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Thread: Bleach Chapter 275

  1. #1
    If I could change my name
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    Bleach Chapter 275

    I guess no spoilers this week


    Last edited by Deadfire; Sat, 05-19-2007 at 12:07 AM.
    image fail!

  2. #2
    Nests must be busy with his lady ;p

  3. #3
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Nah... the forums didn't really post spoilers pictures this week. Only a few summaries.

    Did Renji go kamikaze?

  4. #4
    Genin 12345p's Avatar
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    FYI: BSManga Scanlation from a forum that I can no longer remember (googled "Bleach 275")

  5. #5
    This new bludshock group is a shounen-manga scanlating speed demon. Since when did that basic Kidou of Renji's carry that much power. It shouldn't make much of a difference even if it was point blank. I believe it's the most basic Kidou we see Renji and Rukia use in their training when they were becoming shinigami.

  6. #6
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Asta Aki?? -__-

    Its supposed to be "Hasta aqui". And its translation isn't "It's the end" (Es el fin)

  7. #7
    Doesn't Hasta Aqua mean like, This is it? Or is that esta aqui? My highschool spanish pretty much sucks.

  8. #8
    Man. The #8 espada guy hasn't even released yet. Renji and Ishida are fucked.

  9. #9
    if he survives this, it'll be pretty gay. Ishida has done the "smug victory speech" twice now....i dont want to see it fail so he can do it again 3 chapters later. i want to see what happened to chad....after all that training and buildup to his new and improved arms, he gets slashed in half .

  10. #10
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Doesn't Hasta Aqua mean like, This is it? Or is that esta aqui? My highschool spanish pretty much sucks.
    Hasta Aqui - "Until here"

    Obviously 'Until here' would sound weird so "This is it" can indeed be used if you transform what you want to say. But "This is the end" is transforming it too much.

    Esta Aqui - "It is here"

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    if he survives this, it'll be pretty gay. Ishida has done the "smug victory speech" twice now....i dont want to see it fail so he can do it again 3 chapters later. i want to see what happened to chad....after all that training and buildup to his new and improved arms, he gets slashed in half .
    you know that he probably will die though i mean look at how rukia beat an espada by herself

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  12. #12
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    The whole point of espada #9 revealing that he was a gillian was to build up to his defeat at the hands of Rukia and justify her defeating him. Although I would really hate to see Zaera Pollo come back at this point, I don't think he is done yet. Maybe he'll pull of a Mayuri, escaping while heavily injured to fight another day.

    If he is indeed defeated, then the espada so far have been a sorry sight. They are tumbling like dominoes. There must be an incredible difference between the upper echelon of the espada and the lower ranks (yami and luppi were been pretty sad too), because otherwise I dont see them posing that much of a threat to soul society. If this is the case, then the espada are quite different from the SS captains who seemed to beat strength levels competitive to one another (except for maybe Old man Yama and Aizen) Sure, Ichigo has gotten his ass kicked several times but I still dont think is anywhere near his old self when he brought down Byakuya. He might have his hollow powers, but its quite clear that he still has issues to resolve.

    Maybe Zaera Pollo just had the odds stacked against him and wasnt really weak. I mean taking on Renji and a super improved Ishida at the same time has to be really tough.

  13. #13
    Zaera Pollo is weak physically. He's not really a fighter, more the scientist researched type. Honestly, If bankai was available, Renji may have been able to take him down fairly quickly. However, the power that Grimmjow and Ulquiorra have show is to be captain level easily. And Ulquiorra is 4th? The top three must be badass. BTW, who does everything think are the top three. I wanna say the Blond haired dark skinned guy (Haribel) is third, the old guy second, and the lazy sleeping guy (Stark) is the strongest.

  14. #14
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mkadoza
    Zaera Pollo is weak physically. He's not really a fighter, more the scientist researched type. Honestly, If bankai was available, Renji may have been able to take him down fairly quickly. However, the power that Grimmjow and Ulquiorra have show is to be captain level easily. And Ulquiorra is 4th? The top three must be badass. BTW, who does everything think are the top three. I wanna say the Blond haired dark skinned guy (Haribel) is third, the old guy second, and the lazy sleeping guy (Stark) is the strongest.
    I think Halibel is a girl and not a guy. Anyways, my guess at the top 3 would be Stark (#1),
    Notoira (#2), and Old Guy (#3). I dont why, but I too get the feeling that Stark is the most powerful. But I also think Notoira is up there. I mean, why would he even talk about almost being the Strongest espada if he wasnt anywhere close to the top. Maybe he is just full of himself, but if Notoira does turn out to be that strong, then maybe Chad's defeat would be understandable and less humiliating. I think Halibel is #5 while the big black guy is #7.

  15. #15
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Well is it possible that their ranks goes up logrithmically? The power level between two ranks would be that the rank above is 10x stronger than the rank below. So Ulquiorra would be 100x stronger than Grimmjaw.

    Just a theory.

  16. #16
    I'm pretty sure Noitoira isn't in the top three since hes always trying to prove hes the strongest so im thinking hes probably 5 or 7. I think that the old guy and the black guy are probably the top 2 and stark is the 3rd.
    Last edited by Kitsune; Thu, 05-24-2007 at 04:05 PM.

    Sig made by Zinobi

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