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Interesting topic. I have thoughts.
warning I'm going to gethatred from this, but I don't care. I've wanted to say this for a long time and I finally found a thread to do it on:
Over the course of a few months I've been debating on alot of stuff on what kinds of jobs men should do, and what kind of jobs ONLY woman should do. I know it's sexest I don't give a flying fuck.
Here's my list:
Men should:
Anything computer oriented, labor oriented, corporate ownership or running of a company, and generally sweaty or hardworking things. Also anything law oriented.(cop, judge, lawyer etc)
Men shouldn't:
chef (anything involving cooking of food)
media related things-acting, singing, playing in a band of some kind(ownership of a media related company is fine)dancing, hosting a show(directing a movie is also something that I think is manly and ok to do, thats fine)
Teaching is a different field considering professors teach things that are needed and grade school teachers don't. Soo, I don't know about that one
My view on females is that they shouldn't be doing anything in the labor field. But we all know they already do it and I can't say no to that. Just wrong. Anything for woman in the men should not do category is also fine.
thats my take