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Thread: it pointless??

  1. #1
    ANBU Captain
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    666 it pointless??

    Im already bracing for the neg rep but whatever.

    Has anyone else lost all hope in the revival of this series as i have. I am i the only one who has become completely and utterly pissed off with the manga. The manga is a giant shortcut. Characters that willingly decide to train and develop their characters are dispatched by insanely overpowered villians. The main villians are obviously dominant in every way shape or form and the solution to that is to have a good guy run at them with both arms swinging. Only to be put down in like two pages. The villian gives a victory speech then runs away. Not to worry though, we'll just slap a bandaid on our hero show him and arduous path of training or the 2 hour workout session for 19.95. Ofcourse he takes the shortcut then defeats a once untoppable bad guy in like 2 chapters with a little "mada mada" and some "ikuze!!!!" Throw in the friendship speech special and poof bad guy dispatched. Some anime is like that but it isn't as excessive. I mean didn't anyone else just get completely pissed when chad actually trained then showed off his cool new power. Only to be killed by a random espada who was way out his league.

    whatever enough ranting.

  2. #2
    I don't really like this arc for it highly resembles the Soul Society arc. Here are some comparisons I got off a blogger:

    Quote Originally Posted by Undark
    Spoliers (Highlight to read):

    Soul Society arc: Rukia gets capture
    Hollow World arc: Orihime gets capture

    Soul Society arc: Rukia doesn't want to escape to save her friends
    Hollow World arc: Orihime doesn't want to escape to save her friends

    Soul Society arc: Ichigo and gang busts into Soul Society with help from Urahara
    Hollow World arc: Ichigo and gang busts into Hueco Mundo with help from Urahara

    Soul Society arc: They fight against Captains, who all have a number
    Hollow World arc: They fight against Espadas, who all have a number

    Soul Society arc: Chad gets ripped to shreds because he sucks
    Hollow World arc: Chad gets ripped to shreds because he sucks

    Soul Society arc: Ishida fights weird scientist/doctor dude (Kurotsuchi Mayuri, 12th Captain)
    Hollow World arc: Ishida fights weird scientist/doctor dude (Zaeruapollo Grantz, 8th Espada)

    Soul Society arc: Ichigo gets pwned by Zaraki Kenpachi (11th Captain), and is on the verge of death, but Zaraki doesn't do him in.
    Hollow World arc: Ichigo gets pwned by Ulquiorra Schiffer (4th Espada) and is on the verge of death, but Ulquiorra doesn't do him in.

    Now who wants to bet that Ichigo will have another little chat with his alter ego and "borrow" more power from his Zanpaku-to.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    It's classic Shonen style. I have to agree with you to a certain extent as I did find the manga very bland at the beginning of this arc but it seems to have gotten better.

  4. #4
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Even classic shonen dont repeat events as closely as bleach did. They may copy events from other mangas, but seeing it in contrast from the previous post, I have to agree that they are lacking in imagination.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  5. #5
    I's agree the similarity between the arcs is over the top. Typical shounen formula would call for a tournement of some sort taking place instead of repeating the "save *** from ***" with new wildcards twice. However the first arc was interesting so copying it should keep the second arc interesting, though of course not fresh.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    did somebody say.... cell games?! no.. that was a joke seriously..

    you do have somewhat of a point, i currently only read naruto / bleach manga and to me its kinda hit or miss. there have been several points in this arc that made me really exicted. One thing that those comparisons didn't accurately show even though i LOL when i read them :

    Soul Society arc: Chad gets ripped to shreds because he sucks
    Hollow World arc: Chad gets ripped to shreds because he sucks

    what was that chapter called? left arm of the devil where he awakens the power of his left arm and realizes his true power..... that was awesome and he pwnd one of them before being ripped apart. i think in soul society all chad could muster was taking down some low level shinigami

    lets not even mention ishada..... seele shneider FTW!!!! so cool

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bbaucom
    One thing that those comparisons didn't accurately show even though i LOL when i read them :

    Soul Society arc: Chad gets ripped to shreds because he sucks
    Hollow World arc: Chad gets ripped to shreds because he sucks

    what was that chapter called? left arm of the devil where he awakens the power of his left arm and realizes his true power..... that was awesome and he pwnd one of them before being ripped apart. i think in soul society all chad could muster was taking down some low level shinigami

    lets not even mention ishada..... seele shneider FTW!!!! so cool
    Hrm, what you just described happening to Chad in the HW arc is, in fact, the exact same thing that happened to him back in SS, thus making that blog claim true, by in large. He basically was used an awakened state of power to defeat a small fry only to be served up on a dish by the next guy.

    Ishida... blah, Seele Schneider is basically Quincy Release State 2.0- transitioning from LASER ARROWS PEW PEW to LIGHT SABER ARROWS SCHWING.


  8. #8
    @bbaucom: Chad took out a 3rd seat in one hit back in SS before he met Kyoraku, commenting on how much he'd grown due to his training with Yoruichi.

  9. #9
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    The fact that people who are forced to write and draw a weekly comic for over five years run out of ideas should not be surprising to anyone. The current weekly serialization scheme in most publishing magazines is probably great for profits and completely stifles most creative output in Japanese comics.

  10. #10
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    As popular as Bleach is... That's part of the reasons why I'm not a big fan of Bleach.

  11. #11
    Found another similarity:
    SS Arc: Ichigo battles a captain who loves fighting and forces Ichigo to realize that he does as well.
    HM Arc: Ichigo battles an Espade who loves fighting and forces Ichigo to realize that he does as well.

  12. #12
    After seeing the spoiler pic of Grimm released. I think that it is kinda pointless. Laughable really. Definitely something that you should wait a year and then watch all of em. Not wait from week to week. -dg-

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  13. #13
    ANBU Captain
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    sup bleach readers. Has this horrible manga gotten any better since my last rant? Think ill take a look at some chapters to see if there is any hope in recovering the story. Otherwise this manga seems to be going the way of Zombie Powder.

  14. #14
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I've already given up on the anime. Still reading the manga but it's getting more and more tedious with each chapter.....
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  15. #15
    I just download the anime in large batches atm, working on 71-100 now and I'll probably let it rest after.

    I'm happy I have two screens, enables me to read forums while watching with half an eye.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  16. #16
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I wish we could see some more of Zombie Powder...
    it was really cool, Wolfina was twice as hot as Rukia, C.J smith was the coolest guy ever, and the kid was also adorable...
    and yes, the bad magician hat-man was serious ill, he could take out any SS captain and any espada around...

  17. #17
    I'd say Ishida fighting the scientist types is the biggest let-down for me. Next thing you know, he's going to ranting about experimenting on Quincy's.

    The anime is worse off I think. Seems like everyone suddenly is able to fly in the story for no apparent reason.

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