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Thread: Game: Starcraft 2

  1. #61
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    So here is a new development in Starcraft II, direct from Blizzcon 2008.

    Starcraft II single player will be three separate games.

    Instead of delaying the game until it is complete, they will just dump out the Terran campaign on us with full multiplayer. Then, much like expansion packs (and it had better be priced appropriately), we buy the next two thirds of the story. The campains have been lengthened to 30 missions each, equivalent to the entire first game.

    The story in actuality, is not three different campaigns. Nope, they are the same campaign from three different perspectives, and the ending is the same for all three of them. Each will play uniquely from each other. As we've seen before, the Terrans for instance, must buy each of their unit types in the story mode to use them during the missions themselves. The Zerg and Protoss campaigns will each have their own, similar differences, they hint at the Zerg using diplomacy as their game mechanic.

    I know a lot of people don't really care about the story in an RTS game (I didn't for C&C 3) but Starcraft was the one series where I actually enjoyed the story in the single player more than I enjoyed the multiplayer itself.

  2. #62
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Zeratul/Kerrigan cut scene:

    This is all at Blizzcon by the way. If you want to watch the Blizzcon Starcraft Finals, you can catch it at 4pm central here:

    6 Koreans, 2 Foreigners. Savior vs Nada finals (These two guys have to have one of the biggest rivalries in SC History, and they're meeting again. A must see for anyone in the pro scene.)

    Bracket can be found here:

  3. #63
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    So here is a new development in Starcraft II, direct from Blizzcon 2008.

    Starcraft II single player will be three separate games.

    Instead of delaying the game until it is complete, they will just dump out the Terran campaign on us with full multiplayer. Then, much like expansion packs (and it had better be priced appropriately), we buy the next two thirds of the story. The campains have been lengthened to 30 missions each, equivalent to the entire first game.

    The story in actuality, is not three different campaigns. Nope, they are the same campaign from three different perspectives, and the ending is the same for all three of them. Each will play uniquely from each other. As we've seen before, the Terrans for instance, must buy each of their unit types in the story mode to use them during the missions themselves. The Zerg and Protoss campaigns will each have their own, similar differences, they hint at the Zerg using diplomacy as their game mechanic.

    I know a lot of people don't really care about the story in an RTS game (I didn't for C&C 3) but Starcraft was the one series where I actually enjoyed the story in the single player more than I enjoyed the multiplayer itself.
    I like that they are 30 missions for each campaign, but it's pretty useless if you play the same mission only with a different race. What I mean is that I don't want to rescue "10 marine officers" in the third mission of the Terran campaign and then later "10 special-zerkers" in the third mission of the Protoss campaign on the same map just with Terrans as enemies instead of Zergs

    I guess the 3 races have now a *very* similiar goal... if not, then I could not explain why the 3 stories would end up the same way...
    Maybe the Zerg, Protoss and Terrans will ally themselves to defeat some new Overmind or something. Pretty much like they did in Brood war for a while.
    I know that Blizzard won't fail in doing everything just fine, but news like that always scare me a bit ^^

    and I have to agree with you, I'm wating for SC2 myself because I want to resume the story and want to know what happens next.

    The SC universe was always one of my favorites, the same goes for the WC universe.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 10-12-2008 at 08:38 AM.

  4. #64
    I'm guessing the 2nd campaign will be Protoss, and 3rd Zerg.

    The races you had to play first during the campaigns usually got the short end of the stick, and the last ones had the last laugh.

    Protoss <-Winners

    Zerg <-Winners

  5. #65
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well It's mentionied in the article which one will be the first/second and third campaign ^^
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 10-12-2008 at 02:42 PM.

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nope. It's listed in the links I posted, direct from the developer's mouths.

    Terran -> Zerg -> Protoss

    EDIT: KrayZ33 beat me to it, but I had more detail in my post!

  7. #67
    Oh, ok. Didn't bother reading the actual article since I read forum posts about the campaign spacing on gametrailers.

    Wondering if they're gonna have an expansion, and if so I'm guessing Terrans are gonna have to be last. They've never had an end campaign setting, but who knows.

  8. #68
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    you can consider the other 2 games as expansions... the first one will probably released 1 year later (or half a year who knows).

    So I think it will more likely become SC3 then

  9. #69
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Well, Ryllharu said the three campaigns are parallel to each other, with the same ending for each one. This means that just because the protoss campaign is last doesn't mean that the zerg and terran lose.

    My guess is that all three of them become victorious over a 4th group: Duran, the beings from before time, and the zerg/protoss hybrids.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #70
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    edit: ok I just read in an interview that the " all have the same ending" stuff is wrong... I don't know if Ryull meant it like that and I just misinterpreted it when he said
    The story in actuality, is not three different campaigns

    the story continues like it did in the normal SC1 (you had to play terran first then Zerg and then Protoss if I'm not mistaken)
    the titles are ""Terrans: Wings of Liberty", "Zerg: Heart of the Swarm" und "Protoss: Legacy of the Void""

    however it was also mentioned that the "hybirds" (protoss-zerg-thingy I think) are a new threat to all 3 races.

    in the Terran missions you will also play a "mini-protoss-campaign" with Zeratul.

    so actually nothing changes..
    just Sc2 with 2 addons ~2 years later

    mission 1-30 = terran, 31-60 = zerg, 61-90 = protoss

    Jim Raynor tries to build up a big force for his rebellion, he does dirty jobs to get money to buy troops and technologies on the black market
    Kerrigan is hoping to make a new Zerg breed... Evolution and stuff
    Zeratul tries to unit the remaining Protoss forces... this will involve diplomatic thinking.
    He/You have to decide which tribes you support and which not, some tribes might be too weak to help rebuilding the Protoss Empire

    Every campaign ends in it's own way

    They even thought about making a co-op campaign like Dawn of War 2 or C&C-RA3 will have but didn't do so ^^ damn
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 10-13-2008 at 06:51 AM.

  11. #71
    Looking forward to SC2 and Dawn of War 2 very much. Both have pretty good universes, though the Dawn of War 2 only has one race campaign. It's also a bit unique in that I believe the campaign doesn't have any resource gathering, base building. It's just capture points and control 4-5 squads.

  12. #72
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well, It's Company of Heroes in the warhammer universe..

    you can buy units which get dropped down on the map from your mothership, at least in the multiplayer

    So it's even less base building than in CoH
    but ya there will be less units..

    It's a bit tactical this time and not just pressing units. I like that.. there seems to be a bit of an RPG too... you can find weapons and armor and give it to your squad or commander, each squad has a squad leader which can level up and specialize on different things etc

    but I wonder how the co-op mode will work out there, looking forward to it too, but I don't think it will come out soon.

    I wouldn't be too sure about a 1 race campaign either yet

    But I want Sc2 to be released very soon... I can't wait much longer :/
    Well, ok wotlk is comming out soon, so I guess i can actually wait a bit :P
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 10-13-2008 at 10:19 AM.

  13. #73
    Warhammer 40k came before CoH btw. And I was talking about the campaign. I know how the fundamentals of 40k and CoH work. I guess you haven't played Dawn of War: Dark Crusade or Soulstorm then? They have wargear for commanders in them.

    I read somewhere on GameFAQs on the Dawn of War 2 board, that there was only the Space Marine campaign. Which at this point seems true, since all single player footage is of the Space Marines, and the game's dated to release in probably 5 or so months.

  14. #74
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    ya but thats a bit different... in DoW2 you've got an inventory and the guys drop items..
    In Dark Crusade (didn't play Soulstorm) you simply "upgraded" your commander.

    now every squad has it's own little commander.

    And yes I know that DoW came out before CoH, but I was referring to the "search for cover automatically" and "man that building" feature which is only in CoH so far (at least it is the only game who was able to realize it in a good way)

    I read somewhere on GameFAQs on the Dawn of War 2 board, that there was only the Space Marine campaign. Which at this point seems true, since all single player footage is of the Space Marines, and the game's dated to release in probably 5 or so months.

  15. #75
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Here is the interview Wired recently had with Dustin Browder.

    Here is another interview from edge.

    What i gather from reading the interviews is that Blizzard had decided since the beginning that they wanted to do 2 expansion pack for Starcraft II.

    The only thing that they changed is that instead of getting 10 or so mission for each race per game, you're getting all 30 mission for one race at a time.

    Both the protoss and zerg expansion will include new units and other goodies that usually come with expansion.

    so essentially this is not Starcraft II split into 3 games but Starcraft II + 2 expansion packs with the single player campaign missions restructured.
    Last edited by Dark Dragon; Tue, 10-14-2008 at 05:18 PM.

  16. #76
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    $60 pre-order @, showing 2-28-09 as a release date.

    of course, this could change at any time. Back in august/september they were showing a december release date.

  17. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon
    so essentially this is not Starcraft II split into 3 games but Starcraft II + 2 expansion packs with the single player campaign missions restructured.
    So, do we have to pay three times the amount to get all that good stuff in one go?
    I am training in the shadows.
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  18. #78
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    @$60 i'm not sure how long they're going to wait to release an xpansion

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Somebody posted a while ago about the beta being available to anybody w\ w\ any blizzard game. I registered yesterday w\ my WOW account but it doesn't give a specific date. The application to be part of the beta is a download that gets your system information, which i'm not really sure how they pick who is going to be a part of the beta based on this information.

    Anybody have an idea of when they're starting? or has it already started?

  20. #80
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    Nah, beta have not started yet, and Blizzard have not given a release/start date for it either :/

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