Another Century's Episode, abbreviated as A.C.E., is a mecha action video game produced by Banpresto and developed by From Software. It was released for the Sony Playstation 2 on January 27, 2005.
Since A.C.E. was only released in Japan, it was not reviewed by American magazines. However, response from the players was positive.
The gameplay was highly similar to the popular Zone of the Enders series of games, but used Banpresto's usual attention to detail and accuracy, as seen in the Super Robot Wars series.
While past 3D mecha games tended to make all the units play the same, A.C.E. was popular because the companies did their best to have each unit move and act like it did in its anime. For example, each unit gets a unique set of melee attacks, such as L-Gaim being able to perform a shield punch and Gundam Heavyarms having its spinning knife attack. A.C.E. also paid attention to a particular detail rarely given notice to in mecha crossover games, accurate size.
As opposed to all the mecha being the same size, every robot is depicted at its proper scale. Aura Battlers for instance, are far smaller than any other unit while SPTs and Mobile Suits are all of varying middle scale. The Heavy Metals of L-Gaim in comparison are quite large.