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Thread: Game: Odin Sphere

  1. #1

    Game: Odin Sphere

    So, how many people of you have played or are currently playing this sleeper hit for the PS2? When I first heard about a side scrolling action RPG with beautiful sprites I couldn't help but be eager to get it once it came out. So, I did. There're 5 characters you get to play. At first, you only start out with one and you have to finish each subsequent characters story, to unlock the next one. I'm currently on the last book (Velvet), and I've really enjoyed the game so far. It's a little repetitive, but hey, what game isn't.

    RPGamer's Review of Odin SPhere

  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I got what was apparently the last copy for several weeks on my side of the state. It's tough to find in most video game stores, but easy to get on the internet. I've been playing it during most of my free time. I'm also on Velvet's book.

    What I really love about this game is how deeply it's tied to Norse and Germanic myths, the subject of many operas. Each book starts with an intro that has a orchestral tuning sequence, and the music is phenomenal. Each of the stories are intertwined, and each book reveals more than you realized about the previous ones, especially Oswald's in relation to Gwendolyn's. The stories are simply amazing and the art is stunning.

    You also need to adapt completely different play styles for each of the characters. Though a lot of their abilities are the same, the way their weapons function, and the one or two unique variations in the way they play changes everything. Cornelius is a simple hack and slash, Gwendolyn involves hitting and running, blocking and powerful combos, Oswald is pure hit-hard-and-run, Mercedes is all about strategic positioning and ammo use, and Velvet is a strange mix of planting yourself in the perfect spot for attacks and counter attacks.

    The game is also hard until you really get the hang of it. An odd leveling system based solely on growing and eating fruits or making recipes combined with occasional huge waves of enemies and an alchemy system make for tough work until you get used to it. Once you've got more of the alchemy mixes, it's a piece of cake.

    Top it all off with an 8 year old girl reading each of the characters stories in books in her attic, and you've got an amazing action RPG.

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Yeah I got this the day it came out, been playing it quite a bit and such. I really enjoy it although it being very repeative is it's weakest point. I'm currently halfway through Oswald's story.

  4. #4
    Oswald is a total beast. If you rock him out with Unlimited Power, Painkiller up, pop Overload and then Shadowform (which you get at like the 33-35 range), and equip the +30% attack bangle, man you dice up bosses in seconds.

    Without the use of items though, Mercedes is a powerhouse. Her attacks do so much damage, and if she gets in trouble, you can consistently fly away to safety. Her piercing shot does a ton of damage, about as much as Phozon Burst and it travels across half the map sphere I believe and costs half the price (1 phozon bar as opposed to Phozon Burst's 2).

  5. #5
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I've been thinking about getting this game and Persona 3 next month.
    From your comments its seems it is worth buy and play.

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Velvet with an Unlimited Power can do some nasty chains (no pun intended) since she does a lot of damage but runs out of POW fast even with a Power Stone. I tried the Armageddon Book and it's pretty tough on Normal, so I'm going back to power-leveling the 5 with Lamb Steaks from the Pooka Kitchen.

    Oswald does a ton of damage, but he's not really to my taste. Mercedes, Velvet and Gwendolyn are definitely my favorites.

  7. #7
    Yea, Oswald is pretty much the definition of hack and slash. He's pretty much a one-trick pony. He does have the fastest 3 hit combo (the 4th hit opens you up to way to much danger), and highest health. I haven't finished Velvet's chapter, cause I kinda got lazy and decided to replay Xenogears again (for the 6th time =P).

  8. #8
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I just started, and i must say, its fairly addictive ( i dont know why). And the art is absolutely amazing. I'm in the middle of Gwendolyn's story i think, and its starting to get difficult, but overall pretty fun stuff.

  9. #9
    I really hate this game for various reasons.

    The story and characters. I bet they thought it would be a great idea to take ALL of their ideas from Norse mythology. This made the story incredibly predictable. None of the characters are interesting, as they were obviously developed from some cookie-cutter formula. Every moment in the game will have you facepalming as it is just that bad.

    The gameplay is repetitive and boring. It is terribly flawed due to the constant lag, and the difficulty levels are nearly indistinguishable. The game ends up becoming a "get massive power or enjoy getting cheap-shotted by enemies" or a "memorize each enemy's moveset and learn specific ways of how to get around them just so you can show your friends that you have no life" affair.

    And I'm tired of hearing people sigh over the graphics. It's been done before. They're the same as other Atlus games. Just look at La Pucelle Tactics. This is merely slightly shinier.

    I guess it's a good thing that I only rented it (for free). Still...I spent way too much time beating the game when I could have instead been masturbating or making delicious ramen. And that's a pity.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Sage
    And I'm tired of hearing people sigh over the graphics. It's been done before. They're the same as other Atlus games. Just look at La Pucelle Tactics. This is merely slightly shinier.
    There's nothing wrong with your other points, as they're your opinions.

    However, there's just this one little inconsistency here that I'd like to point out here: La Pucelle Tactics and Odin Sphere are fundamentally different games to begin with, and with that same blanket statement, you might as well state that all 3D games are all the same.


  11. #11
    If you've ever played La Pucelle, you would notice that the graphics are similar to those in Odin Sphere. The specific style both games use is one I like, but I'm tired of people gushing over Odin Sphere like it's something new.

    It's not. And to imply that I'm making some kind of generalized statement without anything to back it up is irresponsible.

  12. #12
    Their styles are different, and if you think otherwise you need to get your eyes checked.

    No one said Odin Sphere was ground breakingly unique or original. However, it is something the PS2 lacked, a game that plays the way Odin Sphere does, which was very characteristic of older systems. Games like Streets of Rage, Battle Toads, etc.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    What were you smoking when you compared the two games?

    Look carefully. I've take both shots from sprite-based "cutscenes" within the games.

    La Pucelle: Typical Nippon Ichi, squat deformed sprites, dialogue box. Simplified expressions on the sprites, elaborated upon in the dialogue boxes. Background is a still image, sprites on top. Separate sprites used in-game.

    Odin Sphere: Hand-drawn sprites (according to the game case) and background. Many of the same animations identical to in-game sprites (most notably bosses). Dialogue bubbles, so the sprites must must have more detailed expressions. Art style is elongated rather than squished.

    The two art and execution styles look nothing alike. Unless you mean that bananas and apples are both fruit, so they must be the same thing.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Sage
    And I'm tired of hearing people sigh over the graphics. It's been done before. They're the same as other Atlus games. Just look at La Pucelle Tactics. This is merely slightly shinier.
    The only game that is under Atlus that even looks remotely close to Odin Sphere, is Stella Deus. And by the way, Odin Sphere was made by VanillaWare, not Atlus.

  15. #15
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Sage
    If you've ever played La Pucelle, you would notice that the graphics are similar to those in Odin Sphere. The specific style both games use is one I like, but I'm tired of people gushing over Odin Sphere like it's something new
    hahahahahhahahahhaha... damn you just gave me a great laugh, thnx dude

    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    The only game that is under Atlus that even looks remotely close to Odin Sphere, is Stella Deus. And by the way, Odin Sphere was made by VanillaWare, not Atlus.
    even stella deus doesnt look like it, the ONLY game that resembles it is Oboro Muramasa, also by vanillaware, and will own.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Sage
    It's not. And to imply that I'm making some kind of generalized statement without anything to back it up is irresponsible.
    Yes, I was making that implication on the grounds that I've played the game, and as have you for even thinking of making that generalized statement. From that, I wished for YOU to inform me of how they were alike to a fault.

    Tell me about this "style," and don't just tell me: "2D sprites overlayed upon a 2D background."


  17. #17
    First off: My eyes don't need checking. My glasses are only a few months old, and my lenses are shiny. My eyes may have been blinded by the rage I felt towards Odin Sphere though. But now that I think about it, was the Hulk's eyesight worse when he went on a rampage? I think it actually got better...In which case, my original case would be unshakable.

    Secondly off: Rylly-chan-sempai, I'll agree with you that their presentation styles are different from each other. But the art looks the same to me. I really don't see how there's much of a difference at all.

    Tertiarily off: animu-kun-desu, I never said Atlus made Odin Sphere. This was pretty obvious when I read the booklet and looked at the loading screens when you loaded the game up which had BIG Vanillaware logos. Atlus tends to get games of similar styles though.

    Quarterly off: baggy-san-sama, I have a hard time explaining things, mainly because my mind is like a perpetual motion machine. I'm constantly thinking of things grander than the human race, which makes it difficult for me to ground myself on the internet (something I do for the benefit of mankind - no thanks needed). I hope that statement has satisfied your quest for the knowledge of Odin Sphere's graphics.

    But in case it hasn't, allow me to outline my argument:
    Look closely at the screens haru-sensei-boku posted. Notice Prier's hair. It covers her head, does it not? Notice Gwendolyn's hair.


    Both characters have shoes as well (although one could make the case that Gwendolyn only has small, deformed black feet).

    Additionally, both characters have the whole "anime eyes" thing going on.

    If you do not agree with me at this point, there's no hope for you. Sorry.

  18. #18
    Wow that post was so full of fail, I'm truly at a loss for words to type which rarely happens.

  19. #19
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Sage
    ....lots of random bullshit......
    hahahahah shit dude, you have a knack for making me laugh i think, you failed so hard in that post.
    God keep it up, so i can keep laughing xD

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