- The video was 26 minutes long
- Video opened with a human prisoner being transformed into a Terran Marine
- Minerals and vespine gas are confirmed
- Zealots still have shields and psi blades. New charge attack to let them rush at enemies
- Still have Siege Tanks. They still Siege. Not much else to say
- New unit: Protoss Immortals - have special shield that only activates upon being powerfully attacked - siege tanks could barely do any damage to them.
- Terran reapers - can hop across unever terrain with jump packs - two types of small pistols that don't activate immortals
- Protoss now have the ability to create shields whereever they want. Protoss can now warp in units from manufacturing facilities anything within pylon range
-New protoss unit - stalker - can teleport - quadripedal thing - can keep blinking forward - seems to be a shot cooldown on the ability.
- Zerg have giant worms that dispense Zergling armies
-Protoss can use phase fields and teleporting abilities to create an army anywhere on the battlefield
-Protoss colossus - huge unit that can blast out dual lasers and use long legs to traverse differences in terrain height - in the demo two of them obliterate about fifty or so zerglings. Weak against air
Zerglings can mutate into suicidal bomb things thar roll across the ground - very powerful explosions
- Protoss Pheonix - can overcharge guns for multiple projectile blast - but after blast the ship is rendered inert for a short period.
- Pross Warprey - flying unit that does increased damage the longer it hits a target with it's continuous blue laser. Useful against structures as well. Weak against small fire. Marines were shown to take them out.
- Protoss mother ship. Can only have 1 at a time. Cost a ton. special abilities include timebomb that slows all enemy missiles inside - shows terran missle launcher shooting in projectiles that stop in the field before they reach the ship - when field ends missiles drop the ground - planet cracker attack - giant lasers stream from ship to ground - ship can be moved around while planet cracker laser is active - the ship looks like a metallic, triangular sand dollar - mothership can create a black hole anywhere it wannts to - creates distortion that actually sucks ships in and destroys them - in the demo the black hole destroyed four terran battle cruisers in about ten seconds.
- Physics engine allows for debris to roll down slopes.
- Video ends with 100+ Zerglings swarming on screen with no slowdown. They spell out "GG" and are nuked by 3 Terran nukes.
- A Things to Come clip is shown with new landscapes including Terran ruins and Zerg landscapes.