View Poll Results: SK vs. Arcness

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  • SK

    15 31.91%
  • Arcness

    32 68.09%
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Thread: Battle of the E-Penis (Rd. 2 Matchup 3)

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  1. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In my own little world
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    You're considering voting for someone because some other guys like or dislike him on irc? If you have no experience with Arcness' bs, then don't vote him, otherwise this contest is meaningless. Try thinking for yourself once in a while.
    And how about you start making some worthwhile posts? I see your entire image still just comprises of talking a lot of shit without making any sense whatsoever. Needlessly insulting everyone you respond to does not make a good argument if you're just gonna end it there without making a point. Go back to your sad life in the real world, come up with a decent post, and then see if you're worth something here, you insufferable troll. I'm away for half a week, and you're still shitposting. I'm really not surprised.

    In any case, I'm voting Arcness, because in the end, e-penis signifies "reputation" to me, and the fact that Arcness clearly has a huge reputation for Gotwoot users means he's earned it through whatever means. SK on the other hand, can act like an ass, but really does nothing beyond that, and apparently doesn't have the reputation to keep it up without looking lame. Basically:

    e-reputation = e-penis > shitposting.

    And that's what I'm pretty sure this contest is about. So there's my logic, Animaniax. If you don't like it, quote my post, say "You're doing [action]? You're pathetic. I'm clearly not as much of a loser as you are, because I've just pointed out that fact." because that's all you can do, and I'm probably not going to read it anyway.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Sun, 07-08-2007 at 06:49 AM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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