I abandoned it because I didn't want to handle it anymore.Originally Posted by Sapphire
I'd bring it back if I go nutty again thinking that I can out-do the greatness that is GW.
I abandoned it because I didn't want to handle it anymore.Originally Posted by Sapphire
I'd bring it back if I go nutty again thinking that I can out-do the greatness that is GW.
I have been a long time lurker at GW, and its very nice to see Mut back. He was always very funny and could argue his points well.
I personally vote for the KrB=fag story. I never liked him either. Incidentally, does anyone know how old he was. I could never figure out if he was about 13 or 56 years old.
I think he's earlyish 20's now, like maybe 21 or 22 ...
pretty sure I don't have a log of that conversation to go back to, but he told me how old he was a couple years ago. I seem to remember that he's a couple years younger than me anyway.
Lol, Mut you have some great stories and few bring back memories of a better time.
Naruto was good, anime was simple.
Krbadass = Faggot
Don't believe anything this guy says. It is virtually impossible to come up with a single word that describes all of what he is. Liar, stupid, despicable, monster, ignorant, irrational, lazy, worthless, boring, uncool, garbage, lonely, asshat, pathetic, loser, whiney, and faggot fuckface cocksucker cuntlicking ballchewing bastard asshole son of a god damned bitch. You may think that I hate Krbadass (real name: Kyle Riddle, age 21, born December 29th, 1985) but the truth of the matter is, I don't. I just want to drown him in his own tears. And the story goes like this...
Krbadass, one of our earliest registered members. His posts weren't completely worthless since he did help out as an obligation and a requirement to remain as a so-called active admin. I don't remember when he became an admin or if he was even a mod to begin with since I didn't pay too much attention to GW when I first registered, but all I know is that Krb, from what I've experienced directly or indirectly as a regular member and a moderator, was supposed to be some kind of mediator between the regular member base and the staff. It's unfortunate he was a poor one at that.
As I became increasingly more active at GW by facilitating and participating in any GW event, I began to notice the flaws and problems within the GW forum community. The infrastructure of GW is a clusterfuck of neglect and just generally bad administrating topped with a stupid common theme to bring in a userbase that turned out be composed of mostly idiots (see my previous story). But I'll save that admin story for later - it's the first one on the list in my OP. Ciber is and was virtually impossible to get a hold of, and even if you did, he didn't give a shit regarding anything since I personally think he suffers from some level of superiority complex so he considers you unworthy to listen to. I doubt that's changed now. Wilik was busy with his other projects and was gradually separating himself from GW. It wasn't a surprise and you couldn't blame him. GW was a shithole playground for retards to come here and ask where the next Naruto episode was even though it was posted on the front page.
With my new active status, I took actions to involve myself and others to improve GW, fix GW's rules and regulations problems, and get rid of the bad posters. But the only person I can talk to about this is Krb. So since my mod status granted a higher level of impunity compared to myself as just a regular member, I badgered him. I got to his head, fucked with him, albeit condescendingly, and made him realize how much of a trash he was by not doing what was right and what was good for GW. But he is sooo useless. Talking to him in any angle or respect results in only one of several things: 1. Nothing getting done. 2. Krb threatening to take away my modship, and nothing getting done. 3. Krb threatening to take away my modship, ban me, and nothing getting done.
Sigh... So why is Krb such a bad person? This could go on for possibly forever but I'll list two distinct ones. My number one issue with him was the fact that with his admin status, he didn't really do as much as he should and could have. He was not involved in any of the major GW projects, ignored moderator and member requests, and just sat on his ass. Maybe it was because his cock was tightly tied on a leash held by Ciber, but that's no excuse to be so useless with his powers. He was pretty much impotent unless it came to punishing moderators who seriously raised their concerns. As I've said before, my stories are going to seem bias even though I really, truly try not to make it so. But his lack of care for G- No, wait. His unwillingness to improve GW is truly disgusting.
Second reason: He is dumb. His decisions are not very well thought out, nor are they really the best choice to make in certain situations. Simply out of spite and anger, after a megaton of e-drama, he deletes my account even though I've been banned from the forums for almost half a year. This, as a lot of you may know, results in my roughly 5500 posts and threads being deleted. It's really a terrible loss especially since the year I was mod for, I really made a lot of funny, interesting, great posts to improve the overall quality of GW. Oh, and this of course is followed up by him removing Assertn's mod status due to latter insulting Krb in a different forum. Krb also banned others, including KitKat and Raven, when they tried to speak out about that account deletion blunder. To get a real detailed explanation of the situation, check this out. It's even got screenshots of the "apology" thread Krb made in the secret Mod Lounge! I don't know who made the terrible decision of making Krb an admin, but you've really killed it for us all.
I'll be honest. I didn't necessarily need my account back, I actually wanted to take over Krb's so I can return the favor. He deletes my account, I take his! But it didn't work. Oh, well. At least I've destroyed him off the known internet.
Edit: I'm going to add this hilarious thread to the end of this post. Oh Krb, you're such a card.
Jeez, another one.
Fine example of Krb's failed attempts to be useful.
Last edited by Mut; Tue, 08-14-2007 at 11:13 PM.
So it looks like GW was going to shit before I ever showed up, contrary to what masa keeps saying.
Is it ok to have his real name and birthdate posted like that?
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
Of course it is. It's openly stated on his profile.
Krb participated in my first Guild Wars contest. I might have even given him something. Aww damn.
At least two good thinsg came of that episode:
(1) I realized the stunning technical negligence all around and started making weekly database, forum software, image directory and homepage backups.
(2) we got rid of Krbadass as an admin.
But yeah. That was a great little episode in gotwoot history...
I remember not being around the forums for a long time and coming back and seeing this. I never really got any of the details though and am glad I have them now. While I always thought Mut was somewhat of a dick, he made fun of me once T.T, he was a funny one and added more to the community then he detracted.
A few background details on Krb:
1) Krb started out as a regular member. A pretty shitty one at that. Even after just a few months here on the forums, he got promoted to mod and I was wondering who made such a bad administrative decision.
2) Krb did a lot of sucking up in the mod lounge for a year or two before eventually becoming an admin. It was quite the lols to read through some of those early mod lounge threads, just because he acts like such a different person than when he talks to regular posters.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
This was actually a pretty interesting time on the forums...
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Wow, this sounds just like my ascension up the ranks of gotwoot! Regular member, check. Pretty shitty one, check. Next is my promotion to mod, then admin, and the eventual destruction of the forums. However, I will not be doing any sucking up, and I will treat mods and admins with the same malice I treat all who challenge me.
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
Sadly (for you), ciber's not making those decisions anymore.
I don't think I'll ever put this back up. People here don't deserve that much service.Originally Posted by TwisT
Woah. When I joined Gotwoot I really had no idea there was so much history (and drama) behind how they came to be in their current state. Would it be fair to say that I am glad I wasn't around during such times?
No, cause then you can't be like.. Oh! I remember that-- what a douche bag (fill in blank) was
If you think it's fair, then it's fair. I personally don't think it is.Originally Posted by infidel
There was a period where I stopped lurking GW. It was at this time the whole Krbadass-Mut account deletion fiasco occured. So I have been missing this little gem of GW history for quite some time, and I'd like to thank Mut for filling in that blank. This explains why so many note worthy threads seemed to have vanished into thin air.
While I never received good impressions from Mut or Krbadass, with the former having a very confrontational edge in his posts (which is most likely his posting-style and something I can not hold against him, as some may also find my non-posting style objectionable) and the latter being very much a hypocrite, I seem to find myself disliking Krbadass infinitely more now that I know he is responsible for the eradication of topics I know many others would have enjoyed.
And on that note, I humbly request more GW stories, as I'm sure other people would like to know more about GW.
...or not. I could be wrong.
I think you're quite right. Common Mut! Hurry with the NM Donkey/Ass Clown story!!Originally Posted by High Wind
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot