Scan out by BS and BS
So Ichigo is able to hurt Grimmjow now just because Inoue told him not to die? This chapter is pure bullshit. How long is this fight going to go on anyway? Nothing has fucking happened in the past 4-5 chapters.
I must concur, this is a little weird. Ichigo's fights seem to have stopped being about him overcoming because of some understandable new source of strength i.e. Fighting togeather with his sword vs Kenpachi or Bankai against Byakuya, but now he just seem to get strength directly from Kubo Tite's pen. It's still cool that he's not dead and will soo kick some ass, I would much rather have him win because of something tangible, even if it is just a plot convienience.
When Orihime healed Ichigo, she might have healed his power to the time where he nearly became a Hollow during Urahara or the Vizards' training. Another point is that Ichigo might have been able to tap into his Hollow powers every time he fights, so his duration of being H'Ichigo stays longer. The last point I had in mind is how he's slowly being changed into the horse of the "King-Horse" theory. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be a logical theory supporting his sudden power.
This chapter really was terrible lots of baby talk from the snotty kid hollow and pointless fighting and on top of that nothing is going on aside from orihime figuring out that ichigo really did come to save her... Just seriously what the hell.
......So now Ichigo suddenly gets the power to stop Grimjow's attack at the end of the chapter....because Orihime started cheering for him. If nothing happens within the next 3 chapters Im going to take a small break from Bleach >.<
Maybe its just that Ichigo was playing with grim or at least his animalistic hollow self was ( for the joy of the fight) then when Orihime was like I believe in you he was like "oh yeah I was hear for a mission :alm to forehead.:: then wam bam stops attack.
doubtful Tite probably just bsing this whole part. First off his mask is only supposed to last 11 seconds but it seems like he's been using for couple minutes now and its unlikely hes toying with him b/c his mask just disappeared so normally he should be dead at this point but for some reason hes getting his ass kicked with the mask on but manages to stop Grim's blade w/o the mask. Terrible Chapter![]()
I liked this Chapter. So what if nothing really happened. Atleast there wasnt non-stop hard to follow fighting. It had some meaning. And big boob is better off now. -dg-
assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense
Orihime inspiring an Ichigo power boost? And where the hell is Rukia?? I miss her so.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
@Kitsune, I agree that the mask has lasted way beyond its supposed limit, but it is still on Ichigo in the last panels of the chapter when he stops Grimm's sword.
I think Rukia was badly injured and Ichigo sensed her reatsu fading away. Is she dead? lol! Where does a shinigami go when they die?Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Last edited by oyabun; Mon, 07-16-2007 at 07:04 AM.
I actually enjoyed this chapter. Power boost from people screaming motivation has always been a part of Bleach. And even though it's overdone, who here have never gotten extra strength by motivating yourselves with music, thoughts or other people motivating you?
I want to find out what's happening with Rukia though!
Not only his mask is still on partially, but his eyes are still black so he still in hollow form then. He has been going in and out of hollow form lately so it's probably sdtarting to stick longer, or he is starting to embrace it more or w/e.
I feel like Ichigo knows his H'Ichigo power gets stronger and lasts longer the more he battles (and probably takes a beating) while in that form. He could take Grimmjow out sooner but he has stronger opponents to face later so he's using this battle as H'Ichigo training for him at the same time. His fight with Ulquiarra was H'Ichigo strength training also but he didnt have a choice in the beating since he was too weak at that time.
The thing is he really does respect Orihime and her feelings and he sees this fight has taken a toll on her emotionally. That's the reason why he "all the sudden" blocks Grimmjow's last attack with his hand so easily. "I cant let you hurt me anymore" sounds like he had an intent and purpose in getting hurt and now with Orihime's plea, he has a reason to not get hurt (end the fight).
i liked the chapter, and i think its going to be awesome when it is animated.
i think during most of this fight ichigo hasn't been himself, but has been fused w\ hollow ichigo. i think he may have perfected the vaizard power and found the balance to let his inner hollow come to the surface without losing complete control of his mind.. It's such an epic arc, so many awesome things have happened and yet there is so much further to go..
Hello name is symbol. I just recently caught up on several episodes and manga chapters. I like this story and the latest chapters but would offer the following:
1. Why do Chad or Rukia always get their butt kicked so quickly? Rukia does not even seem to improve with each interim between major events. She does say in one of the last chapters that she was never really that good at sword play but even her spells are never powerful enough to stop her opponenets. I was pleased that she had an Ichigo spirit world moment and found inner to strength to win her las fight after talking with her mentor.
2. If Renji's powers are limited due to the room where the fight is taking place why don't they just use shunpo and/or their powerful leaping movements to get out of the room since Uryuu ended up creating a hole by which they can potentially escape. Then Renji would be able to use his Bankai.
3. As far as Ichigo's powers go....perhaps he is able to maintain the mask through both his resolve and also due to the fact that he and his teamates are in Hueco Mondo. Remember that in Hueco Mondo hollows have their greatest strengh...and since he is using the mask in essence to tap into his inner hollow then that may explain how he has been able to keep the mask on for the length of time that it has been on. Also, don't forget that we have seen time and time again Ichigo struggle with his resolve....once he has fully committed all of his will then his power levels and abilities gow exponentially. I see a lot of flaws in the last chapter as well...but overall it is enjoyable and I am very interested to see where the story will ultimately progress and very interested in the coming battle this winter. The rest of the Shinigami are not at Ichigo's level and Ichigo has yet to deal with some of the prime in the world will the Shiningami deal with them. Can Aizen recruit any of the Vasto Lorde and just how powerful is Aizen-sama that he can make Grimmjow drop to his knees with just a glance? Who the heck will be powerful enough to stop him?
I also want to mention I loved the trick that Uruhara pulled on Yami (several chapters back...that had me rolling.
Does anyone know when Chapter 284 will be out?
There's the fact that Rukia has never attained Bankai yet, so I doubt she fights at a captain-class level. For Chad, God knows what Tite wants to do with him. He barely fits in the storyline, but I bet he will play a bigger part in future plots such as the history of his "hollow-like" powers.Originally Posted by symbol9991
We haven't actually seen the battle between them yet, but according to my memory, they're stuck in a room full of Zaeruapollo Grantz's little Hollows. I think it's kind of hard to open a wall when your Quincy weapon is sealed and your partner is in his Shikai form and can't really do anything. Zaeruapollo Grantz would also be smart by just staying inside his room, and if Ishida kept firing his arrows at him, he would just regenerate by eating his Hollows as medicine.Originally Posted by symbol9991
Uryū actually blows a hole in the wall where Renji and Szayel Aporro Grantz are fighting. Since the room is booby trapped to suppress Renji's Bankai all that should be needed is for Renji to leap up to the hole made Uryu's entrance (theoretically).