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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden: The Movie

  1. #41
    He'll probably be like... eww, what are you doing to me?
    Ahhh, the beauty of not hitting puberty :-P

    And actually, more for the sake of argument than anything, you CAN say that the first was better than the 4th. Why? Because when we saw the first, it was all new (as far as a Naruto movie plot) so naturally, it seems better to us and we liked it more than the others.

  2. #42
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Anyway KrayZ at this point I'm beginning to think that you would watch anything that has Naruto in it and like it?
    No, but maybe you guys just expected much more from the movie than I did, I knew from the 3 movies before that the story is always a bit boring (but to be honest I didn't dislike this story either) and for me it had everything I wanted..some really decent fights, the only thing that is missing is a kyuubi-scene, which is very sad btw... the fight against the demon could have been such a great scene...

    Naruto getting impaled by the demon and then the kyuubi awakens (similiar to the Naruto vs Sasuke fight).. and this way Naruto is able to change his and her destiny, and when Naruto is about to win and gets close to the priestress, she yells "STOP IT NARUTOOOOO" and Naruto falls unconscious .... and the priestress hugs him and is crying on his unconscious body and thanks him for showing her the right way......awwww <3

    Seriously, they should get me to write their stories hihihiiiii....

  3. #43
    For me is the Naruto movie 2 the best.
    Naruto movie 4 was just badass..okk the fight scenes were just cool of Rock Lee was the coolest.
    But the whole story was there had more tansion in it like a friend of naruto dies and then naruto becomes angry like this...GRRRR I WILL KILL YOU!! and then Boom he he gets four tails and then the fight begins for me this is awesome.
    And Mouryou he was just shit he didnt did something in the movie only at the scene when he fights with naruto. If he showed his powers and then fight with naruto then was the fight awesome.
    This is what i expected but it was not this way.
    *€»~†ǁỐỮ|_ΓΡǁ†‼~«€* - ˜ή*»―†

  4. #44
    I'm betting neither. It's probably child porn.

  5. #45
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    At the end when Shion asks Naruto for help in passing the priestess powers to the next, and judging from everyones expressions... Was she litereally asking Naruto to have a child with her? Lol

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    She was asking him to put his... ponooooos... in her..vagoooo.... AND TO JAM IT IN!

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    She was asking him to put his... ponooooos... in her..vagoooo.... AND TO JAM IT IN!
    Hentai dreamers unite....

  8. #48
    I liked the movie. Wasn't that bad. Loved the ending, and glad sakura didn't get mad.

    btw is it just me or did Shion looked a lot like Hinata? at the begining of the movie I thought it was Hinata who screamed naruto's name. I was like yes, finally. But disappointed after when I found out it was Shion. Oh well

  9. #49
    I liked the first movie the best, but the ending scene made this movie somewhat worthwhile.
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  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    btw is it just me or did Shion looked a lot like Hinata? at the begining of the movie I thought it was Hinata who screamed naruto's name. I was like yes, finally. But disappointed after when I found out it was Shion. Oh well
    Yap I thought so too ^^, but i wasn't really disappointed when I found out it's Shion... since she is hawt too :P(except her freaky jewel-mosaic-eyes)

  11. #51
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I apologize to the Naruto fandom and fangirls but this has the be the most retarded movie of all 4. And all 4 were retarded.

    Christ, I cant believe I sat through all that; the only reason I kept it up was to see the Kyuubi rip some shyt apart and what do I get, another f*cking multicolored ball of fun.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  12. #52
    thats what she said

  13. #53
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifus
    f*cking multicolored ball of fun.

    It wouldn't be a Naruto movie if it didn't end with one.

  14. #54
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Ok, I was going to not watch this movie at all, as I've watched none of the others before it, and only one (the very first one - four leaf clover I think it was) of the naruto special episodes that weren't part of the series. However, I hear that Naruto dies in the first five minutes of the movie. If I follow one of the links in this thread that claims to lead to a naruto movie, will I then see Naruto die in the first five minutes? If so, I will download it, if not, I will not. Someone please answer, I need this.

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    you will see him getting impaled by a demon... and dead..

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    I liked the movie. Wasn't that bad. Loved the ending, and glad sakura didn't get mad.
    Haha yeah I was expecting her to say something like

    "Do you know what you're agreeing to, stupid?"

    Followed by the never-old Sakura beating session.

    And maybe Lee making some comment about Naruto entering his springtime of youth, and Kakashi pulling out his book...

  17. #57
    He is going to die the demon tears his skin and then everywhere is blood you see the prriestess crying and then........................ Joke LOL

    Nope he isnt going to die why would he if dies then is nothing awesome about the serie.
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  18. #58
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well he IS dead in the first five minutes.. but it was just a "vision"... actually thats what the whole movie is about! The movie wants to show that everyone can create his own fate.. and change it if they believe they can do it.

    Those who accept their fate as they are told... die (which isn't always wrong either). Its actually a pretty good (standard) story. I like this :P

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by kmkze04
    Haha yeah I was expecting her to say something like

    "Do you know what you're agreeing to, stupid?"

    Followed by the never-old Sakura beating session.

    And maybe Lee making some comment about Naruto entering his springtime of youth, and Kakashi pulling out his book...
    lol yea that would of been so awsome, the Lee and kakashi part.

    Guys I've been watching a trailer for naruto the 4th movie and it looks different then wut we saw. Is it the same move with alternate way of naruto's death or a new one?

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    no, the trailers simply doesn't use movie-sequences... to fool the people which are like "MOG NARUDO IZ DEAD" and so on.

    well then again, it could be that the cinema version is slightly different to the DVD... like in Rebuild of Evangelion

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