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Thread: Game: Starcraft 2

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC

    Kensee, those videos own. I can't wait to see how the Protoss and Zerg mission briefings are going to look!!

    According to the last video, the Zerg have kept quiet, "too quiet," for four years. You KNOW they are going to have some badass evolutions comming out.

    My ideas: Ultralisk Evolve to counter some of the new ground terran and protoss units. Hydralisk upgrades to counter all the lil air units.

    I knew Blizzard was going to make some Guardian like unit for the terran, but i was soo impressed by the reactor cores that double the production of units ... mannn I can finally counter zerg rush! (kinda).

    The first player mode is so awesome and interactive. I'm going to play through first player asap!

    The command center upgrade really made me smile. A command center with a defensive turrent. BEAUTIFUL.

    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    So by success, you're talking about the completely subjective, appealing only to yourself as if a company would measure their success by your personal perspective kind of success.

    I was talking about the number of copies sold, number of members currently subscribed, and number of new members constantly subscribing kind of success.
    Ooo about WoW... Blizzard is also developing their expansion for that game (Wrath of the Lich king) which increases their level cap to 80, adds Death Knight Hero unit ... blah blah blah ..

    So this sucessfull MMORPG is about to get a lot bigger and more sucessful.

    Blizzard is on a roll.
    Last edited by Kensee; Thu, 08-09-2007 at 03:30 PM.

  2. #42
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That brings up a good point. Remember what new ability the Ghosts have:

    "Turning the canister rifle into a one-shot kill on any biological unit."

    All Zerg are biological. That's one hell of a disadvantage. You can just see a Ghost playing pop goes the weasel with an Ultralisk's head. That's one scary ability if you're big into the Zerg. A half-dozen Ghosts annihilating a swarm of hydralisks or Lurkers is one thing, but if you've got a dozen Ultralisks all getting sniped from nowhere, that sucks.

    I wonder if the Zerg will have an armor upgrade to prevent that ability from penetrating and making the kill.

    The new Terran units are given a backstory of being produced to cover the shortcomings of the previous units. The air/land transition of the Vulcans, etc. The Protoss ones are coming from the Dark and Light Protoss reuniting, and in the case of the Colossus, the Protoss digging up the past weapons of war that were "sealed."

    I wonder if the Zerg upgrades will have to do with Kerrigan's past. She was a very powerful psychic as Ghosts go, which was related in one of her early missions. Protoss cloak, Terrans cloak, Zerg had burrow, but I wouldn't be totally surprised if a few Zerg units cloak too.

    One thing we have seen are the Nydus Worms. In that early demo, Zerg could come out of anywhere now, no creep required. Run a zergling up, burrow. Build a huge force and suddenly 4 Nydus Worms burst out in the middle of the enemy base. That's pretty disconcerting.

    I'm not going to make any specific guesses, aside from the armor upgrade preventing instant death, but I could see the zerg have a few general upgrades.

    - Aforementioned armor upgrade (higher level)
    - Incorporating the new terrain height ignoring units, the Zerg could have several units doing it. Something like "Spiny limbs".
    - Many new air units. Offensive Zerg Air has always been a little weak. Guardians too slow, Scourge good for defense, but not against anything on the ground, etc. Maybe Scourge can turn into bombs for ground units only. It seems to be a trend.
    - A lot of building upgrades. The Protoss have mobile photon-cannons, and phase prisms, the Terrans have the planetary turret and retractable supply depots, the Zerg could have something equally revolutionary, like a very cheap larvae-producer (for faster swarm build-ups) or something equally huge.

  3. #43
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    That brings up a good point. Remember what new ability the Ghosts have:

    "Turning the canister rifle into a one-shot kill on any biological unit."

    All Zerg are biological. That's one hell of a disadvantage. You can just see a Ghost playing pop goes the weasel with an Ultralisk's head. That's one scary ability if you're big into the Zerg. A half-dozen Ghosts annihilating a swarm of hydralisks or Lurkers is one thing, but if you've got a dozen Ultralisks all getting sniped from nowhere, that sucks.
    Well....that wouldn't be any more devastating than the queen's spawn broodling ability.
    I always had like, at least 6 queens around in case my roommate ever attacked me with ultralisks/defilers like he often enjoys doing in regular SC
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #44
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    New vids from Blizzcon:

    Moon and Savior play Sc2

    Nukes at midgame? Nice. Or the opponent sucked and didn't have any detectors because he was going against a progamer.

    Moon (Terran) vs Computer (Protoss) pt 1
    Moon (Terran) vs Computer (Protoss) pt 2

    And for fun: Game 1 of StarCraft Blizzcon Finals:

    Savior (Zerg) vs Nal_rA (Protoss) pt 1
    Savior (Zerg) vs Nal_rA (Protoss) pt 2
    Savior (Zerg) vs Nal_rA (Protoss) pt 3

  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Well....that wouldn't be any more devastating than the queen's spawn broodling ability.
    I always had like, at least 6 queens around in case my roommate ever attacked me with ultralisks/defilers like he often enjoys doing in regular SC
    True, but that's Zerg on Zerg. As you well know, the strongest (in terms of hp) Protoss biological unit susceptible to the broodlings was the Dragoon, or Dark Templar if you view them as more of a threat. For Terrans, Siege Tanks, or possibly Goliaths.

    Not exactly the heavy hitter unit for the two species.
    (Only because Siege Tanks can't move so fast, but I do consider them a heavy hitter).

    Queens can't cloak either. They are fairly easy to shoot down with the proper defenses.

    Strategy is going to have a much larger role in Starcraft 2.

  6. #46
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i promised myself I wouldn't get into Starcraft 2. I lost lots of hours of my life, irreversibly, to the first game, but... well...


    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #47
    Wow, fails to address the topic at hand and, yeah, all in all a nice contentless post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Q-BeRt
    Doesn't look any more cartoony than the original. Looks amazing and I can't wait.
    Too bad you're a newb and I own you.

  8. #48
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    those videos are crazy... i cant imagine being that good at sc.

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Protoss Mothership:

    and a bunch of other ones

  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    I was a little curious this morning so I did some googling and found SC2 being sold as pre-release to ship on october 1st from for $49.99. I think i will buy it ^^ i was mostly wondering if it would be set up on bnet and their site says it will.

  11. #51
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbaucom
    I was a little curious this morning so I did some googling and found SC2 being sold as pre-release to ship on october 1st from for $49.99. I think i will buy it ^^ i was mostly wondering if it would be set up on bnet and their site says it will.
    there has been no official release date announced. gamestop and other game stores can only guess at release dates.

  12. #52
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    *cough* jesus christ......

    it actually says 10/01/08 ! hahaha insanity. i probably will make it my next game purchase, half life 2 being my last purchase.

  13. #53
    Here's the first released footage of the zerg

  14. #54

    9 minutes of zerg unit footage ....


  15. #55
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think infesting the Battlecruisers and other air units impressed me more. It didn't look like you could do anything with them, but they sure weren't attacking anymore.

    That, or the infesting units that can burrow through the ground to infest barracks.

    I can't decide which was better.

  16. #56
    this game will be awesome dude

  17. #57
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Here's some more zerg video:


    Quote Originally Posted by
    Now onto the units!

    Corrupter - New Unit
    - An air-to-air combat unit.
    - Rather than destroying it's opponents, it infests them an turns them into a stationary turret-like unit/building, making them fight their own allies.

    Infester - New Unit
    - As a battle support unit, does not have any attacks.
    - Can move while burrowed.
    - Can cast Dark Swarm: Seems to be the same.
    - Can cast Disease: Creates and aura that damages the unit.
    - Can cast Infestation: Can infest any building and create infested marines from them. The marines are slow, but fires similar to regular marines.

    Roach - New Unit
    - Ground unit that can regenerate HP at an incredibly fast rate.
    - Requires powerful and concentrated fire to destroy.
    - Has 90HP. (*From Stork's interview. See This Thread)

    Overseer - New Evolutionary Unit
    - Evolves from: Overlord
    - Larger vision range than the Overlord, can detect invisible/burrowed units.

    Overlord - Upgraded
    - Can no longer detect invisible/burrowed units.
    - New ability: Can neutralize resources or neutral posts.
    - Can create small creeps.

    Baneling - New Evolutionary Unit
    - Evolves from: Zerglings
    - Explodes on contact with enemy units or buildings

    Swarm Guradian - New Evolutionary Unit
    - Evolves from: Mutalisk
    - Has an even longer range, and powerful against ground units.
    - Can create broodlings that attack for a period of time.

    Nydus Worm - New Unit
    - Unit version of the Nydus Canal.
    - Can create canals anywhere on the map.

    Queen - Upgraded
    - Created directly from the Hatchery
    - Can only have 1 Queen at a time.
    - Has many powerful abilities that are good for zerg and directs the defensive line.
    - Can expand creeps or act as a defensive structure.
    - [Ability] Deep Tunnel: Can move to any hatchery on the map.
    - Can evolve and learn more abilities.

    Ultralisk - Upgraded
    - Can now burrow.
    - Can now attack multiple units.

    Old Units - Same
    - Zergling
    - Hydralisk
    - Lurker
    - Mutalisk

  18. #58
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kensee

    9 minutes of zerg unit footage ....

    The attention to detail in this game is absolutely amazing. It one of the scenes in that video, if you pay close enough attention, you can actually see the Ultralisks splitting the Marines in half.

    This game will utterly demolish my computer when it comes out. Seriously, it'll tear my system apart like wet tissue paper.

  19. #59

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Zachiru-Hirosaki
    Woot HD vids!

    Man theres gotta be some balance issue ... a group of corrupters defeat 2 bc and a group of Valkyries .....

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