Matchup 2: Well-liked or Well-hated?
Matchup 2: Well-liked or Well-hated?
Which one's which?Originally Posted by Board of Command
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Hah....hah hah......hah...........Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Actually I was going to ask that myself.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I like you both. Just in different ways.
well assertn has the 'im better then you n00bs cuz i dont live in my parents basement and make more then all your allowences combined' comments with the patented "lols".....he'll make you feel insignificant and wrong even if you just said "2+2=4".
On the other hand, Y has the cold calculating harshness of someone you can only find on the intarweb. He'll prove you wrong, make fun of you, and make you feel even gayer then...well....him.
But due to Y's long absense and assertn's role as a mod, people will naturally know assertn more. I think on irc Y has the bigger e-genitalia, and not so virgin either. But on the forums assertn and his 'lols' take the cup.
Sorry Y....i still love you though, in a non-homosexual, man/man way.
This one continues pretty even. That's good for extra excitement.