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Thread: Is DB a bunch of douchebags? You decide!

  1. #1
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Is DB a bunch of douchebags? You decide!

    Since like, everybody downloads from Dattebayo...
    Actually because it's from DB I don't know if this should be taken seriously (don't see the usual [YHBT] sign) but here's some news for ya:

    Wondering where is this week's Naruto?
    Guess what. Profits are down again, Pokemon ratings are dropping faster than iPhone sales, and since we were refused entry to Otakon, we need to get into 20 other less relevant anime cons, and most importantly - Naruto and Bleach keep showing up on Youtube and other crap video upload sites regularly, so here's the deal: Pokemon reaches 100k downloads per episode within 24 hours, or else Naruto is permanently dropped*.

    You heard it here first.

    *Note: Only the English, French, and Portuguese-Brazilian versions of Naruto will be dropped. We will still release the Hebrew sub.

    Dattebayo Staff

    Edit: Then again...

    2007-07-05 19. Trap Operating! Enemy of Team Gai
    罠作動! ガイ班の敵
    TORAPPU Sadou! Gai-han no Teki

    Judge yourself! I think they just want their other anime to be watched too, assholes...
    Last edited by Killa-Eyez; Fri, 06-29-2007 at 09:52 PM.

    Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
    Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.

  2. #2
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Sincs you are new I'll let you off.

    DB are Assholes, never ever listen to what they say ever. This is a troll like the many many other trolls they have done.

    The ep is next week
    image fail!

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    So irrespective of [YHBT] it still means it's a troll?

    Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
    Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.

  4. #4
    Anything DB says about they're future behavior with respect to Naruto or Bleach should just be ignored, even if they were to tell the truth once, they're trolled so many times that it's pointless to believe anything posted on their website.

    If I see them at Otocon I'll be sure to let anyone who talks to them know how big a bunch of tricksters they are.

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    I knew they were assholes, didn't knew they were living in them...

    Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
    Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Killa-Eyez
    So irrespective of [YHBT] it still means it's a troll?
    YHBT = you have been trolled

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    If you are suspicious about DB's behavior, you should check if the RAW has been released, which, in this case, it was not released this week.

  8. #8
    My 2Cents.....Dattebayo thinks that they can run everything because they release most of the naruto subs out there, Aone would easily rape them because Dattebayo "Staff" are a bunch of fags, also, when it says Pokemon ratings are down, and you didn't get your fukin spot on Otokon then boo hoo we didn't get our area at Kamekazekon along with other people.

    Basically, Dattebayo doesn't need to take out their emo problems on us, not our fault Pokemon has been down hill for 8 years

  9. #9
    I thought it was pretty funny...

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So did I.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    If I see them at Otocon I'll be sure to let anyone who talks to them know how big a bunch of tricksters they are.
    Yeah, that'll show em. You'll be totally scaring off potential customers for their $0 a year business.

    They give us good fast free subs of two of the most popular anime in the world. If they feel like jerking around stupid people on their weeks off, more power to them.

    If you have a problem with it, congratulations being one of the stupid people they tricked once.

  11. #11
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    lol... People getting mad at DB like they just been cheated or something.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have to completely and totally agree with DE this time. DB does decent job on their real subs every time, so why on earth does it matter a bit what they do with their website or during the weeks the show(s) not aired? It's their website, for christ's sake. They can do whatever they want with it. I don't see people complaining about other websites owned by private people like anything tricky that happened there was some UN defined crime against humanity.

    If I was working for DB, I'd be the one volunteering for posting bizarre news on the website, just because one person in a dozen might actually believe it. It would be worth it, and I have absolutely no doubt reactions like seen in this thread keep them doing it also in the future, keep them laughing merrily in their chairs. I don't deny it is a bit arrogant, but I don't care. They have earned the right many times over.

  13. #13
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    It was well known that this week there was no episode... so what's the poing to complaining of DB's jokes?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    So did I.Yeah, that'll show em. You'll be totally scaring off potential customers for their $0 a year business.

    They give us good fast free subs of two of the most popular anime in the world. If they feel like jerking around stupid people on their weeks off, more power to them.

    If you have a problem with it, congratulations being one of the stupid people they tricked once.
    Get your stuff straight dude, they make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from subbing other animes that people request them to sub, my friend had his anime raw subbed by them, he didn't disclose the price, but he said that it was a hurt on his pocketbook. Secondly its their choice to give the free subs, it gets old from time to time "OH Naruto has been dropped! For some really gay Pokemon Diamond and Pearl." The day that they will drop Naruto is the day that the company goes out of business. It especially gets old when they threaten you over and over again, its like talking smack on a keyboard when your posting on a forum.

  15. #15
    You know what would really teach those big mean assholes not to play their big bad tricks anymore? If you stopped downloading their totally free fansubs. That'd teach'em, that'd teach'em real good.

  16. #16
    I don't care about their jokes at all, since I know when Naruto comes out. What I was talking about was informing other people not to take them seriously, b/c a lot of the people that watch Naruto are dumb teenagers who get tend to get obsessed. I think it's pretty funny too, but I get annoyed with the backlash it causes, like this thread.

  17. #17
    I've changed the thread title to reflect the actual discussion

  18. #18
    Here's how I see it.

    Dattebayo are within their full rights to say what they want, when they want on their website. They provide a service for free to everyone around the world. For this I think they deserve credit, regardless if it is to fulfill some sort of weird subbing business model they may have going.

    However that said, when they do say things like what they have done this week people can't be blamed for thinking that they are assholes. No one likes to be talked down to, even if they are getting freebies.

    If for nothing else, their behaviour makes no business sense, as it does not build any 'customer' loyalty to the brand. And its this loyalty that will bring home the money, not going on power trips.

  19. #19
    Genin Darth Arrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    What I was talking about was informing other people not to take them seriously, b/c a lot of the people that watch Naruto are dumb teenagers who get tend to get obsessed. I think it's pretty funny too, but I get annoyed with the backlash it causes, like this thread.
    Yeah, that's just the problem. Just look at the download counts on DB's site: When writing this, Shippuuden 001-002 has been downloaded 723 091 times That's helluva lot, and that count can be easily tripled when you think that more than a one person watches the same download, there are DDL services, IRC-bots and YouTube/other video sharing sites. And many of these people are just stupid brats with no common sense, or newbies with no experience, who are easily tricked. I bet some (but probably not all) of the staff in DB really get some sort of feel of power from this, because so many people rely on their subs.

    The trolls and such of DB, yes, at first they were kinda funny, but I think over the years the "fun" has wore off, and now I'm just being irritated every time I see this kinda troll "news" or troll "release" which are just made to confuse masses. That's why I've been searching for an alternative sub group for Naruto and Bleach. With original Naruto I watched AonE's subs, with Bleach I watched Lunar's and Bleach-Society's untill only DB was left. And now, when Flomp-Rumbel started, I immediatly switched to them. And they are actually better than DB! With Shippuuden the situation has been much worse. SD Project is slow, they don't sub specials after the episodes, I don't like their font and their probably going to drop it when it gets licenced (which is shit because when something gets licenced in the USA I'm not gonna see it in years (if at all) in Finland). I don't even concider NarutoBuzz a proper group and Anime-Kyou/Rasengan is just a laugh. Now I'm really looking forward to Flomp-SLF's subs because Flomp is doing very good job with Bleach I hope I can finaly get rid of DB and their "jokes" for good, this is my way (and as far as I can see, the only way) of saying fuck you to those assholes

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    i've fallen victim to a few trollings from DB. I remember how ripped i was the first time i got trolled... i was anxiously awaiting the current weeks episode of bleach and it had a yhbt tag instead of db... owell i wanted to see it. So... bleach intro, awesome... im all pumped, then all of a sudden "BAM!" a japanese baseball game !!! ROFL..

    second troll; something to the effect of '' this weeks naruto will not be released until pythagoreous switch dl reaches 50,000" so i actually dld pythag not knowing what it was, and i was like... wtf... does DB really sub this show?

    Anyhow. All i can do is thank DB for doing me a service every week that i dont have to pay them for. Not too long ago they had a post saying somethign about needing money and i was going to donate until i read further and saw that i'd missed donation buy a week or so and that they had raked in i think $6500 in excess donations which they donated to some sort of charity.

    In conclusion, the world is full of douchebags. I don't care if the people of DB are or are not actual douchebags. They use their time every week to give me something that i really love and hate to go without.

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