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Thread: So I got into a fight today...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Ever got into a fight?

    welll since i recently 'got into a fight' i thought hey lets start a new thread about fights,
    so yeah tell us about any hc fights you've been in or started or watched or what ever.

    welll... it was a in the summer when my siss and my cousin and i went to the shops yeah? and we were waiting in line when this like fat white chick bumped her way to the front of the line and complaining about the service. She then asked this old couple to hurry up cuz she had places to be and the poor old people were petrified.
    My sis was like "er. wtfunk. they were there before you, you can't just push in line. We've all been waiting, you can wait too."
    then she was like "i know you're not talking to me right?" and like fully eyed my sis.
    Then we got outta line and she sorta shoved my sis and was like "u weren't talking to right?"
    and my sister was like "no i was talking to other fat bitch behind you. wat do you think?"
    then she had the nerve to say "You yellow asian trash why dont you just go home?"
    sis -"%#$#^%^#$^$&&%*&$*^*$^**^ you fat bitch what did you call me??!!
    and then more words were exchanged and then a massive grotesque hand came flying at my sisters face.
    then i decided to be out of character and defend my sis and im like get of her or something along those lines and then this is what stunned me.
    my sister slapped her back. LOL i was like waaaaaaaat the funk is going on, my sister does not hit people.
    Then the fat cow grabbed my sisters hair and for some reason i jumped in and pushed her off my sis ... damn she was heavy. and then i was telling her off for being racist and then she was like i wasn't being racist. i love asians my best friend is an asian, its just trash like you i hate. then something something something...this was a while ago and we walked off. and freaking she follwed us saying shit like "im going to get you for abuse you watch. i'll send you back to where you came from. this is what happens when mummy lets trash out.
    and yeah she stoppped following us after a while i cant remember why.. but yeah. LOL that was major for me cuz i've never really been in a fight or witnessed one and this particular event outraged me because of her racism, which is just not cool.

    so yeah lets hear from you

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Good thing you showed the swine who's the boss. It never pays off to piss off Asian people, because, as we all know, Asians are born with an inherent knowledge of kung fu.

    I'm such a gentleman that I haven't been in fights since the long ago days of school. The closest things to fights after that were in the military training. Perhaps I'm just a wuss...

  3. #3
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    I've always sort of stood out in a crowd. Not always because I towered over them like I do now, but there's other things about my personality that tend to make it hard for me to fit in.

    When I was pretty young, like first grade or so, this slightly younger kid Chad moved in around the corner from my house. A couple days after they moved in, I was walking around the neighborhood, and went over to say "hi" ... thinking, in my Mr. Rogers-induced naivete, that since I was a nice person who wanted to make friends that everyone else would be too. But Chad didn't, he immediately disliked me (probably because of whatever unusual personality trait makes me stand out to begin with, I never really found out), and so he pretty much said "I hate you" and started calling me names and shit. The start of a beautiful friendship I tell ya.

    Well, fast forward to 4 or so years later, I was in fifth grade I think, and of course he was a year younger. By then I was a bit bigger than the other kids (I was well into the normal adult height range by fifth grade, and by sixth and seventh I just towered over everyone). Still a bit unusual, but I had a bunch of random friends scattered around (apparently I'm pretty likable, but only by people who aren't total dicks ... whatever ). Chad had made friends with some other kids that lived closer to the school, and who were apparently of similar mindsets -- they didn't dislike me right off, but they got along with Chad, so they went along with his strong (and unexplained) opinion about me.

    Anyway, so it was a pretty snowy winter, and the plows had just gone by turning up big chunks of compacted ice, and I was walking home. They had been pestering me a lot -- calling me names, throwing snow, stuff like that for more than a year, and I had taken to walking other routes home to avoid them. Apparently, that wasn't enough though ... Chad went out of his way to follow me and try to inflict pain on me, whether it was verbal or physical.

    Despite the growing disapproval of his pack of friends (Kevin, Brad, Chris, Jason, another Jason, Carrie and Nicole) when I got the idea that they were going to be bothering me for the whole trip home, I turned to take the other route (adding a quarter mile to my walk home, but theoretically buying me some time alone). My buddy Nick went with me, since he lived across the street and was more of my friend than theirs, and he sort of sensed there was going to be some trouble, I guess.

    Well, Chad comes up, and after going about 400 feet out of his way, he comes up behind me and throws a plowed-up ice chunk at me, hits me in the leg. I dunno if you've ever been hit by one of those, but the one he hit me with was basically a 15-ish pound block of solid ice... so it REALLY hurt.

    That was the straw. Better than a year of off-and-on abuse, and then I get that totally unprovoked, when I'm explicitly trying to avoid confrontation? I snapped... it was on.

    So I turned around, and he started running back to the group, and I started furiously striding toward him and his group. Got within about 100 feet of them again, and they started running. Then I started running, sprinted through the snow, closed the distance between me and the group in a couple of seconds (amazing how fast I can move when I'm really really furious). Grabbed Chad by the coat (tearing the hood off of it), then by the neck, threw him to the ground, pinned him down and just started pounding the everloving shit out of him.

    His friends stood around shocked, then started throwing snow at me to try to distract me to get me off of him. I didn't pay attention at all, I was in "zen and the art of letting out more than a year's worth of pent-up anger" mode.

    Finally, he ended up getting his legs between me and him, pushed me off (knocking my glasses off and popping out one of the lenses into the snow), and managed to scramble up and run home while his friends tried to distract me. When I got my wits about me and started going for the number two kid, Brad, the whole group scattered, terrified. Nick waited around, gave me my backpack and the glasses that had gotten kicked off (minus the lens that was lost in the snow), and we went home.

    3 or so hours later, a cop showed up at the front door of my house. My mom had just gotten home, and I hadn't mentioned it to her, but she knew what had been going on. Apparently, when his dad came home, he called the cops on me. I guess I had cracked one or two of Chad's ribs (but that could have been his father exaggerating too), not to mention ripped his coat and put the fear of God into him.

    Well, I told the cop and my mom both what happened, gave them a list of other people to ask about it. Apparently the fact that these kids were tormenting me was pretty common knowledge among teachers and school administrators, and neighborhood families. So the cop took my deposition, took a look at the huge ice-chunk bruise on my thigh, took Chad's, took depositions from Nick and a couple of the neighborhood kids involved in it, came back and told me something to the effect of "from the sound of it, not only am I not going to let his family press charges against you, but if you want you could probably press charges for assault and aggravated battery against him".

    The principal and school social worker called me into the office the next day, and I told them what had happened. Apparently, since it was on the way home from school, it was still within the things that the school had to be concerned with. So after they found out what happened (from the police reports, mostly), I talked with them, and then they called in the group of kids, bawled them all out, and gave the whole group half-hour detentions every day for the next month, to give me time to walk home unbothered. Many parents were called, etc.

    Chad avoided me from then on. He'd intentionally hang back at school, or he'd leave ASAP and run halfway home, just to put some distance between him and me. He started skipping school sometimes -- something he didn't do before that. Toward the end of the year, his family listed their house, and a week after the school year ended, the last moving vans had gone and Chad had moved to a town 40 or so miles away.

    The rest of the group stuck around, but for the most part either avoided me, or were cautiously friendly towards me. Apparently seeing their "leader" have the everloving shit beaten out of him by the person they had looked down on and abused for so long gave them some perspective, and for the most part they didn't mess with me anymore.

    They pretty much left me alone until high school, when half the group (Brad, Kevin, one of the Jasons) all joined the football team and decided they'd try to start shit with me in the lunchroom. I guess being in a close-knit ingroup like that, being on the same team, building a little physical confidence, etc bolstered them up enough to make them think they were better than me again. But when they started making fun of me, I took the usual approach: ignored it for a couple days, and then when they escalated it a bit (throwing things, messing with my food, etc) I went over and just sat at their table. Didn't say a word, just sat at their table and stared at them. I think they decided I was not one to mess with, 'cause after that they left me alone... I should say for the most part went ouf of their way to avoid me.

    That's the only real fight I've ever had. There've been other things ... roughhousing, little brawls, etc ... but that's the only time that I've really felt like just ending someone.

  4. #4
    The only real fight I have ever had was about 7 years ago. A kid had been bothering me nonstop and I ignored him for the better part of a year. Near the end of the year I was hanging around with some of my friends, and Daniel (the annoying kid) decided it would be fun to push me down from a 10 foot-ish tower that we where playing around.

    Well, he gave me a fractured arm. Because of it's position, I couldn't get a cast but instead needed to have a 6 inch long metal pole stuck in my arm. I went back to school after a week b/c even moving the arm at first hurt like hell.

    So, Daniel decides it would be funny to laugh at me. After 30 minutes of him following me around and joking about how stupid I was to break my arm like that, I snapped. I tackled him to the floor and kept stomping on him wherever I could.

    After about a minute the teachers showed up and ended it. I didn't get into any real trouble but apparently I my movements had moved the pole sticking out of my arm and my doctor had to put a new one in.

  5. #5
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    I don't get in fights because people know i carry a knife and that i will use it in a fight.

    But, since you said watched.

    My towns hockey team played another team, and the team happened to be the rivals for ever. They play dirty. Anyways we lost and one of my towns players got his leg broken. So the team went over to said rival town and kicked the shit out of him. 7ish to 1, he got kicked with the steel toe boots and he got brain damage. Sucks to be him.

    *notes that no charges were pressed*

  6. #6
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    I'll be sincere and say I find the last one too scary. That's not a fight, that's lynching... I understand about the revenge feeling though.

    Anyway, I used to get into fights for most of highschool. I was the kind of girl that wasn't noticed by anyone until they needed someone to bully - then I'd get up and kick their asses.They usually didn't fight back - they had some shred of honor, they wouldn't hit a girl even if the girl was brusing them.

    The most memorable one, however, was against another girl. She had been insulting me all year long, both in public and in little paper notes, for reasons I didn't understand -up 'till that moment she had been a friend, so I kept trying to keep things friendly or at least polite.

    I hit my limit when one day, in the middle of a group excersice, I screwed up (oh man was I clumsy!) and tripped. All laughed - you usually do when someone trips, and I wasn't particularly popular, but she started... well, celebrating, you could say.Laughing loudly, pointing, commenting with her friends how stupid I looked - "Can't you be any dumber? What a funny kid you are, you always make me laugh. Loser!" and so forth.

    I re-took my seat with as much dignity (now that's something I had) and said to my friend next to me "I'm really feeling like slapping her."

    She, thinking it was a joke, shrugged and said "Sure, why not."

    So I got up and while the teacher was wondering whether I was going to the restroom or something I walked across the room and slapped the girl. Hard. For the record I practised Karate in those days - I knew how to hit. Her head was turned around and her lip started bleeding.

    I went back to my seat and said, loudly, something to the effect of "Gee, now that felt good!"

    The teacher basically had the biggest WTF face ever and the girl was crying. The rest of the group laughed and since I was a straight A's student (and my dad was in charge of the Secretary of Education) I didn't even get scolded.

    The girl wore a bloody lip and a black cheek for a few weeks. Her mother didn't complain either. Maybe she didn't love her.

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    I haven't been in many fights in the full sense of the word, but I got beaten a lot when I was smaller since I was overweight and had no friends. In recent years, people have started trouble because they can't tolerate men using make-up (these people have been drunk, too, so you know how people get). Once a guy started to really harass me and I did go all the way and punch him down. He had a lot of mates with him and since he was one of the typical pathetic fucktards who didn't dare to do anything on his own, the mates charged me, but the security guards in the bar threw them all out. I hope they ended up in jail.

    Seriously, fuck all you guys who get pissed off because people don't look the way you want.

    On my days here at GW I have received more than one PM stating that I'm "disgusting", "hideous", "fucked up" and similar because I happen to fucking like using eyeliner. Tell you what, you guys are the disgusting ones, AND YOU WILL DIE ALONE YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS.

  8. #8
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by complich8
    apparently I'm pretty likable, but only by people who aren't total dicks ... whatever .
    I think you're likeable, but I'm a total dick.

    Anyway, I've been in a number of fights (too many to list really). I'm not violent exactly, just determined to make a point when a point needs to be made. Most of that shit was back when I was younger: junior highschool onward untill the middle of highschool. Since graduation I've only gotten into one fight, and damn it was well-planned. I and my friend Jacob found out that some piece of shit was saying things about a dead friend of ours (a guy named Josh). Josh had just died recently, so we were in a particularly negative state of mind. Jacob and I rounded up all of Josh's friends (enough to fill two cars) and headed out. I didn't know it yet but most of those people were the type to talk big, but do nothing when it came time to actually fight.

    Jacob's car was a Ford Mustang with a custom paint job: far to obvious and recognizeable. I pointed this out and suggested we take my generic green Subaru instead. Everyone looked at me as plans began to form in my mind; it was clear that I was going to be the mastermind at work.

    We found out that the piece of shit worked at a "sports apparrel" store in the mall. It was one of those crappy stores where idiots buy overpriced clothes that look like the jerseys their favorite athletes wear. We found his car in the mall parking lot and waited. When p.o.s. got off of work, I popped my hood to conceal the occupants of my car: Jacob and his cousin Ben. I walked over to p.o.s. as he was getting into his car and asked him if he had jumper cables. I told him without flinching that I left my headlights on, and now my battery was dead.

    He pulled his car around to right in front of mine and got out his jumper cables. At this point Jacob and Ben got out of my car. Jacob was Josh's best friend and at that moment he was as mad as I've ever seen him. He punched that piece of shit so hard that he broke his own hand and p.o.s.'s jaw. Ben and I started kicking the crap out of p.o.s. and as he's laying there in a heap, we stop and get back into my car.

    Then the piece of shit got cocky. We were being merciful enough to leave him when he couldn't fight back, but he decided to grow a pair. He started banging on my car hood with his fists saying, "Why you runnin? I can still kick yo asses!" I rolled my eyes the same way I always do when white guys pretend to be black. Jacob jokingly said to me, "hit him." He was surprised as hell when I did exactly that. I obviously wasn't going too fast because he was only a few inches away from my car, but I made my point very clear.

    Piece of shit knew that he would only stay out of a wheelchair by my grace, so he very quickly shut his mouth.

    Just recently piece of shit joined the same local basketball team that Jacob did. Now he kisses Jacob's ass constantly, and asks before every game, "That guy with the car isn't going to be here, is he?"
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  9. #9
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Fights? Well, I never was very involved with fights and such on a personal level. I was the kind of person who always stood in the shadows for both good and ill. Carefully observing my surroundings and frequently making sarcastic comments. Sadly, I think I was the only one who got them.

    However, due to the simple fact that I wore glasses ( ... and still do ) and was somewhat of a oddball ( ... and still am ) one time a random popular jock decided to pick on me by attempting to throw a basketball in my face while yelling something along the lines of "hey, catch this four-eyes." Luckily, due to my superhuman reflexes ( plot devices are awesome! ) I managed to catch the ball in time and promptly lobbed it back right at his face. Sadly, he was not quite fast enough and the hard basketball hit him right in the face with a sweet sounding thud. I think the poor fucker broke his nose, because he started bleeding and crying. I simply walked off casually, with his sycophants giving me evil glares. A pleased smirk on my lips.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  10. #10
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    I've never been a fight, but saw plenty of them in highschool. Mainly black kids. Did you know that 45% of all black people's crimes in USA are done against white people? Only 3% of crimes done by whites are against blacks.

  11. #11
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nai
    Luckily, due to my superhuman reflexes ( plot devices are awesome! ) I managed to catch the ball in time and promptly lobbed it back right at his face. Sadly, he was not quite fast enough and the hard basketball hit him right in the face with a sweet sounding thud. I think the poor fucker broke his nose, because he started bleeding and crying. I simply walked off casually, with his sycophants giving me evil glares. A pleased smirk on my lips.
    Goddamn, Nai is the COOLEST <3

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Goddamn, Nai is the COOLEST <3
    Indeed. I was just thinking the exact same thing. Even though that story barely qualifies as a story about a fight, it's still the best story in this thread.

  13. #13
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I got in a couple of fights, lost most of em though ( cause i was like always younger and smaller and had a big mouth), the first fight i ever won, was not even my fight at all.

    I had a select few of good friends in school ( the school you go to when you're 12-16/18, middleschool here), and one of my friends had his old baseschool bully at the same school too, but in the other class ( we were in A, he was in B), and after 2 years he started messing around with my friend again, actaully a good thing he started so late again, since i had the past 4 years to get some martial arts training.

    One day after school he started pushing my friend around, saying stuff like: "you still are a pussy." and such, it wasnt that he could'nt fight, he just didnt like fighting at all.
    so i got in between and told him to back the fuck up, so he got all cocky and saying stuff like, or else what?

    So i turned my head to my friend ( i was practically in the other guys face ), and told him to hit this piece of shit in the face, but i already knew his answer would've been no, but the other guy was all laughing now, i landed one punch on his nose and he was down, and out.
    The other kids standing around ( like 5 or so), stopped laughing for a sec and then bursted into even harder laughing, and me and my friend just went home.

    The next day.... well you've geussed it, he was waiting outside after school with 2 of his friends, and i got detention -_-. So he stops my friend and was asking him where my "pussy" ass was, only to hear i got detention, so he and his friend keep waiting while not letting my friend leave.

    So i walk out of school, only to see my friend and the.. lets just call him jim, with his 2 friends standing outside the gate, so i drop my bag, walk right up to him and stop while standing right in his face again, his friends laugh, then he tried to punch me, but it was really one of those lame ass punches you see in movies, that the person pulls his arm all the way back and swings it forward again -_-, i dodge it and land a knee on the side of his ribs and again he drops instantly.

    Then i try and talk to his friends ( 2 on 1 was still way to risky, even though my friend would help if it would get ugly ), saying things like, i dont know you guys and such. They agreed to let us pass afterwards and after that day jim never tried anything on my friend again .
    Last edited by darkshadow; Wed, 06-21-2006 at 08:26 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    On my days here at GW I have received more than one PM stating that I'm "disgusting", "hideous", "fucked up" and similar because I happen to fucking like using eyeliner.
    most the guys i've liked or whatever/bfs/bestfriends even wear eyeliner and most of them look great. Theres nothing wrong with wearing eyeliner if your a dude.
    and if you need some good brand eyeliner contact me

  15. #15
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Wow terra, you wear eye liner? Go cut yourself emo kid

  16. #16
    @mage: Leave Terra's eyeline alone, wtf does it matter? And as to you little statistics, the most popular crimes by Blacks are probably stealing and domestic violence, and who has more to steal from...wealthy white people.

    @darkshadow: way to represent for your friend!
    @Nai: Badass...

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    i don't usually do this but i'm calling someone out:

    Quote Originally Posted by Woofcat
    I don't get in fights because people know i carry a knife and that i will use it in a fight.
    I can not stand this kind of shit. I come from a decent neighborhood, but nearby is that little place called the Bronx and motherfuckers coming out of there you don't mess with for the simple reason that they will not hesitate to pull a knife or even a gun in the middle of shit.

    Personally i think this is the most chicken shit cowardly thing in the world. Weapon for defense is one thing, but discretion in using that is essential. I'm not saying that everyone should get their asses beaten if they go up against some 7 foot tall dude or a expert Shaolin monk.

    There are three kinds of fights:
    1. Friendly sparring.
    2. Fights for survival.
    3. Fights where at the end everybody is going to walk away.

    This topic isn't really about the first kind. The second is the only kind of fight where i can honestly say 'anything goes'. I've personally never been in a situation where fighting was the best way for me to preserve my life. In fact, i've only really felt my life was in danger in two situations, both times because of people who escalate Fight Type #3 into type #2.

    I'm talking about cocksuckers who pull a weapon when there is no need. I am firmly convinced that NOBODY is ever supposed to always win the third type of fight. Sometimes I win, sometimes they win, and sometimes a good ass kicking teaches a lesson.

    But some people are either too stupid or proud or something to understand that escalating a fight can be much worse than just losing. You can lose a tooth, get a scar, get your shit stolen, but you walk away in the end.

    Take this little story for example:

    Running some errands in the Bronx (let your imagination figure out what we were buying) me and a friend overhear two guys yelling. One is this skinny wannabe tough wigger from the town near me, and he's arguing with this Latino dude. What looked like was going on was the kid was getting burned on a drug deal.

    The kid is insisting that the Latino give him his money back and the Latino is saying that the product is good and that the kid should just shut the fuck up and go away. He won't return the money.

    It's just the two of them and now I overhear them.

    Latino: "Give it back or what? You wanna make something out of it?"

    Kid: lots of cursing. "I can take you." (obviously this would not be true in a good old-fashioned fist fight and everybody knows it, but the kid isn't willing to lose the fight over the money.

    Latino: "Just get out of here. I'd kick your ass."

    Then the kid tries to grab the money from the Latino. They struggle a bit (me and my friend are making sure to stay away now, taking several feet back and waiting behind a parked car) and the Latino eventually pushes the kid away.

    Kid pulls out a knife.

    Latino goes: "Hey there big guy. What are you going to do with that little knife, eh?"

    Kid: "Give me back my money."

    Latino: "(you're) tough shit eh?"

    Latino pulls out a gun. (and by pulling i really mean he just sticks it out of his coat a bit so only the kid can see. Down the street a bit I can't tell what happened but the kid goes white like a ghost)

    Latino: "Now you give me all the rest of your money."

    Turns out the initial amount was all of $70. Kid winds up losing over $150 and has to replace everything in his wallet.

    What is the moral of this story? Sometimes the best fight is the one you lose but lose gracefully. I've walked away from losses feeling alot better about myself than some of the times I've won.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    What is the moral of this story? Sometimes the best fight is the one you lose but lose gracefully. I've walked away from losses feeling alot better about myself than some of the times I've won.
    I think for me the moral of that story would be to never go to Bronx...

  19. #19
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    or maybe "don't take a knife to a gunfight" ...

    or maybe "don't pick fights with drug dealers" ...

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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