Yes, if you hang around IRC by now you would have already known about this awesome game, but you don't so I am here to educate you.
If you are a huge fan of tactical type shooters this is the game you need to get. Ubi makes playing in 3rd person almost perfect(xbox360, maybe pc), and it doesn't event take away from the original Ghost Reacon ( for those of you who have played it) Although, I just "got it" this is my first impression of the game, from what I can tell your solider has some new moves like the ability to roll from tree to tree. Graphics have also been beefed up from the first game. In fact, don't even attempt to buy the game, unless your system meets the bare minimum requirements. But to truly enjoy this game you do need a good graphics card. The only major downfall I see. Now my post is going to abruptly end as I go off and play.Following the 2005 Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW), Ubisoft brings the sequel GRAW2, with an even more tactical PC tailored game. You are the Soldier of the Future 2.0. All systems have been upgraded to give you more power and control on the battlefield. Following the failure of the “coup d’etat” in Mexico City Mexican rebels have gathered their remaining forces along the US border. Lead your team of elite Special Forces for the first time on US soil - straddling the border between Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas. The Ghosts have less than 72 hours to stop a nuclear attack. You are the last line of defense and must do what it takes to be victorious.
GRAW2 takes the player to a new level of immersion and realism, and provides a stronger tactical dimension.
* If anyone knows how to get the PC version to play 3rd person let me know.