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Thread: My computer=PWNED :(

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  1. #1
    I don't know much about laptops, but isn't there a way to connect one to a regular PC as if it was "just"a datasource ?

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    you could try booting up a livecd like pclinux, or knoppix to see if it will read your hard drive if all else is failing, its worth a shot. if you google pclinux it is free to dl and you can just burn it to a cd and boot off that cd into a full OS from where if your hdd isn't trashed you should be able to pull files off of it

  3. #3
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phantom Zone
    your problem was salvagable untill you said laptop, now if you cant take it apart and take out the harddrive you are indeed pwned, no fix.

    THOUGH, what bbaucom said could work, but just get a bootable xp instead :/, there are releases that are fully bootable of a dvd.

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