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Thread: School Days

  1. #41
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It is tiring for Itou, since he is a horny bastard and his girlfriend is shut tighter than a clam.
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  2. #42
    School Days - 04 - [Conclave]

    Better then the last ep I feel, since it had lots of Sekai in it. And lots of 'practice'.

    I'm still only ~80% confident Sekai is trying to get as much of Makoto as she can without actively trying to steal him. They've done a decent job of leaving open the possibility that she is actually conflicted about whether she wants him and she's just reacting as things happen.

    I am convinced however that Katsura and Makoto should just end this farce. He doesn't seem the the type to play Knight-in-Shining-Armor for a girl, even if that's what it would take to make her feel comfortable. And though she might force herself to change for him, in the end it would just end badly for them.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 08-08-2007 at 07:19 AM.

  3. #43
    I'd say this has been the best episode so far. Lots of Sekai is always good.

  4. #44
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Damn... itou is such as perverted kid. Just because you gf doesn't want to do it yet doesn't mean you could screw your close friend.

  5. #45
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Best episode in this series till today...
    Itou is an idiot who should dump Katsura and go after Sekai...
    I hate Katsura... and this ep rocked... until Katsura sent her damn email...
    Sekai seemed a bit reluctant to let Makoto kiss her (even though they have before) but not on him touching her? Heck...

  6. #46
    Honestly, is it so wrong for a high school girl to not want to be touched where people don't normally touch, much less have sex with a boyfriend she's hardly been with? Itou's not even some great boyfriend, smooth talker, or even a conversation starter. I don't see what she sees in him, much less consider doing something dramatic like that for a teenage girl.

  7. #47
    Has anyone checked out the anon releases?

  8. #48
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Nope. I always wait for Conclave. Although I really want to see ep5 already...

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Honestly, is it so wrong for a high school girl to not want to be touched where people don't normally touch, much less have sex with a boyfriend she's hardly been with? Itou's not even some great boyfriend, smooth talker, or even a conversation starter. I don't see what she sees in him, much less consider doing something dramatic like that for a teenage girl.
    Of course not, but on that same token is it so wrong for a high school guy to want to touch a girl where he normally wouldn't get to touch her, or even have sex with her despite the fact that he barely knows her?

    Itou wants to have sex and do ecchi stuff. He only sought a relationship as a means to that end. He doesn't care about feelings or mood or stuff like that, and I don't think it's reasonable to say that he should care beyond as a means to an end. Katsura wants to be swept off her feet by a dashing Prince Charming and be gently embraced in a romantic environment after several prerequisites have been met. She doesn't seem to be interested in being touched and I don't think it's reasonable to say she ought to be interested.

    Neither is wrong for wanting what they want, but someone will have to compromise if either of them is going to get what they want from eachother. From what we've seen I suspect Itou is more motivated to take actions that might lead to sex then Katsura is motivated to take actions that might lead to romance, but at least they are both trying. What throws a wrench in the works is the fact that Itou's desire for sex doesn't hinge as much on Katsura specifically, and Sekai is shaping up to be a much more responsive partner. To be fully realistic, Katsura's desire for romance shouldn't necessarily hinge on Itou either, but the whole 'mysterious train watcher' element is part of the romance and thus he does fit more into her scenario then she does into his. There's also the fact that there's not really any other viable males in the story anyway.

    EDIT @Below: It's only 12 eps.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 08-08-2007 at 02:01 PM.

  10. #50
    Well anyway, I downloaded the anon releases and they're not that great. Watchable, but not great.

    I'll try not to spoil since most of you aren't up to ep 6 yet. There has been enormous developments in the next two episodes. Maybe a little too much if you ask me. I don't know how many episodes this series is slated for, but at this rate they're going to cover a lot of material...

  11. #51
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Heck... now I want to see what happens next even more...
    I dont care about Katsura... Sekai should get him, even if he is an idiot.

  12. #52
    School Days 5 & 6 are out by [Anonymous] The subs are passable, though they obviously haven't been QC'd. Ep 5's subs are all 15 seconds late after the OP so I would recommend downloading the ass and using an editor to shift them back. I did it with 0 previous timing experience using Aegisubs.

    School Days - 05 - [Anonymous]
    Proper ep 5 sub file

    Note: The ep 5 file I've provided has it's own mistimed soft subs included, use mkvtoolnix to replace that sub file with the one I've provided to get properly timed subs for this particular file. (Start mkvtoolnix->Add the mkv and the sub file with the add button->un check the SSA that's in the little box below the files you added (there will be 4 things, a video stream, an audio stream, an SSA subtitle and an ASS subtitle)-> change the name of the output file so you don't overwrite the original mkv-> hit start muxing-> watch).

    School Days - 06 - [Anonymous]
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 08-15-2007 at 09:11 AM.

  13. #53
    I'm pretty sure that the sub file for 5 isn't mistimed (I used the saiyaman raw).


    Neither is wrong for wanting what they want, but someone will have to compromise if either of them is going to get what they want from eachother. From what we've seen I suspect Itou is more motivated to take actions that might lead to sex then Katsura is motivated to take actions that might lead to romance, but at least they are both trying. What throws a wrench in the works is the fact that Itou's desire for sex doesn't hinge as much on Katsura specifically, and Sekai is shaping up to be a much more responsive partner. To be fully realistic, Katsura's desire for romance shouldn't necessarily hinge on Itou either, but the whole 'mysterious train watcher' element is part of the romance and thus he does fit more into her scenario then she does into his. There's also the fact that there's not really any other viable males in the story anyway.
    I know there isn't anything wrong about wanting to have a relationship purely for sex, but after watching episode 6, I think Itou is certainly turning into a terrible person. He doesn't end his relationship with Katsura and is making things worse for everyone. Watching Katsura fall more in love with Itou is terrible.

    I guess you could argue that he's inexperienced in breakups, but I feel like he's hoping that Katsura will get "in the mood."

  14. #54
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I dont think he is trying to two-time them, but rather, is just too much of a coward to take responsibility for his actions. He is a terrible person, but not as terrible as wanting to play both girls. This can be seen in how coldly he acts towards Katsura. Though guilt has of course some influence on how he acts, I think its more because he simply likes Sekai more than Katsura, and has simply lost interest in Katsura.

    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Wed, 08-15-2007 at 02:59 AM.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #55
    Lol @ shinta| watched 5 & 6 then edited didn't you. I had a similar reaction, though I wouldn't put him at Rossiu/Suzaku level because he seems to be honestly ignorant of how the consequences of his actions instead of understanding them and choosing to act anyway.

    One person no one has really mentioned yet is Sekai. She's not completely clean in this thing either. She's been rationalizing her relationship and behavior with Makoto the whole time and keeps giving token resistance and trying to put all the blame on Makoto for giving in to her own desires. I'm glad she at least feels some guilt unlike despicable Itou, but she's acting like she can't just tell Katsura what's going on herself. Hopefully before she discovers that Katsura knows Sekai will resolve herself to come forward to her. Even though it would be meaningless to Katsura it would show that Sekai has a stronger character then what she's displayed so far.

    And poor Katsura is just the perfect little anime girlfriend in love. It's so sad watching her pine more and more over Makoto, who couldn't care less about her. If this thing were to go down properly she'd be the one getting hurt the most, since the other two at least want each other.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 08-15-2007 at 09:12 AM.

  16. #56
    Its hard to blame Sekai, when she seems the most confused about the situation. It feels more important that Itou stops his relationship with Katsura. If Sekai confesses to Katsura first, she might think that Sekai tempted Itou. Commence cat-fight.

  17. #57
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Lol @ shinta| watched 5 & 6 then edited didn't you. I had a similar reaction, though I wouldn't put him at Rossiu/Suzaku level because he seems to be honestly ignorant of how the consequences of his actions instead of understanding them and choosing to act anyway.
    No and no.

    Im not so disgusted at Sekai because she actually resisted Itou for the longest time. She had known his desire for quite a while, but actually resisted (despite how difficult it should be). She did eventually give in, making her an accomplice, but if I had to sentence Itou to Death, Ill give Sekai 20 years at most, with parole.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #58
    I'd only give Sekai a year max or more likely just probation. She already knew that Makoto liked her, and by ep 3 she knew he didn't really like Katsura. I see no value in her denying herself just b/c Makoto is in a relationship knowing that he's not really committed to it.

    In legal jargon I guess she'd be guilty of being an accomplice/accessory to Makoto's 'crime' of hurting Katsura's feelings. But realistically, even if Sekai was ice cold to him I doubt he'd have warmed up to Katsura, they're just not compatible. Their relationship was like a poorly designed building from the start so I don't see much of a point in punishing Sekai for helping to knock down building before it collapsed on it's own.

  19. #59
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Still, just because something is going to happen anyway doesnt mean you are free from responsibility for helping it happen. I do understand your point though, but if it had to fall anyway, they should have cleared it up with Katsura first, instead of sneaking while screwing around.
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  20. #60
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Hmm... You guys are mean to sekai. Ill give her an easy punishment. Sekai is to be my slave as long as I'm alive. She will be punished and be happy at the same time. AS for itou, the punishment is to cut his dick and chain him to watch porn forever.

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