who's the kid from boy meets world?
Just saw yesterday's ep....nice twist, though somewhat easy to see. Things should get interesting now.
who's the kid from boy meets world?
Just saw yesterday's ep....nice twist, though somewhat easy to see. Things should get interesting now.
The guy they were protecting in the class reunion episode, the one about Sara's past. The one that thought that Chuck was a badass mother fucker.Originally Posted by Assassin
Saw that coming. She overstayed her welcome way too long to be just a fling.
Just saw episode 6 "Chuck vs the Ex" and the series still has hope.
Wow, what a difference a good director makes! Jay Chandrasekhar (from Broken Lizard, the troupe that made Super Troopers) directs this great episode. There are no glaring plot holes, no missing scenes, no silly unprofessional spy work for the most part, Chuck is likable instead of obnoxious, the Buy More side story is funny and clever, Casey gets some great lines, everything that made this a great series is all there. Plus the gorgeous Jordana Brewster guest stars and it seems will have a recurring role.
Best episode since episode 11 of season 1.
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
Just caught up...
I liked the episode with Sara's dad, and yesterday's episode (the Christmas one) was quite good. Fun episode, with some twists, and the characters are placed in interesting positions emotionally towards the end of the episode to continue with the series.
You are too easily amused Munsu. The Christmas episode started out ok, if a bit cliched with the stereotypical "gather everyone together somehow" scenario, then the cornball enters the cooking vat and it's plot holes, nonsense, and ridiculously unbelievable situations and developments for the rest of the show. Chuck makes friends with the hostage taker and then somehow convinces everyone to make nice with him to prolong a situation that would have lasted 5 minutes otherwise.
The only upside of the episode is the somewhat realistic spy thing that Sarah does towards the end of the episode, leaving Chuck in an actual "oh crap I'm dealing with spies and people might actually die" situation that the series has defied since it's beginning, and while it was passable during the first season, has become less and less forgivable as the show progresses (regresses).
They need to spend more of their budget on directors and story-writers and less on special guest stars.
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
Yeah, I'm easily entertained... that's because I manage expectations well. I think it's a bit too late to be worried about cliches when it comes to Chuck... some of them are deliberate. It's a fun show that doesn't take itself seriously, from there I gauge the situations. If this were a serious drama then all those things you mention would certainly bother me, but not in this type of show.Originally Posted by Animeniax
I really hate this show; Chuck's pansy attitude and Sarah's conflicting unemotions ruin almost every mission, and the only saving grace in the entire show is Casey, who treats Chuck like the incompetent inconvenience he really is. And for some reason I've seen every episode! Damn you Hulu. I'm weak.
I have to admit that the series is somehow getting slightly better in my opinion. I hate nearly every character in the show (I only like some buy more people + casey, and NSA/CIA heads), but I enjoy seeing what mess the characters have gotten themselves into now.
Oh and I'll mention that it was cool that Sarah killed a bad guy for Chuck, should Chuck be happy that she did that to save him or pissed that she killed someone no matter what?
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Couldn't have put it better myself. Sarah's hotness was the original impetus for giving this show a chance, but that wears off pretty quickly, even with the skimpy underwear scenes and cute work outfits they have her prance around in. Chuck was likable in the first season, now he spends most missions chasing skirt instead of worrying about the killers trying to take over the world.
I think the series has steadily gotten worse as it loses its identity. Is it a spy show, or a scifi geek show, or a comedy? Because it seems to fail as it tries to be all those things. Some things don't mix. It was like when the alien scifi teen show Roswell decided it didn't want to be a high school show and went more with the alien tilt. Big mistake, and the show died.
“For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?”
New episode tonight, but looking at the promos it seems like it's going to be a 3D episode. I hope it doesn't suck.
Just watched the special 3D episode, and hated it. First, I didn't have any of those special glasses so the episode looked pretty much like shit. Secondly, the episode was quite boring in my opinion.
Hopefully next one will be better.
yeah that 3d thing was bullcrap, i downloaded the regular "2-d" version but it was like 100mb and from that u can pretty much guess the videoquality :P, still better than having blue/yellow crap all over everything tho..
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Well Penner, it seems like you'll be my new tv show buddy since everyone around seems to not be watching much tv shows anymore.
And yeah, I really don't like these 3D types of episodes... they've always turned out to be a bad idea all for a stunt to increase viewership (which is usually not sustained). Anyways, the producer is promoting "game changing" events for the season finale... so hopefully there'll be something to get excited about as we move towards that and next season (assuming it gets picked up for another one).
Last weeks episode was a fun one. We go to the suburbs with Sarah and Chuck playing a married couple. Chuck gets kinda of an upgrade to the intersect, so I wonder what effects it'll have on him. But I think the best thing was Big Mike getting it on with Morgan's mom.
Yeah, Big Mike getting together with Morgans mom can create some hilarious scenes :P
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
The 3-d glasses gave me a head ache and the show wasnt very 3-d to me. I prefer my tv sans the head ache. Recent episode was alot of fun especially with Chuck sneaking out of the neighbors house in broad daylight while everyone was watching. It was a very ghetto moment for Chuck who seems so straight laced. Show seems to get consistent numbers, I think it will get picked up for next year, after that who knows. Need to cross our fingers that the whole Jay Leno thing goes down like a flaming pile of shit. I much rather watch a scripted show than a vapid talk show.
Sig made by Lucifus
Wow - this show has somehow gotten way better in the last few episodes. Every episode ends with a cliffhanger and the comic relief of the Buy More is finally working. Chuck isn't blindly in love with Sarah anymore and that makes the show a lot better. He's still a bit incompetent but his "Morgan" move is AMAZING!! XD
I'm actually excited to see this show now for some reason, probably because Chuck doesn't ruin the missions as much anymore. It's a lot more fun to see him being useful and less of a pansy. Perhaps we will see him evolve into an effectively affectionate badass? Sarah continues to do dumb things to protect Chuck behind an emotionless facade, only this time it seems she made the right choice.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
Aye the quality of the show has increased alot lately, its great ^^
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Finally caught up, and the last handful of episodes have been great, especially since they decided to progress the plot substantially.
We also met Chuck's dad played by the awesome Scott Bakula (great casting). Orion is revealed, and as such Chuck is apparently Intersect free. Morgan also leaves the Buy-More, and Capt. Awesome learns Chuck's secret. How about Chevy Chase playing a bad guy?
Anyways, season (series finale?) tonight with Ellie's wedding. Hopefully the show gets renewed for a 3rd season, since by the looks of it, we'll be stepping outside of the mold of what Chuck has been so far... probably no more Buy-More stuff.
Season Finale is out and how fucking awesome was that!! Super intersect!
How awesome was "Jeffster" at the wedding, seriously, they rocked the shit out of that place.
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."