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Thread: PS3

  1. #101


    This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
    I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
    I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
    Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
    I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.

  2. #102
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    i found out awhile ago that the killzone 3 footage was real ingame, BUT it was running at lower than 5fps, and than later sped up to 60fps, so still doesnt clasify as real footage for me

  3. #103
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    just thought i might add, the PS3 disk drive will be a "blu-ray disk drive" which means the games on PS3 have the potential to be 3-4x bigger than the normal DVDs. (blu-ray disk drive is sony's creation, xbox doesnt use it)

    PS3 is going to have the highest powered CPU using a new CPU called "CELL" designed by IBM and...(crap i forgot other company) which is supposely 3.2Gigz Its release is fall 2006 though... meeh.

    tinks what do you mean PS2 looks worse than dreamcast? the pics look a hell lot better. PS3 has capibility to run on all kinds of HDTV resolutions (thats awsome!!) and of course, backwards compatibility. PS3 supports WiFi yada yada, a hell lot of other crap...yada yada.

    oh and its predicted that XBOX 360 will hold the crown of the next generation systems until the end of 2007 where its predicted sony will bypass it once again and become crown (whad you expect? the release dates are 1 year apart!)

    note: all information obtained for electronic gaming monthly

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  4. #104
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    maybe ps3 EXCLUSIVE games will be slightly bigger, but i cant really c a game reaching 30gbs, y??
    multiplatform games will need to fit, and nobody wants to go BACK to the old gen with multiple discs ( gc OK its only got 1.7gb)
    how the hell can you dig up 30gbs of game content?????, or you would need to pack it with tons of HD cg scenes
    the pc holds the crown on space, yet the biggest game i have encountered is ut2k4 which is 7gb's after install( 2k7 will prolly be like 12gb's for pc, and 9gbs for consoles)
    the blu-ray is NOT intended for games, but for HD movies, which is stupid cause wmvhd is also 1080p and fits on a normal single layer dvd, there is also another codec, which is just as good as wmv hd

    the blu-ray is a waste on ps3, really

    yes ps3 can run at a max of 1080p, but who has a tv that supports that? there arent alot of hdtvs that support that reso, and there wont be, until like 2 or 3 years

    cell is designed by IBM and SONY, but you have to understand its a NEW architecture, devs have also said it, it will be harder to develop for, because its new, so the quality games that REALLY showcase the power of the ps3 wont be out until like minimally a year after release

    xb360 makes use of a unified pipeline, not sure about all the details ne more, but that really boosts its performance

    i say xb360, 2005-2006-2007 and in 2008 ps3 and xb360 will be completly on par WITH ps3 having a slight advantage, than at end 2008 ps3 will take over ( in terms of POWER), but by that time xb360 will already have a enormous fanbase etc...

  5. #105


    I agree with Dark Shadow

    What do I mean Dreamcast looks better than PS2? Developers have had problems for years with anti-aliasing for the PS2 because its so difficult to develop for just like Dark Shadow says is going to happen with the PS3. Also the PS2 isnt any more powerful than the Dreamcast when it comes down to it because it was easier to make better looking games, even current gen PS2 titles still dont look as good as games like Resident Evil Code Veronica on Dreamcast.
    Frankly we wont know if PS3 or 360 will be more powerful untill both of them are released because they just keep throwing numbers back and forth without giving us alot of facts. Things like the unified pipeline are true but whether that means more power we dont know, also Sony's machine wasnt completed that long ago so who even knows about any of that either.

    I think whichever company has the best online service will make a major difference as well, Xbox had a big positive over Sony and thats Xbox Live.
    One thing Sony had over Xbox was its RPGs, but now Square Enix is putting its Final Fantasy series on 360 along with the Japanese companies bought, so what Sony had over Microsoft is gone. The only games I can think of that Sony would still have would maybe be God Of War and Katamari to make sequels for in terms of franchises, or Ratchet and Clank.

  6. #106


    yep yep,wont kno till both of em come out but ill say that i think the ps3 controller looks kinda wierd. Also 360 suppossed 2 come out next fall ,and ps3 suppossed 2 come out next spring,dont kno if sony can afford 2 wait that long cuz the 360 might be already won over.We'll c tho

  7. #107
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    360 will have major advantage in terms of sale over any next generation system for the sheer reason that humans of no patience. Xbox 360 is currently supposed to be released fall 2005. while the revolution and PS3 will all be later in 2006 (Sony will do the usual "release in japan, then bring it to US half a year later")

    These new systems arent exactly cheap so by the time everybody already owns a xbox360 will anybody still buy a PS3? (well yes, but will they perform well?)

    on a side note: Kingdom Hearts II is set to be released november 2006!!! (THATS AWSOME!!) I FUCKIN LOVED the first 1 except for its camera which is said to be improved. Also, it was said (some magazine reviewers played japanese demo) that they managed to make a better fighting system and also, the gummi ship wont be as crappy. On the plus side, square managed to load up a shitload of enemies in this disk, and made it good quality too (its released for PS2 not PS3)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  8. #108


    the graphics on the ps3 are done by nvidia and is said to be more powerful than 2 6800 ultras. not sure where i read the view, i think it might have been at tom's hardware. this review was made a while back so im not sure how comparable it is to the new 7800. but more powerful than 2 6800 ultras? thats some powerful stuff [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    EDIT: From Tom's Hardware (

    On the graphics side, the partnership with Nvidia has led to an amazing processor christened the RSX "Reality Synthesizer," which can carry out its calculations for pixels with 128 precision bits and with a resolution of 1080 lines (that is, the precise norm for "true" high resolution). By comparison, according to Nvidia, this RSX graphics processor based on a 90-nm process, with a speed of 550 MHz and no less than 300 million transistors, is <u>more powerful than two GeForce 6800 Ultras</u>. This means that the sky's the limit for developers and guarantees even more visual pleasure for gamers.

  9. #109
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    it was in "gamerz pro" magazine (i'm not sure if you receive it) but my brother ordered a bunch of magazines with the "Bill me later" function so i receive a lot of news about the new systems.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  10. #110


    the ps3 design rocks and the controll looks lika a bommerang

  11. #111


    i like the ps3 not the controll it looks nasty [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]

  12. #112


    Originally posted by: Tinks
    This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
    I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
    I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
    Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
    I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
    u`re kidding right...

    God of War, DMC3, Knights of the Old Republic( I and II), Jade Empire, Destroy All Humans, GT4(all of them), Forza, GTA...

    and that`s just to name a few...

    BTW, no games shown by MS or Sony were running on real hardware...they were both displayed on high-end PCs...

    but at least they showed something...

  13. #113
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Originally posted by: fox_t
    but at least they showed something...
    And that's why you'll believe anything that George W. Bush tells you.

    Sony is making a joke out of all of you. 10 year life span for the PS3? What shit is that. Maybe they shouldn't be making a supercomputer so people can actually afford it. They try to pigeon hole Xbox 360 as "Xbox 1.5" when PS3 won't even have any applications to actually utilize the vague benefits of its Cell chip. They probably have an ugly boomerang controller for now so they can rip Nintendo off again at next year's E3.

    What kind of home entertainment system is it really going to be when it doesn't even come with an internal hard drive? Oh, right, because it has Blu-ray? I can't wait for the day when Blu-ray loses to HD-DVD the same way Betamax lost to VHS. Sony's done.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #114


    Originally posted by: fox_t
    Originally posted by: Tinks
    This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
    I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
    I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
    Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
    I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
    u`re kidding right...

    God of War, DMC3, Knights of the Old Republic( I and II), Jade Empire, Destroy All Humans, GT4(all of them), Forza, GTA...
    Destroy All Humans? Please
    GT4? Its just like every GT game with some better graphics and more cars, if I wanted rehashed games with very little change I'd buy EA's sports games
    GTA? I prefer not to buy games that thrive on perverse content
    Really any of these games offer nothing new aside from a choice on good or evil on Old Republic that alter your character... even that theres very little freedom.

  15. #115


    Originally posted by: sharoon0
    Originally posted by: fox_t
    but at least they showed something...
    And that's why you'll believe anything that George W. Bush tells you.

    Sony is making a joke out of all of you. 10 year life span for the PS3? What shit is that. Maybe they shouldn't be making a supercomputer so people can actually afford it. They try to pigeon hole Xbox 360 as "Xbox 1.5" when PS3 won't even have any applications to actually utilize the vague benefits of its Cell chip. They probably have an ugly boomerang controller for now so they can rip Nintendo off again at next year's E3.

    What kind of home entertainment system is it really going to be when it doesn't even come with an internal hard drive? Oh, right, because it has Blu-ray? I can't wait for the day when Blu-ray loses to HD-DVD the same way Betamax lost to VHS. Sony's done.
    George Bush????

    I'm not american...

    on top of that HD-DVD will never see the light of day...u're obviously behind on your tech...check out Toshiba's new investment...and then get back to me on that one...

    trust me when i say this...nobody will rip Nintendo's controller...the system will cater to such a niche market that no one will touch it with a ten foot pool...they're isolating themselves and shooting themselves in the foot by brigning out some specialized system long after the PS3 and Xbox 360...on top of that they're keeping it secret not trying to counter Sony or MS in anyway because fanboys like you will buy their system no matter what...u're already stating Nintendo's controller will be ripped and u have no idea what it is...not one single iota...and u say i'm being duped by Sony????

    BTW...MS is thinking of not including an HD...

    and i don't know about u...but i would rather see a 10 year console life means better bang for my buck...MS already shortened the Xbox's life...can't say i'm happy about that...but if it's possible i would be more than willing to accept 10 i think it's then again if you had any idea how powerful the Cell processor was maybe u wouldn't be saying that...if you knew anything about CPUs...maybe just maybe u'd realize just how powerful 3 general purpose CPU cores are...but then again judging from your post...probably not...

  16. #116


    Originally posted by: Tinks
    Originally posted by: fox_t
    Originally posted by: Tinks
    This is funny, because none of the games shown at E3 were even running on the hardware the PS3 will have, nor was it even running on a PS3 machine. The game demos were made and presented on high end pc's, the time they showed Killzone and all those other games the consoles GPU wasnt even finished yet.
    I like how Sony smoke clouds everyone and uses scripted cg scenes to win over people and crowds just like they did with their PS2. They pretty much LIE to their consumers and everyone just eats it up.
    I wouldnt say Sony is in the lead if you care about the games over graphics; theres no way to know which one will be more powerful untill they are released. Sony claimed PS2 would be much more powerful than the Dreamcast yet most Dreamcast games still look far superior.
    Big moves that will really make a difference are all the Japanese companies(derived from Square Enix and Capcom) Microsoft bought and the fact SquareEnix is now developing for all systems as well as Rockstar so Sony loses those two wildcards.
    I plan on getting the Nintendo system though, I've come to the conclusion none of todays games on Xbox or PS2 are really fun or original with the exceptions of games like Ninja Gaiden, and Katarmari Damacy.
    u`re kidding right...

    God of War, DMC3, Knights of the Old Republic( I and II), Jade Empire, Destroy All Humans, GT4(all of them), Forza, GTA...
    Destroy All Humans? Please
    GT4? Its just like every GT game with some better graphics and more cars, if I wanted rehashed games with very little change I'd buy EA's sports games
    GTA? I prefer not to buy games that thrive on perverse content
    Really any of these games offer nothing new aside from a choice on good or evil on Old Republic that alter your character... even that theres very little freedom.
    right're obviously a Nintendo fan...nothing wrong with that...but to write off the game libraries of the Xbox and PS2 and say only two games from the entire set are good...i think that's a little far fetched...

    "perverse content"
    i hope you apply that to music, movies, TV shows, and books as well..otherwise u're just being a hypocrite.

  17. #117


    lol refuses to play because of perverse content, i refuse to play gta:sa cos its basically the same as gta3 but with a couple of extras added in. i mean come on theyre still using the same graphics in SA as they did in 3 and VC

  18. #118
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    I refuse to play the PlayStation 3 because Sony and all its products are perversely homosexual.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #119


    Originally posted by: sharoon1
    I refuse to play the PlayStation 3 because Sony and all its products are perversely homosexual.
    so this is where all the intelligent gamers come to discuss gaming...

  20. #120
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    sharoon is a banned member who keeps reregistering. Pay him no mind.

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