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Thread: Naruto: Shippuuden Episodes 22-23

  1. #1

    Naruto: Shippuuden Episodes 22-23

    Oops forgot to put "Episodes" in the title

  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Didn't get good till the end of the episode. Hopefully we will wrap this fight up before the end of the year. The fights with the clones are getting bothersome. Oh well, back to my hole to wait for next weeks episode.
    Last edited by Foomanchew24; Fri, 08-03-2007 at 08:24 AM.

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  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    A lot of awkward scenes......but I guess thats hard to avoid when animating people controlling puppets.

    Man.....they covered a LOT more of Sasori's past than the manga did. I'm glad they explained how the white fang was connected to Chiyo, because I never understood why she attacked Kakashi when that first happened in the manga. I always thought Sasori turned his parents into puppets, but I guess that would be weird if he did that and then remained in the Sand village for a while afterwards.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #4
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    It didn't get good until the end.

    Watching the anime, from now on, I can always say, Zetsu's traps would have owned everyone. He should be the last boss.

    Unless..... We find out those traps are just a genjutsu.

  5. #5
    I hope sakura does something with her strength in the next episode other than punch something really hard. anyway good ep.

  6. #6
    I had wondered why Orochimaru would have received the death penalty in his village for experimenting on his colleagues, yet Sasori was allowed to live on after turning his parents into puppets. So yeah, the anime cleared that up for me as well. I like Sasori's voice actor and how he says his lines-he's calm, but not robotic like Itachi. Sakura finishes her "interrogation" speech and his response is to fire kunai at her. He seemed a little surprised at the end but still didn't give her any compliments, just called her punching act lame. Such a cool bastard.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I don't think they were that bad episodes, all things considered. Of course I'm getting really pissed off by the stupid clone fights like everybody, but fortunately they didn't get that much screen time. Deidara vs Naruto-Kakashi situation naturally had zero development, but honestly that was to be expected. The Sasori fight had interesting moments, though, and avoided many of the pitfalls of the previous eps.

    Although I still don't know why Sakura didn't end the whole battle by throwing an exploding tag kunai at Sasori while he was majorly distracted during the intensive puppet hand to hand combat. Sakura initially seemed to have lots of development from the original series, but if you look at her during this fight, her greatest accomplishments are from the times she was acting as the granny's puppet. Otherwise she has just stared blankly and covered herself with her hands like the old Sakura when attacked - just waiting for some new miracle to save her every time. Honestly, if she doesn't finally grow up during this fight, she never will.

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    agree with Kraco, Sakura is still determined and sometimes shows flashes of brilliance through her ability and selflessness, but I always thought she was supposed to be smart...
    She has yet to capitalize on any openings (or even try to make them). Worst of all, she freezes up in critical situations. Props to the explosive tag move.

    Speaking of explosive tags, why doesn't someone use one on Deidara? It was mentioned that Kakashi should be able to use his Sharingan to have better aim, maybe even some prediction ability. He's smart, as we've seen, so why not set a small trap for Deidara? He could throw some kunai, make Deidara dodge in a pre-conceived way, and throw explosive kunais at whichever spots he's likely to end up in: bang goes the bird. He could also stop, let Deidara think he's gone back to the cave (even let him overhear as much) and then let Naruto hold his own for 30 seconds or so while he gets in position and surprises Deidara...

    The flashbacks with Sasori were the best. At first, I was confused too as to whether or not he'd made his parents into puppets, but that seemed like such an evil thing for so young a kid to do, especially as his first puppets...

    Bringing me back to Sakura. Do something aside from punching! Sasori has been super calm all this time, being on the offensive since Hiruko got destroyed until the very end of this episode when Sakura punched the Iron Sand back at him

    (which could have been easily countered by having him slacken the 'magnetic hold' on the mound, letting her punch into it w/o sending it flying, then quickly reversing the magnetism and pulling the mass into a crushing iron cage around her arm... let's see the bitch fight one-handed...)

    Sakura doesn't seem to have learned any Genjutsu at all, even though she was declared to be a natural at it early on in the series. She's been thrown herself by fighting illusions of people she cares about, and now she sees Sasori looking at his first puppets, puppets of his dead parents, otherwise useless puppet items on the battlefield, and she doesn't know to use it in reverse? Using a Genjutsu to make the parent puppets seem alive could quite easily break Sasori's concentration, after all that's what he's wanted all his life... Hell, it's what I'd do...

    Naruto is still lame. Clones are still lame (bad animation for Gai's fight as well). Sakura is often lame. If it weren't for Chiyo and Sasori (w/ occasionally funny comments from Deidara, even though he acted pretty stupid this whole episode) I'd be having a full blown fit.

    Not to say the episode was bad; I still enjoyed a majority of it.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #9
    Episode rating : Meh

  10. #10
    Now this is what filler should be, I've read the manga up to this fight and i gotta say the added flashback scenes explain many questions I had about Sasori, not to mention make me feel sympathetic for him even more. Sasori really is a tragic villain.

    Once again, Sasori = badass, woot! I think i love his 'calm' demeanour the best.

    Aside from the Gai team fights and the pointless Naruto chasing Deidara and shouting "KAKASHI!" twice when he left him behind w/ an explosive, i gotta say, this ep was one of the best the shipuuden have produced so far.

  11. #11
    were sasori's parents killed by "konoha's white fang?" because I don't think he openly killed them and then turned them into puppets if they keep showing them wrapping their arms around the kid sasori.

    also, for a special naruto episode, there wasn't much. I was hoping to see more special techniques instead of the repetitive and failing kaiten and konoha sempus. not bad though overall.

  12. #12
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    From what I gather, what happened is Sasori's parents were killed by Kakashi's father, and then Sasori made regular puppets that looked like his parents. He didn't make them from his parents bodies. That's why they don't have his parents jutsus.

    I really liked this episode. It had the thing that I felt has been missing for a long time, and thats the classic Naruto music. It's been a long time since I've heard that "electric guitar mixed with japanese instruments" music during a fight scene and it just makes the whole thing much more enjoyable.

    Of course, we get to see Sasori's tragic past. Because nobody in the entire show can do anything without flashing back to the horrible shit that happened sometime before the series began.

    I'd just love to see a villain who flashes back to his totally happy childhood and how one day he just decided he was gonna be a dick for the rest of his life.

  13. #13
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Getting better

    Oho, one of the better eps in Shippuuden so far.

    The Sasori fight was alright, altho big props to the awesome metal-ish guitar music, loved it , the music in Shippuuden has been kinda...lacking.

    Naruto & Kakashi chasing Deidara is just bleh and the Team Gai clone-wars needs to get finished already...

    Overall decent ep, but mostly due to Sasori being awesome and bitchin' guitar music^^

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  14. #14
    That was the best shipuuden episode for a long time, I enjoyed the puppet fight cos the music made it awesome. That fight shows how puppets can really be used. It was basically the master against the student. I love watching them types of fights cos it's always the student that comes up with all the flash and having the cool moves and then the master will just do something out the blue and basic that it owns the students, haha. That music was really kick -ass though cos I thought the music was pretty lame in shipuuden and doesn't suit the show.

    The past about sasori was much more detailed than in the manga, cos I too thought he turned his parents into puppets. I was looking forward to this fight being animated when I read it and I'm still enjoying it cos I forgot what happens in the fight, been so long since I read it.

    Can't wait till next episode now

  15. #15
    Another hot garbage episode released.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ody
    Another hot garbage episode released.
    I agree.

    The Bad

    - They continue to waste time with Team Gai's fights. Enough already. Either end the fights or don't show them at all. We know all those "clones" are evenly matched. We get it.

    - The Deidara chase is approaching Team Gai territory. Again, if there isn't any progress, then don't waste time on those scenes.

    - Anything else that didn't belong to the Sasori fight.

    The Good

    - Sasori's past, since it's the only real development in this 40-minute episode.

  17. #17
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The diedera and team gai battles are no different than when the 3rd spent 5 episodes with a sword in his chest way back in the day.

    Of couse, that sucked back in the day too.

    But still, its nothing new.

  18. #18
    But that was at least dramatic. Chasing Deidara while hopping on tree roots is not.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    The diedera and team gai battles are no different than when the 3rd spent 5 episodes with a sword in his chest way back in the day.

    Of couse, that sucked back in the day too.

    But still, its nothing new.

    Luckily I didn't watch Naruto back then, and when I did, I watched right through that part. So it wasn't really annoying. But I did noticed it.

    Chiyo said that the puppeteering is passed down from one generation to another. If she would say that it stays in one family, then ther e could be a link between them and Kankuro. Although I seriously doubt it.

    Kinda bored
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    If she would say that it stays in one family, then ther e could be a link between them and Kankuro. Although I seriously doubt it.
    There are probably more puppet master families in Sand than one. Although considering it's a relatively isolated ninja village, it's not impossible they could be more or less distant relatives. It would end that way even if there had originally been only one family if there had been more than one interested children. But it's not really relative either way.

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