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Thread: Movie: Speed Racer

  1. #1
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Movie: Speed Racer

    May 2008 will bring us the Live Action movie adaptation of Speed Racer, directed by the Wachowski Brothers (The Matrix and V for Vendetta).

    Plot summary by Warner Brothers Pictures

    Several cast members have been confirmed. Of note are:
    - Emile Hirsch as Speed Racer
    - John Goodman as Pops Racer, Speed's father
    - Susan Sarandon as Mom Racer, Speed's mother
    - Christina Ricci as Trixie, Speed's girlfriend
    - Matthew Fox as Racer X, Speed's rival

    Personally I never was a huge fan of Speed Racer (I caught the odd episode here and there, but hey, who didn't?), but I love the Wachowski Bros. and I'm sure they'll do this thing justice. It will either be pretty lighthearted, or it will be fun and involve the unique Wachowski touch on the world of racing. Either way, I'm sure this won't suck. Also Emile Hirsch and John Goodman make me LOL as their respective characters. Will definitely watch this.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  2. #2
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Matthew Fox is in everythign these days...

  3. #3
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Who the heck is Matthew Fox?

  4. #4
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #5
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    I only agree with Christina Ricci, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon. The others should not even be thought of as actors. :/

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I thought some of it was bad casting until I saw the press announcement

    The whole cast is perfect if you take Speed Racer and turn them all into Americans. Speed Racer was so long ago, it's hard to even think of it as anime. Emile Hersh is perfect for the goofy way the Speed was always portrayed in the American dub. This was back when they renamed every character, took huge allowances with the translation (if they bothered at all), and generally just made the series completely different.

    The Wachowski's are big fans of anime. They're paying tribute to the shitty dubbed version they were presented with. It's a great way to make a really cheesy family film.

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Hi-Def trailer

    Holllly crap. I don't know what to think of this now. The footage of the racing looks really exciting and colorful, but the CGI is awful. It looks like a Hotwheels commercial.

    Otherwise it looks like the best transition from anime-to-movie that anyone could have hoped for. The dialog, the characters, everything. It's also definitely got the "Wachowski touch".

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #8
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I don't know about the best transition from anime-to-movie that anyone could have hoped for, that remains to be seen. I really don't know what to make of this movie at all but the Wachowski Brothers doing it gives it some credibility. I wonder how the whole Racer X angle is going to play out. Never really liked the show much but it was bearable looking forward to see what the outcome will be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    It's a great way to make a really cheesy family film.
    Its looks like that may be the direction this one is going to go in.

    I wonder when they will get over this latest trend of anime/graphic-novel/comicbook/video game based movies. Looks like they are trying to revive the entire series with video games and a new tv series in the works.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 12-07-2007 at 06:18 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  9. #9
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    I don't know about the best transition from anime-to-movie that anyone could have hoped for, that remains to be seen.
    Obviously I'm speculating. What I meant that was it was colorful, really corny, yet exciting and probably fun. It looks like they're trying hard to keep the heart of the old show.

    the Wachowski Brothers
    Correction: The Wachowskis.

    One of them is a woman now.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #10
    I was under the impression that the entertainment movie makers were really out of ideas. Making an entertaining blockbuster smashing action movie generally requires a lot of the same basic things, and they've all been done to death. By making adaptations of old things they can reuse lots of cliches, since they are built into the original source, but still add in fresh new content to make the movie look slightly less recycled.

  11. #11
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I think they ran out of ideas in the late 80's or certainly sometime soon after.

    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    The Wachowskis.

    One of them is a woman now.
    I chose to ignore that fact.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  12. #12
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Correction: The Wachowskis.

    One of them is a woman now.
    Lana Wachowski rumor

    Shortly after the release of Matrix Reloaded, it was rumored that Larry Wachowski began to make small public appearances dressed as a woman, using the name Lana Wachowski.[5] In his column, published May 30, 2003, David Poland said "Every indication I have says that Larry Wachowski is now in the process of changing his sex. Dressing in public like a woman, taking female hormones and yes, having a sex change operation." This was further supported by a March 2006 San Francisco Chronicle article on transgender people, which reported that Larry Wachowski, "has changed his sex and is now living as Lana Wachowski". [6]

    However, in a 2007 interview Joel Silver, the producer of numerous Wachowski films, stated that the rumors concerning Larry's sex change were "all untrue," further explaining, "they just don’t do interviews, so people make things up." Similar statements were made by crew members working on the upcoming Speed Racer film, with one employee pointing out, "on the call sheets, it still says Larry." [7]
    It's wikipedia, but the information is cited...but from Fox news so it's tough to say.

    And yeah, the CGI does look terrible, as you've already mentioned.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fahoumh
    It's wikipedia, but the information is cited...but from Fox news so it's tough to say.

    And yeah, the CGI does look terrible, as you've already mentioned.
    I won't press the issue, since I can't remember my own source, but apparently the Wachowski's have been trying to keep Larry's sex change under wraps until after Speed Racer comes out, so as to not ruin the "family friendly" image they're shooting for.

    Also that wiki picture makes Larry look a lot like a woman, compared to earlier pictures of him. But whatever...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #14
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    You're right, he does look a lot like a woman...and that was the first thing I thought when I saw it so you're probably correct. I guess it doesn't really matter if the rumours are true.

    BTW, anyone else hoping they're going to work in the original theme song into the movie?

  15. #15
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fahoumh
    BTW, anyone else hoping they're going to work in the original theme song into the movie?
    NO, but they probably will.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  16. #16
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    The concept of this movie made me happy, but the trailer made me cry

    I dont know which is more surprising, John Goodman being Pops, or John Goodman desperate enough for money to be in this movie.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  17. #17
    Alot of marketing is being spent for this movie... $80 million at he least:
    So the studio has enlisted a lengthy lineup of promotional partners that will pony up at least $80 million in additional marketing support around the film.

    That aside, I don't mind the CGI just because this is a movie for children. If the movie was taking itself seriously and making it for adults, then things would've been completely different. The CGI looks fun and I'm sure kids will enjoy it.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 01-27-2008 at 01:16 AM.

  18. #18
    ...when they say Speed Racer, do they mean the OLD OLD cartoon?
    With the theme 'go speed racer! go speed racer!'?

  19. #19
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    See, Caucasian actors in this movie makes sense, since the characters in the anime were arguably Caucasian. I don't really like Christina Ricci as Trixie. I think someone like Winona Ryder or someone similar to her should play that character. Matthew Fox as Racer X is ok. Goodman doesn't really suit the Pops role or look.

    The most important roles will be the monkey and the car. What kind of car will they use for the Mach V?

    @Junior: yeah, that's the one.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  20. #20

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