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Itou was a normal boy, wanted a hot girl, whatever. He was by no means a bad person in the beginning of the show. Then came Sekai, and made him into a not-caring asshole. From her, he learned that itīs ok to fuck other girls though having a girl friend. After Sekaiīs training lessons, Itou just couldnt find guiltyness in fucking other girls...it was normal to him, thanks to Sekai.
If Sekai hadnt done anything after the first making contact with Katsura, Itou would have either learned that some girls dont want to be touched that soon, or he would have broken up with Katsura...the end.
All the tragedy took place because of Sekai. So, yeah, im saying, Itou is the victim of the girls (except Katsura) and Katsura is the victim of everyone.