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Thread: Game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl

  1. #381
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Way to ruin the game for everyone else really quickly tourneyfags...

    I have to say, it's disgusting that the first thing so many of these people do after unlocking most of the characters (if they even waited that far) is to spend 80 hrs straight looking for exploits.

    Neg rep me if you have to, but can't these types of people just enjoy the damn game like the rest of us? Nooooo, they need an "edge" that they happen to only be able to achieve consistently under highly controlled circumstances.

    There's nothing to say Nintendo can't patch this game and remove a couple of these glitches. Darkshadow already posted the possibility that Sakurai would and quite possibly can update the game.

    This is...after all, the first Nintendo console connected to the internet.

  2. #382
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmetal505
    Even if you don't want to "participate in battles" with me, you will most likely play someone who uses these techniques over the net especially seeing how much faster they will proliferate online.
    Oh I've got plenty of friends who will own the game to never have to concern myself over random <hidden-name> opponent matches.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #383
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Well I hope there's enough people left here to want to participate in Gotwoot Tournaments.

    I was looking forward to doing a few of those.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  4. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Way to ruin the game for everyone else really quickly tourneyfags...

    I have to say, it's disgusting that the first thing so many of these people do after unlocking most of the characters (if they even waited that far) is to spend 80 hrs straight looking for exploits.

    Neg rep me if you have to, but can't these types of people just enjoy the damn game like the rest of us? Nooooo, they need an "edge" that they happen to only be able to achieve consistently under highly controlled circumstances.

    There's nothing to say Nintendo can't patch this game and remove a couple of these glitches. Darkshadow already posted the possibility that Sakurai would and quite possibly can update the game.

    This is...after all, the first Nintendo console connected to the internet.
    Whoa, you make it sound like there are people out there whose purpose it is to ruin your Brawl experience.

    First of all, there are no established "tourneyfags" for Brawl, yet- only those developed through Melee. And why is it so disgusting to play the game to see if the strategies of old that worked for some can still be found? Also, some glitches and the like for new games are usually discovered strictly by accident.

    Besides, like Xan said in his post, there's nothing gamebreaking. You really only ought to be complaining if, say, it was discovered that there was a way to make every smash attack an instant KO in every instance.


  5. #385
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    What I don't fully understand is why people dislike it when people play Melee competitively. It has literally no affect on their lives and how they play whatsoever. If I want to play Melee/Brawl with items and never do a single advanced move, then by all means I would do that, but I sure as hell wouldn't start cheering when I find out wavedashing and L-cancelling are removed. It obviously never had any bearing on how I played in the first place, so why would I care whether it was in or out? Similarly, I wouldn't start complaining when new techniques are discovered because I would never use them anyway.

    Brawl definitely won't match the speed of Melee, which is one of the things I found really fun and made it into the competitive game it became. Granted some of these new techniques are ridiculous, but the ones that will help Brawl approach Melee's speed, I will gladly accept.

  6. #386
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
    First of all, there are no established "tourneyfags" for Brawl, yet- only those developed through Melee. And why is it so disgusting to play the game to see if the strategies of old that worked for some can still be found? Also, some glitches and the like for new games are usually discovered strictly by accident.
    You didn't hear the cry of relief from them when Final Destination was listed on the site?

    I also assume they will carry over many of the same stage restrictions, and plenty new. Oh, New Pork City has a monster that can instant-kill out? Out. (Despite you largely knowing where it is, and thus making it a strategy to push your enemy into it). The characters not allowed will undoubtedly change, with all the balancing, but it's only a matter of time.

    @darkmetal: It's not Melee, it's any fighting game. There's always a select few to even just that one guy who sucks all the fun out of every fighting game. Tekken? You can't use Eddie (okay, I will give them that one, since most Tekken games, I don't know about the newer ones, have no counter system). How about Guilty Gear? Can't use Instant Kills (despite how much skill is required to not miss, and the huge disadvantage if you do). Can't use EX modes, at all (despite damage not really being affected, only move lists). Soul Caliber? Can't use several stages, and a few characters.

    All in the name of "playing competitively." It's a fighting game, a genre designed for the arcades and competitive play. There's always going to be some advantage or another. You can get around the majority of them if you really are as good as you claim to be.

  7. #387
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    You didn't hear the cry of relief from them when Final Destination was listed on the site?
    Nop, you can make your own stages...

    Here`s an idea, we don`t whine about the way other people play the game, the game is customizable for a reason, there is an item off/on option for a reason, stage select for a reason, character select screen for a reason, personal preferences, let`s support them.
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  8. #388
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    You didn't hear the cry of relief from them when Final Destination was listed on the site?

    I also assume they will carry over many of the same stage restrictions, and plenty new. Oh, New Pork City has a monster that can instant-kill out? Out. (Despite you largely knowing where it is, and thus making it a strategy to push your enemy into it). The characters not allowed will undoubtedly change, with all the balancing, but it's only a matter of time.
    Talking about stages, now? Again, no one is degrading the quality of the game by not allowing you, personally, to play in any stages. Honestly, if you disapprove of that "Final Destination only" rule in whatever tourney you attend that much, just start your own tournament with your own rules.

    Also, I can only speak for Guilty Gear, but the reason those items you listed are (except for IKs, since anything console-only are banned) prohibited is because tourneys (for any fighting game) are generally ARCADE-version. Better case for EX mode would be that it's horrendously balanced- only few EX characters are worth using (EX Testament is bordering broken with insta-Warrant) and the rest are crap (EX Johnny? lol where's your damage options?).


  9. #389
    I would have to agree with Ryllharu, but only for the Super Smash Bros. series. For games like Tekken and Soul caliber, they seem to be meant to be played that competitively. But for such a game as Brawl, it just doesn't strike me as one that people should be fretting over for finding exploits. Its more of a goofy game with whacky scenarios and to me it feels that it should be played simply for the fun of it.

    Not that I would stop other people from wasting their valuable time trying to find techniques such as wave-dashing, they can do what they want. But I'd be a little discouraged from playing with a group of people who are constantly on the look-out for new techniques to instant KO.

  10. #390
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    I think finding exploits and glitches are completely incidental. There's nothing inherently wrong with that since I don't think people actually spend time trying to find some of that stuff. Maybe I'm just optimistic.

    As for the BS rules that people make up, I'd just try to ignore them. Play with people you know you'll have fun with and do it by your own rules.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #391
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    I would have to agree with Ryllharu, but only for the Super Smash Bros. series. For games like Tekken and Soul caliber, they seem to be meant to be played that competitively. But for such a game as Brawl, it just doesn't strike me as one that people should be fretting over for finding exploits. Its more of a goofy game with whacky scenarios and to me it feels that it should be played simply for the fun of it.
    Actually, looking at the exploit vids that Xan posted, the nature of quite a few of those glitches are "goofy" and "whacky," so it fits in line with how you describe Brawl. Afterall, you can't have a fun PvP game without ever once shouting out "THAT'S BULLSHIT!" and having a fine laugh over it.


  12. #392
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    i'll admit it now. im definitely gonna try falco's infinite lazer lock when i get the game. it looks so funny

    ty psj for this sig

  13. #393
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I will gladly concede that most of the Brawl glitches are just for fun, but I can't help but see that in those videos, the people doing them were hunting for competitive exploits (except maybe the Jumbo Jiggly, which certainly happened by accident). Someone was looking for an alternative to wavedashing, which we all knew was gone (not that I ever even bothered to learn it, I only play with friends).

  14. #394
    Well I was referring more to wave-dashing... some of the glitches shown in the link above were obvious and didn't really take much time to figure out at all :\

  15. #395
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
    Afterall, you can't have a fun PvP game without ever once shouting out "THAT'S BULLSHIT!" and having a fine laugh over it.
    I remember the old forum engine had a way you could post "answers" to threads.

    If we still had that option, this quote would be the answer.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #396
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    A joke gets stale after so many times....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #397
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    A joke gets stale after so many times....
    Which is why instead of always getting caught off-guard by the same tricks and bitching about them, you learn and develop methods to get around them.


  18. #398
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    That usually involves dedicating weeks on the smashboards and learn the exploits yourself
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #399
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    That usually involves dedicating weeks on the smashboards and learn the exploits yourself
    Actually that is not true at all. The best counter measure vs any tourneyfag is to turn off the game when you finally realize you are playing one.

  20. #400
    Alas, taking games as SERIOUS BUSINESS is a vicious cycle, for serious.


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