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Thread: Movie: Ocean's 13

  1. #1

    Movie: Ocean's 13

    Just back from the movies. I liked it. Way better than Ocean 12, but not as good as 11. They also brought old characters back from the previous movie. Any one else saw it?

  2. #2
    Just saw it today. I liekd it as well, but i think the first 2 were better. I didn't like how they didn't do the classic "look-back" as with the first 2 know, the scene rite before the end where they replay scenes from earlier and you see what was really going on behind the scenes. I think thats what makes these movies so great, that up until the final moment, even the audience doesn't know how they're gonna pull it off.

    There was also a considerable lack in the witty back and forth, which i really missed. This time they went more for the hiest and less for the character interaction. It was still alot of fun to see but not what i was expecting. I did love how they stole the diamons though....that was certainly unexpected, lol.

    One question though....were Linus' parents actually in the FBI? in the second movie his mom posses as an FBI agent, and in this movie his dad does the same....but they actually seem to be in touch with the real agency cuz they upload the pics and stuff to Bank's computer.

    Overall i think its a great movie...definately worth watching.

  3. #3
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    One question though....were Linus' parents actually in the FBI? in the second movie his mom posses as an FBI agent, and in this movie his dad does the same....but they actually seem to be in touch with the real agency cuz they upload the pics and stuff to Bank's computer.

    Overall i think its a great movie...definately worth watching.
    Linus' dad or the FBI didn't willingly provide Banks with the pics. I think it was explained that Banks' security had ILLEGAL access to the FBI fingerprinting database and other confidential information which they used to trace out everyone else. The whole FBI capturing Livingston was just supposed to be a way to get the casino to replace all the card shuffling machines. Only problem was that Livingston got careless leaving his prints on the previous machines, which Banks immediately got a hold of and had his own security run a search because he probably expected something more elaborate going on. At least, that how I interpreted it.

    Just saw it today. I liekd it as well, but i think the first 2 were better. I didn't like how they didn't do the classic "look-back" as with the first 2 know, the scene rite before the end where they replay scenes from earlier and you see what was really going on behind the scenes.
    I don't remember them doing a "look-back" in the first movie. I am pretty sure they just explained everything as they went along.

    Anyways, I really liked this movie. It wasn't as good as the first one but I think it was much better than the second one. It was quite funny at times. I especially enjoyed the whole Mexican factory strike incident and Terry's Oprah inteview at the end.
    What actually dissappointed me was Al Pacino's role as Banks. I was anticipating him to be a much more troublesome adversary. But throughout the course of the movie, he seemed even more clueless than Terry Benedict in the first one.

    What is really starting to bug me out is this disturbing trend in movie trailers to spoil some really important parts of movies. For example, I watched half of this movie, just waiting for Terry Benedict to show up and join the crew as I had seen him in a trailer on TV. Had I not seen him in the trailer, it would have added for a nice twist. I mean the last person I would normally expect for the crew to go and seek financial support from would be him (Had I not seen the trailer) but when Matt Damon mentioned that he had someone in his mind that could help them out, I immediately knew it had to be Andy Garcia.

  4. #4
    I don't remember them doing a "look-back" in the first movie. I am pretty sure they just explained everything as they went along.
    In the first one, the 'look-back' was when the swat team exits the casino, one of them lifts his mask and you see its actuall rusty....and then the music cue's and you see how they actually managed to take the money and fool everyone. That moment was what made the movie for me. It was just one of those "hooooolllyyy shit!!" scenes and i loved it.

    As for the trailers spoiling it, you're absolutely right. It would've been so awesome had we not already seen who it would be. I did enjoy the nightfox angle, though i wish they'd given him a broader role.

    oh and thanx for the FBI explanation Splash, i never thought of it like that.

  5. #5
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    In the first one, the 'look-back' was when the swat team exits the casino, one of them lifts his mask and you see its actuall rusty....and then the music cue's and you see how they actually managed to take the money and fool everyone. That moment was what made the movie for me. It was just one of those "hooooolllyyy shit!!" scenes and i loved it.
    Something to that effect in this movie was using the 2nd earth quake to get all the people out of the hotel and incorporated it into the exit strategy. I remember them talking about trying to find an exit strategy in the beginning but they quickly brushed that conversation aside and started talking about ways to deal with the GRECO system instead, for which the earthquake idea was introduced to send the system into lock down mode. At first, it had seemed to me that only purpose to Rusty's initial encounter with Banks was to get the camera into his office and set the whole heist up as a natural disaster that just happened to occur at a very bad time for Banks. In fact, I was actually confused as to why the 2nd earthquake was taking place. At first I thought they were knocking the system out AGAIN so Banks would loose even more money, or just maybe making the whole incident seem less perpitrated and more like a natural disaster. It didnt occur to me that the 2nd earthquake was being used for a different purpose (the exit strategy) till one of Banks' guys mentioned the evacuation protocol. That single moment with the look of despair on Banks' face was just priceless and it reminded me of the SWAT incident from the first one.
    Last edited by Splash!; Mon, 06-11-2007 at 01:38 AM.

  6. #6
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    I finally got to watch this last night was a decent film
    i think the little asian dude was under used

    I also watched the original Oceans 11 from the 60's with Frank Sinatra

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  7. #7
    I agree that it did not add up to an Oceans 11, but it still had its good points. I also have to agree to the point that they did not due the flashback style of ending as the suspense as to how they really pull it off is what made the series great in my opinion. I wonder how it will do in the long run, I personally liked it but I know a few friends that just saw it as, well... "eh" I believe was their response.

    I will give it 4 and 1/2 stars (With extreme Bias).

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I am not going to see this movie, unless somebody forces me to watch it. Oceans 11 was a good movie. But when they came out with Oceans 12... i just wanted to shoot myself.. or better yet, the guy who thought it would be a good idea.. and here we have the third... Oceans 13... what an original title. Movies like this have totally killed actors like brad pitt, matt damon (except for the bourne ultimatum... going to own) and george clooney. all good actors, why would they sign on to do such a redicululous second sequal to a movie that deserved and needed no sequal.

    It is hard to tell good or bad now since most movies are sequals. And i am excited to see a few, still to come this summer : harry potter, die hard, and im sure im leaving a few out.

    Ok, im going to get about 10 negative reps since i'm just lost in my rant right now.

    Hills have eyes 2.... WTF.

    was this first movie not bad enough, and did it not come out just last year? this is no harry potter WTF, why are you filming 2 horrible movies back to back.... nobody wants to see it. Hostel 2, the first one almost made me puke when he cut that asian girls.... 'eye stem?' ewww.... so yes.... i'm going to end my rant now because i have to get to work. Cheers.

  9. #9
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    well, me n my frds had nothing to do so we hit the movie theatres. we were either gonna watch this or knocked up and we chose this. i really enjoyed this movie and laughed at banks getting owned so hard

    ty psj for this sig

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The movie was lame. It was just a sandbox for the actors to play around in and jack shit up in various clever ways. There was no grand scheme. There was no big twist.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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