Stop....Killing....The joke![]()
I'm shocked by the out pouring of dignity in this thread. Anyway, none of you are getting any money, but your also not getting a shit sandwich for dinner either so go about your lives.
@mage-bert: I'm not crying about anything. I don't mind the stupid jokes at all, but I do think that they are stupid jokes. And I'm not going to think they aren't stupid just because the people making them provide a good thing. Much like I separate your general online asshatery from your occascional decent posts.
A real-life example that support's Yuki's point.
Tazmo (founder of is a douche-bag.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Hey dont say that....oh wait, yeah he is. SAY IT LOUD AND SAY IT PROUD!
F*ck DB
F*ck Naruto Fan
F*ck You
F*ck You,
You're cool!
assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense
No, I do believe Tazmo is an asshole on a whole other level. Whether or not you donate to DB is your choice, you still get Naruto and Bleach in the end. Tazmo on the other hand (as if we haven't already gone over this a million times) is having people pay him for other people's work. That is beyond corporate evil.
I wasn't talking to you, your post just happened to come before mine. I was talking to all the other whiners.Originally Posted by Yukimura
Actually your analogy couldn't be more incorrect. Tazmo charges for his bandwidth. You can get everything on his site for free. It's still illegal though. I'm surprised he's not been shut down.Originally Posted by Carnage
I don't know when, or if this is old news, but it is ontopic... DB added the YHBT tag to their news finally. I guess they got millions of those hateful emails they always say they get when they troll.
I do understand that DB is not happy that people upload their subs onto youtube since you get such crappy resoluition...
I've been up for.... going on 16 hours now... just got home, and omfg !!! DB has naruto ready and waiting for me !!!Thanks DB
I <3 j00
But in some countries you should NOT tip in restaurantOriginally Posted by Vash72
Nobody ever gives tip to anyone here
I just think DB's joke is really old and therefore stinks. If they really want to be "funny" they should think something new. I'm so bored seeing newbies talking that "we must get a drillion downloads of pokemon or they won't release Naruto!!111!1!" that I've decided to change the subs I watch. Flomp-Rumbel for bleach and Flomp-SLF for Naruto^^ That's how I react on stupid and boring jokes witch go forever and ever...
Dude, do you know how much $5200 is in internets anime?Originally Posted by Animeniax
It's like....alots!
Begin Quote
Wondering where is this week's Naruto [YHBT]
Guess what. Profits are down again, Pokemon ratings are dropping faster than iPhone sales, and since we were refused entry to Otakon, we need to get into 20 other less relevant anime cons, and most importantly - Naruto and Bleach keep showing up on Youtube and other crap video upload sites regularly, so here's the deal: Pokemon reaches 100k downloads per episode within 24 hours, or else Naruto is permanently dropped*.
You heard it here first.
*Note: Only the English, French, and Portuguese-Brazilian versions of Naruto will be dropped. We will still release the Hebrew sub.
Update 2007/07/06:
* Number of people trolled by this announcement (estimated): 337276
* Number of death threats addressed to Dattebayo Headquarters: 17259
* Number of people who thought it was funny and congratulated on another troll well done: 13
Dattebayo Staff
end quote
personally i think its bloody hilarious![]()
"still release the hebrew sub" was the best part.
It's not uncommon for manga groups too spam entire pages filled with crap at their "customers", yet they release and they release proper, so I don't really see the big deal :P
Should see what happened with K-manga. A person (Madocchi) released chapters he found for people that want to read Sekirei but K-manga releases too slow. K-manga being stupid like they usually are couldn't stand it, issues a warning but Madocchi didn't follow. So they only release chapters to their donators and staff. Some may say he's stealing their work or whatever, but they release so slow anyways, so who really cares. They don't have to read it either.
It's actually less than $5200 because some weeks you only get monopoly money.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
That's okay, because Monopoly money buys just as much internets anime as real money.
To be totally exact, you do need money even for internet anime, unless your net connection is free of charge. Although you can argue you would get a net connection even without any interest in anime.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Do DB know about this thread? They'd probably get a massive kick outta reading a troll well done.
Grow up, get some common sense and learn to see a troll when it's coming. If the hebrew didn't give it away you're too damn naive. Not to mention you should know DB are a bunch of jokers anyway. A sense of humour won't hurt you either, there are no victims here.
And following the great monopoly money argument, if he brings around monopoly money around A WEEK EARLY and tells me to do something, I'll laugh with him for a good joke and tell him to bring the real money when it's actually due from the "raw factory". Atleast now I know how much I need to pay someone to be able to shit in their food and punch them in vital places.
My opinion, it was funny because it actually worked. In a sad way.
Official Dattebayo Press Release
It bugs me that there was no YHBT in the article, which is why I was hoping someone here could enlighten me.
With a cellmate name like "Spikes" though, I'm left wondering if they change the name of their PR department to the BS Department. Or do you feel that they're [other Dattebayo staff] are just having a little fun with a sad situation?