same as above
    Sephiroth (FFVII) - Need any explanation?
    Seifer (FFVIII) - While you 'could' use him for a while... he really isn't a playable char. Damn attitude rocks. And has a dream, for which he even becomes evil.
    Shelke (FFVIIDC) - She simply rulez... wish she was playable.
    Chocobos (any FF since FF2) - No need to explain.
    Shiva (any FF with normal summons (FFXII has its own set) ) - She rocks...

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    I loved the system in 8 with the monsters levelling up as you do, though at the end, like many said, it got too easy. Also when I switched parties or finally got more powerful spells I would wipe everyones magic/summons off to re-junction to appropriate strength, and holy shit did that take a long time.

    I started playing 9 on an emulator but its boring the shit out of me already, and come to find out the save slot doesn't work. Piss on this. I started 7 again but I think I'll go through 8 instead
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