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Thread: XanBcoo's Art Thread

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  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    In my own little world

    XanBcoo's Art Thread

    I've actually been meaning to make this thread for about a year now, but never actually got around to it. Go me!

    Anyway, as I sometimes offer critique on other people's drawings posted here, I figured I should at least post some of my own. I also love drawing, and would call it my favorite hobby, but I have yet to upload many of my drawings to GW, so I think I'll just post a few here.

    Any technical critique is welcome and encouraged. I visit a few artwork boards that are extremely harsh in terms of critique so don't be shy, I'm used to it! I also tend to start picture projects, but not finish or follow through with them, so please excuse that, and some of these aren't quite as impressive as they would be if I were a little more dedicated, heh.

    Gaara/Shukakku face done about 3 years ago in high school.
    2-D from Gorillaz made darker in photoshop by a buddy of mine since the scan was kinda bad.
    ...And that's all for my fanart that I've actually scanned. My school notes are littered with mountains of pictures of Kakashi/Naruto/Neji/Ichigo and so forth, but I've actually scanned very little of those.

    Original Stuff
    Layout for an original character Misato - honestly, a lot of my stuff is of her. This one's old and quite messy/unrefined.
    Misato face done with colored pencils and smoothed out on PS. Was thinking of using this as an Ava for a long time.
    Unnamed character "Cap Girl" similarly colored.
    Gangsta Style Misato - this one's a mess. I still like the concept though and hope to color it someday
    Misato in Cargo Pants ignore ugly sketches around her plz
    Mini-comic of Misato 4 years ago done during Government class. "I don't like this Government stuff"

    Some of these are pretty old. Ugh, I used to be so messy with my drawings, and still am, to an extent. I've got a few more, but I didn't want to get too image-heavy on my first post. What do y'all think?
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Thu, 06-21-2007 at 03:50 PM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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