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Thread: Happy 7/7/7 Tanabata

  1. #1
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Paris & Versailles, France

    Happy 7/7/7 Tanabata

    I remarked 2 days ago that this year Tanabata was on a very special date.

    I was quite sad being unable to live a tanabata night in japan... cause I've switched to loving japan only a few months ago (I liked it before, but wasn't as curious and eager as nowadays)

    I was lucky enough that in Paris was a japan expo... or should I say manga-anime expo... but at least they had what is needed to exchange vows, which I did with my wife. Everything else around the bamboos was out of japanese culture synch... but at least the vows were possible (and the people there said they'll burn the bamboos, for the vows to become real...)

    Happy Tanabata!

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    What is tanbata?
    I'm aware of the entire 7-7-7 date thing that so many people love, though it didn't work very well around here, the date kind of turned on a bad time.

    on a not so relevnet matter, I have come to notice yesterday that i may not remember how to say "Happy bitrthday" in french, even after 4 years of studding it through juinor and high school, but I remember the pharse in jappenses.

  3. #3
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Paris & Versailles, France
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    What is tanbata?
    I'm aware of the entire 7-7-7 date thing that so many people love, though it didn't work very well around here, the date kind of turned on a bad time.

    on a not so relevnet matter, I have come to notice yesterday that i may not remember how to say "Happy bitrthday" in french, even after 4 years of studding it through juinor and high school, but I remember the pharse in jappenses.
    Tanabata, to make it short, is a time when you place vows, mainly about love... but
    it can be work, money, etc...
    It's a holliday when people go out in yukata, drink a lot (happens all the time hehehe), see fireworks and so on.
    I just wanted to do it because of the special 777 date

    I'll let you use google for more data... particularly on the tales behind tanabata that are
    well explained all over the internet.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    the court of the crimson king

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