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Thread: Gundam 00!

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Lockon sounds like a stupid name you'd hear in a shounen anime. Wait...

    Hallelujah (can be spelt with or without the H) is, however, simply too much. I cannot wait to hear the Japanese VAs pronouncing that name, especially the inevitable mecha yell of concern from his allies (the fem guy in particular) going "Halleluja~~~h!" after his mech gets hit by a bombardment. Of course, since it's a Gundam, he'll be unscathed (tho much grimacing will occur) and his allies will then heave a sigh of relief, perhaps even proclaiming, "Hallelujah!" -_-

    Seriously though, that is a retarded name.

    I don't care if the characters are male or female, but it does bring up the question of: what happened to the female MS pilot? The original 0079 was dominated by male pilots, true enough, but Zeta had lots of females (Haman notably, perhaps the best female Gundam pilot ever?) and even more recent series had continued that. Hell, even the bishounen laden Gundam Wing had Noin (not a Gundam pilot, but still an important character) and SEED Destiny had Lunamaria. I can't imagine that, even though these four are guys, that this new one won't have female MS pilots.

    Can anyone recall the last series that revolved around a female pilot as a central character? I can only recall 8th MS Team, and that almost doesn't count, since it was so short and the lady pilots in question were either minor characters or separated from the main character for a good part of the show. I don't really consider Lunamaria to be central to anything in SEED Destiny...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #42
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Hmz.. Marvet in Victory Gundam had a reasonably important role.. and Catejina too..but I don't know if you see that as a main character. The women in Zeta are more side characters in my eyes.

    The reason why I'd like to see a female lead character is because it might change the whole feel of a gundam series. Mostly it's that the lead female is standing in the sidelines cheering on the main dude. When the story revolves around a female fighter I doubt it'll be like that. It might be really refreshing.

    It's not that 00 is bad in my eyes because it has no female pilots, but I kinda got my hopes up after watching the promo. If the pilots are male, at least clearly make them look like that.

    Besides the names and gender, there is really not much I can say about 00.. we'll have to see it first.

    but damn.. Allelujah.. what were they smoking... If/when he dies, I want to hear that sound they have in 'Worms'

  3. #43
    The Japanese worship the West. Not surprised they keep coming up with retarded names like those.

    The last time there's a central female character in a Gundam series would be Cagalli in Seed before she went all emo in Destiny.
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  4. #44
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    That's not what I see as lead character..
    more like an Amuro, Kira, Uso, Domon etc.

    00 will be broadcasted on saturdays, right?

  5. #45
    I have no idea what time that is, but i know it's the same timeslot as Seed, GSD, FMAand Blood Trinity in Japan.
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Harima Kenji
    Some of the names are idiotic.. I mean; Lockon?? What sadistic parent names his kid Lock-on? And what about (H)Allelujah? Was his father the pope with a speaking disability or something?
    lol @ the lockon part, but not understanding the part with Halleujah.

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    you're not joking... you don't actually know what that word means...

    Hence it's an absolutely ludicrous thing to name a character.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    I was happy when I thought he was a she .
    Same here. I can't believe it.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    you're not joking... you don't actually know what that word means...

    Hence it's an absolutely ludicrous thing to name a character.
    Of course I know what the word means and I understand your position as to why its not a good name for a character (whereas I could care less either way), I just wanted clarification on the "pope with a disability" part of the statement.

  10. #50
    A Japanese dude trying to pronounce "Hallelujah" is like a white dude trying to pronounce "Nippon."

  11. #51
    Especially when Japanese can't distinguish between Ls and Rs.
    Addicted to Gunpla right now...

  12. #52
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Woohoo! Only just now noticed this.

    I'm psyched.

    Although it's probably impossible, I really hope there will be a character in this show who can rival Yzak in awesomeness...

  13. #53
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    OMFG, I cant wait. Finally a brand new story. Destiny and Stargazer completely killed SEED for me

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  14. #54
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Some pics from the Tokyo Toy Show 2007:

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  15. #55
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    It's funny.. I still don't know what to think of the designs of the MSs..
    The bottom one kinda look like transformers.

  16. #56
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    I like the color scheme for the first one, and the designs aren't bad at all for the rest. Though, first one looks like it has some sort of bird mode..
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  17. #57
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    High Grade Collection figures OF Real Entertainment (HGCORE)

    nothing we haven't seen before... I'm liking the Kyrios Gundam more and more, and the fatboy (Virtue) doesn't look so bad either. I still don't like the weird ass rockets on the Dynames, but a good looking mech otherwise. Excia still is too blaise for me to really care for it... and it has that weird penis guard that looks like it should belong on a Gundam's head...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  18. #58
    New Gundam 00 trailer!
    Excia looks sexy in action. Woot~!

    Edit: An interview with Mizushima from Animage Mag.:
    Mizushima Animage interview
    This month's anime magazines had interviews with Seiji Mizushima, the director of the Gundam 00 series. Below is a translation of an interview from Animage magazine. A Newtype magazine interview will be up tomorrow.

    Q: Tell us how the title "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" came about?
    A: It started as a temporary title, but it ended up being the official title. Originally I wanted to have a cool name, but we all forgot about it. Besides the obvious reason of starting from zero, there are other reasons. Right now it is a secret, but it will become a keyword as the story progresses.

    Q: Reason behind why this series is set in the future of our world?
    A: I personally have no deep knowledge about UC or CE so jumping into their worlds would be inappropriate and offensive to the staff who worked on those series. To me, it made perfect sense to make this series connected to our world. By doing this, it is easier to reflect our history and blend it with the series. At this moment, I am not focusing too much about making this ultra real or serious. This is entertainment after all so I'll mirror some of the real world issues in this series like I have with the anime I worked on in the past.

    Q: What kind of Gundam story are you aiming for?
    A: Don't know if this is a good or bad thing. I haven't watched a lot of the previous Gundam series. When I was first offered this job, I thought to myself, "Aren't there more Gundam-minded people than me?" Sunrise told me "We want to create a new Gundam so the director doesn't have to know a lot about Gundam." I have staff like Yousuke Kuroda and mecha designers, who are Gundam fans, so they will make sure it is Gundam while I will try to create without thinking too much that this is a Gundam series. Perhaps, this might be the theme, but I will bring my own Gundam-ness to the series.

    Q: What is your Gundam-ness?
    A: One is writing about war. Gundam is a weapon after all. This doesn't mean I'm going to be devoted to battles scenes. Instead I believe it is important to approach the war theme straightforward. (Gunota note: from here he tries to be funny) Other than that, a mobile weapon walking on 2 legs using beam sabers and a beam rifle. Then the basic stuff like Gundam is red, blue, yellow, and white. *laughs* This time, we are being more adventurous with the designs. If you have these 4 colors, they look like Gundam. *laughs*

    Q: The pilots of the Gundams belong to a group who are trying to end war. What are you trying to say with this?
    A: Let's take this one phrase, "Using force to end wars" and see what happens when someone carries out this contradicting act. "What do you start to see?" is one of things I want to write. Since this is a drama involving these characters, you will see "What happens to the world when they pilot the Gundam? What will these pilots do and how will they change?" This will be the gut of the series for sure.

    Q: How will the MS designs and battle action turn out?
    A: We hope to bring 2 styles: one is the super action style from SEED, second are actions that take advantage of the MS. When the plot of Gundams entering the conflict was being setup, we had a conversation saying "It might be all right for the Gundams to be super mecha." Therefore, the antagonist's MS was designed reflecting today's weapons and the Gundams were designed to confront them. It will feel like super mecha vs real mecha. The concept of the Gundam being far superior is one concept I had from the beginning. I don't know how much of that you will see, but the staff will follow along and hopefully you might see some odd looking scenes.

    Q: Lastly, a message for the fans of the upcoming series.
    A: While this will be a drama connecting people with people or people with the world, I will not be forcing answers on them. I'm hoping this series will motivate viewers into thinking. A Gundam novice like me is working real hard creating a new Gundam so I hope the previous fans and new fans will support us.
    ¶ 9:51 PM
    This one's from Newtype:

    Newtype had an interview with Mizushima which covered different topics from the Animage one.

    Source: Newtype
    Q: A 15-second long promo video appeared after Toward the Terra on June 2. Any response from the public?
    A: They were a lot of responses and they were fast, too. A day after the promo, my friend who was eating at a restaurant overheard young people talking about the next Gundam by watching it on their mobile phones.

    Q: This Gundam doesn't take place in ___ Era, instead it takes place in Seireki (anno domini aka AD) 2307.
    A: I wanted to do it in AD. Since my knowledge regarding UC and CE is very low, doing it in AD would be a lot easier and allow me to bring in real world agendas.

    Q: Was bringing a real world agenda the start of your concept?
    A: Since this is Mobile Suit Gundam, I believe you are placed in a situation where you have to write something about war. If that is the case, it could be on something like a conflict or terror we see today. In a Gundam series, the Gundam serves as a weapon which allows me to do these things. It is possible to make this story a fantasy, but I didn't want to do that with this Gundam. I wanted an era based on today's world.

    Q: Setsuna F. Seiei, the main character, is a former soldier from the Middle East. This smells like the ethnic and religious clash we have today.
    A: 300 years from now, I don't think this problem will be solved. However, I don't want to present a solution to this social problem. If young people ended up searching on the net, it would be worth making the series. Instead of just watching the events, I'm personally hoping we can approach it more closely. For us, it is hard to understand the thoughts of people who are living under war conditions, but we can know a little bit by studying. I want to absorb them and express them on film. I do believe this is a hard thing to do.

    There is another challenge. I'm aiming for a new innovation as far as MS action goes. Each group will have their own MS, unique in shape and movement as well. To put it simply, a normal MS will have realistic behavior. Since Gundams are super weapons, they will have super mechanic movements. These differences will be purposely put in place and I'm looking forward to how much variety of actions we can express. I want everyone to look forward to this because I am, too.

    Q: Setsuna is described as a cool person who hardly reveals any emotion. Does this mean he is keeping his feelings inside himself regarding why he fights?
    A: That is still a secret. *laughs* His past is difficult to understand which probably makes him look cool. Once people see the facts, they will understand.

    Q: Why did you decide on him as the main character?
    A: At first, I wanted a character that doesn't fit a typical Japanese person. Then I went through the process of what this young person and I would do if I were placed in these circumstances. I believe this is an important step when you develop a story.

    Q: This is far away from the viewer's standpoint.
    A: Yes, it is. Which is why I asked Yun Kouga for character designs. If this wasn't Kouga-san's designs, people might have been afraid, grossed out, or not even empathize. It may sound like this is all we're doing based on my conversation, but it is only part of it. This is an entertainment show so we'll have those other elements, too.

    Q: Will there be any romance?
    A: There will be plenty of romance even under these harsh circumstances. *laughs* Yousuke Kuroda is going to include lots of romance in the story.

    Q: Which means a heroine character is going to appear?
    A: We haven't made that public yet? There is one, a 24-year-old heroine. She's been through a lot of difficulties.

    Q: Will she be Setsuna's primary interest?
    A: Umm, we haven't decided that yet. Again, she's been through a lot...
    From Gunota
    Last edited by Illrenmazou; Sun, 07-15-2007 at 05:20 AM.

  19. #59
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    hmm.... some of that interview distressed me, but some of it was very encouraging!

    i personally don't like the idea of Gundams being 'super-mecha' that all the regular MS can't even scratch. Parity on the battlefield is part of what makes watching battles entertaining (at least for me) and it's annoying to think that the only time the Gundam pilots will be in any sort of real danger is when they're up against another Gundam...

    I like how he almost flat out says, "I wanted the character to be something different, but was afraid viewers would reject that character; so that's why Yun Kouga was hired to make the character a bishounen" From the looks of the trailer, some of the girls look pretty hot too.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #60
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Yea well lets hope its a long and good series i need my gundam fix its been a while...
    Speakin of been a while im back and good to see most of u i know r still around :d
    Just pray for sum kick ass battles and lots of exploisions xD

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