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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 17

  1. #1
    If I could change my name
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    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 17

    Quick release from a group I've never heard of

    Straylife Fansubs International

    Last edited by Deadfire; Thu, 06-07-2007 at 07:39 PM.
    image fail!

  2. #2
    Watched Straylife sub and it wasn't bad even through text would disapear before they done talking and pointless talking was this episode is all about.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    The calm before the big fight i guess. Looks like the next episode wont air till the 21st =(, it's going to be a long wait.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Isn't Matsuri a filler character?
    Overall, this episode was kinda boring to watch, nothing but talking.

    And, is that Sasuke on Gai's back?

  5. #5
    I just downloaded the Dattebayo release but.....there's no audio! Everyone says this episode is nothing but talk and I get no talk at all.

    And that picture is from way back when Naruto first started running around with Jiraiya and Sasuke had just gotten taken down hard by Itachi.

  6. #6
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Hmm. they must have fixed it. My Dattebayo works fine.

    OMG! They F*ckin killed Gaara!!!! NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  7. #7
    I can't even download the DB release. It's stuck on Checking Tracker status, but I can see that there's over 11k Seeds, and 28k peers.

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    things are moving.... im beginning to get a little more excited about naruto every week than bleach.

    one thing... i am getting sick of the things falling and breaking to signal charactors that something has happened to one of their comrades.... it seems that is the umpteenth time i've seen a similar scene in such a short time

  9. #9
    ZOMG! Good guy death! And not some old guard good guy who's time was passing (Sandaime), it's Garaa, loveable freaky Garaa. How sad.

    Anyway other than that most of the talking was fun. Now Chiyo knows about NarutoxKyuubi. Now that they're all at the base, it looks like Diedara and Saori are more than happy to take them on, though Diedara did mention feeling exauhsted from the three days of jutsu and he should still be out of clay, unless he stashed some in that cave.

  10. #10
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbaucom
    things are moving.... im beginning to get a little more excited about naruto every week than bleach.

    one thing... i am getting sick of the things falling and breaking to signal charactors that something has happened to one of their comrades.... it seems that is the umpteenth time i've seen a similar scene in such a short time
    ehh... what annoys me is the flashbacks about how naruto and X went through the same pain blah blah blah...

    this episode was just talking... i guess like others said to get ready for the big battle... next episode might be an hour long one since there's no episode next week?

  11. #11
    Did Gaara really die? i hope not, cause they just make me stop watching naruto. :-(

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    You guys suck, I liked that ep.

    Let's be reasonable, if they're gonna kill off Gaara, they should make it dramatic, amirite?
    Plus, they're not gonna skip out the build-up just so they can prematurely start a big fight 4 minutes early. it appears the statue has 3 pupils now.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13
    Damn not only did they leave us hanging right when the episode started to get exciting, but they're gonna leave us hanging and extra week to boot. The bulk of the episode, as mentioned by others, was just rehashing things we already know so they could tell them to characters who don't but atleast it was done well enough to hold my attention by adding the suspense of waiting to see if Gaara dies. Then of course they all showed up at the entrance and to be honest i was really ready for them to bust in there, but of course not this week

    I'm still not sure if they actually killed Gaara. I'm hoping they take the less cheesy route and have him dead and that the little scene of him looking at himself and talking was just kind of a look at his final thoughts. Not that i dislike Gaara or anything, i just hope that a route outside the norm for these kind of shows was taken. On the other hand the content of the talk with him self leaves room for the typical "character escapes certain death through strength of will and determination" in this case his determination to be a necessary existence for his village and the people in it.

    I suppose we'll see in a couple weeks.

  14. #14
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Matsuri rulez.

    And about the ep. Nice pace. Many didn't like it, but I did. It had a lot of feeling.

    Long wait till next episode =/

  15. #15
    Great episode, loved the buildup. Later on, when im rewatching all the episodes in a chain, this one will be the kind that makes me click the next EXTRA fast I liked the flashbacks, despite everyone's complaints...I never get tired of seeing what motivates and drives naruto. He's never doin anything without a reason, and he's got such passion behind whatever he works for.

    Even if gaara isnt dead, he's without the shukaku...could make for VERY interesting character developpment if he makes it out of this alive. How will he adapt to being without the demon? But...they did say that when it's removed, the jinchuriiki dies...

    It will be the first time since Zabuza/Haku that im this sad a character dies...sure, Chouji and Neji made me all quivery, but they came back, and secretly i kinda knew they weren't dead...and when the Third died, it was emotional, but he was old, and took oro's arms with him, he died for the village, and he saved them all. Gaara...poor gain from this death, save to build the anger of his friends and family...and of ME. He's always been one of my top faves in the show...I cant believe that he's really dead...i WONT believe it! but how can gaara survive this?

    Another note, i loved the "kyuubi-eye" flash when Naruto starts speeding up...and of course, Gai Sensei popping up from bed and being ready to go 4-times the normal pace, priceless.

    lol@ lee's "that's why i said THREE times the speed, Gai Sensei" when they tell Gai four times the pace isnt possible.


  16. #16
    Okay, now I'm curious about what two Tailed Beasts were sealed prior to Gaara. I also wonder what affects the length of time needed to seal them. Is it just manpower(they mentioned it would take longer without Orochimaru) or is the strength of the beast factored in as well? And since Gaara's was the one-tail, does that mean he was the weakest and that this was the easiest sealing they'll have to perform?

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i enjoyed it. it had some weak points though. I couldn't personally care less about that random sand girl (though it was nice to see more Baki, that guy's got it), and Kankuro and Temari sort of pissed me off a bit. The show sorta pisses on them, since Gaara's sufferring is always emphasized to be worse than Naruto's because Gaara had nobody supporting him. Yet Gaara has a brother and sister. They constantly, silently, make Kankuro and Temari out to be horrible up until this point... where suddenly they care about their bro? Or was it that previously Gaara was too much of a psycho, living up to the fears about the Bijuu?

    I hate Naruto's teary-eyed crap about how the suffering of outcasts is all the same, blah blah blah. They literally re-use that crap one out of every five episodes. This time, with the sequence of Naruto thinking about Gaara, and how Naruto's 'allies' appear one after another (funny how Ten-ten appears before Shikamaru, yet we've seen tons of flashbacks implying the two at least had some bond before even becoming Genin), but poor Gaara doesn't ever get any friends... it was EXACTLY the same as in the previous episode, but slowed down "to be more dramatic"... We get the fucking point already.

    Interesting to know that Akatsuki has acquired (apparently) three Bijuu now. Wondering how they're dividing the power, or if they're just saving them all together to be used in one big spectacle when all the nine are captured?

    Some small facts revealed about Chiyo and to her. It became very apparent that she'll probably sacrifice herself in the upcoming battle w/ her grandson and Deidara. (the flashback to start the episode, her "maybe there's something an old bag like me can do... something..." Yup, I'm putting 10 on her buying the farm.

    I liked Gaara's death sequence, with the gradual disenfranchisement with his physical body.

    "What's that?
    That's me.
    The me... whose existance someone else needed. (translation on this one?)
    Why?... Why did I want to become like that? Why did I desire it so badly?
    Those eyes.. That nose.. that mouth...
    Why is that "Gaara"?
    I used to be inside that.
    But what am I now?
    Just one state of consciousness
    (rapid zoom out)
    What did it used to be?
    It was just... a small feeling..."
    (I'd greatly appreciate some confirmation on the accuracy of the translation here)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One thing I'm wondering: Things don't exactly look good for Akatsuki right now. Apparently only one-armed Deidera and Sasori are guarding the cave, and they haven't rested for days. And I very much doubt they could have put up an equal fight against all the Konoha manpower even in a rested state. But more over, the eye statue is in that cave. What prevents Naruto from using his giant rasengan to wreck the whole thing? At least Shukaku should still be stored inside it. Don't know about the previous two beasts: It could be the eyes would remain like that even if the bijuus weren't in anymore.

    So, in that sense, Deidera and Sasori must likely fight to the death to defend the place, unless their back-up plan indeed is so masterful it will defeat that whole bunch of enemies. It would be worth seeing in that case. Even more so because you can bet Naruto will tap into some kyuubi power once he sees Gaara's corpse.

  19. #19
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Worst fucking episode title EVER! God I hate it when they do that.

    *sniff* There goes my favorite dude besides Shino...

    It's nice to know that when Naruto taps the Kyuubi for extra speed he only gets about 20 feet ahead. That's real useful there.

    The best part was the 3 pupils in the statue. I wonder if they put those Bijuu in akatsuki members or if the other two are still in the statue? That would be awsome if they beat D and Sas and then were "woo! Bijuu for everyone!!"

    Actually I wonder if they put the shukaku back fast enough if Gaara would come back to life? Since we know the old lady already knows how to put Bijuu into people.

    Anyway, it's gonna be a sucky two weeks!

  20. #20
    I think this actually was a good episode as the story was build up with nice flashbacks to the fight with Deidara and Sasori in the (hopefully) next ep. The music was great just like in that scene right in the beginning when old-lady Chiyo looks at sleeping Naruto and thinks about that other kid (young Sasori I think?).
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Actually I wonder if they put the shukaku back fast enough if Gaara would come back to life? Since we know the old lady already knows how to put Bijuu into people.
    That was exactly what I thought whilst watching this episode as Chiyo mentions that she put Bijuu into Gaara and then says maybe she could be of some help...

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