Um... yeah... who's the retard? YOU! <--bet you don't see the irony in that either.Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
There is no question mark in what Kakashi said. That's one of the punctuation deficiencies I was pointing out moron! I'm not, nor never was, saying Kakashi didn't know you idiot! Have you even finished High School English? How stupid are you? Go back and read what I quoted and actually wrote and realise how stupid you sound.![]()
Will someone point out the obvious to this moron? He's either completely stupid or so jaded towards me he can't see what's right in front of him.
This is the only option that makes sense. Case 1 is completely idiotic. There is no metaphor. Kakashi and Itachi are talking about MS and Tsukuyomi. I've already explained why there is no metaphor and why there is a reaction difference.Originally Posted by Splash!
Subcase 1 makes no sense. The reaction difference between #2 and #4 is too great. If Itachi thought Kakashi actually knew for sure that his eyesight was being damaged (not necessarily going blind) he would've reacted more severely.
I'm bored, so I'll hold Assertn's short-bus riding hand and show him why he's such an idiot...
#1 is wrong. Kakashi clearly ASKS that it takes a toll on Itachi's eyes. I guess you're slow brain didn't catch that because of the punctuation mistake.Conversely, let's think of it this way:
1) Kakashi says MS takes a toll on the user.
2) Itachi is impressed by Kakashi's observation.
3) Kakashi asks how bad Itachi's eyesight has become.
4) Itachi freaks out.
WRONG! #1 Kakashi is pretending not to know and making his statement in the form of a question to Itachi. #3 is where he's letting Itachi know that he already has the answer through personal experience. You're just to stupid to figure it out.Now, if we were to assume that JaySee was right, then #3 does not present anything that #1 doesn't present, right? So why would Itachi's #4 be so dramatically different from #2? It just doesn't make any sense!
WRONG! Only an idiot (oh right... it's you we're dealing with...) would assume a METAPHOR of something that was just previously stated plain and clear seconds before. You're just some moron reading too much into it because you think you're intelligent. However you missed all the clear, basic, and simple signs of what was really being said. So shut up about your literary techniques and learn basic comprehension first.However, if we consider #3 to be metaphorical in that it implies Itachi has failed to observe something important, then it does become new information, which justifies the drastically different #4 response.
You better cool it. I'm about ready to ban you on grounds of flaming. I'm pretty much convinced that you're only posting this shit to piss me off. There's no other explanation why anyone can be this dumb.