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Thread: One Piece 309

  1. #1
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One Piece 309

    As always, available at Vegapunk.

    - - - -

    While the most important thing in this episode story wise could be judged to be Lucci getting his ass kicked (finally), still I barely paid any attention to that because, and I'm not joking, my whole attention had been already taken by a single short incident that came out of the blue: Zoro losing one of his meitou. Man, it was a fight and a nameless opponent that looked like a filler event, but what do I know... The next moment Zoro is left with two swords and one handle. It was surely made all the more dramatic by the fact it was so unexpected.

    Well, it'll be interesting to see how he's going to replace it. Maybe he will finally get a sword made out of that sea stone, or whatever the devil's fruit nullifying mineral was called.

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    While the most important thing in this episode story wise could be judged to be Lucci getting his ass kicked (finally), still I barely paid any attention to that because, and I'm not joking, my whole attention had been already taken by a single short incident that came out of the blue: Zoro losing one of his meitou. Man, it was a fight and a nameless opponent that looked like a filler event, but what do I know... The next moment Zoro is left with two swords and one handle. It was surely made all the more dramatic by the fact it was so unexpected.
    Holy shit, my sentiments EXACTLY. Everything else was good but then I was just like, WTF JUST HAPPENED! One of his named swords!! How can you have a throw away character DO that?!?

    I couldn't believe it.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Ussop's speech was really good. Zoro losing Yubashiri was unexpected. Good thing it wasn't Wadou Ichimonji.

    What was Sanji up to? The next episode looks fucking awesome. (Looks like Merry's coming to save them!)

  4. #4
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Merry? WTF. That would be a truely retarded coincidence if Merry just drifted by.

    Anyway, I think Sanji is just going to shut the Gate of Justice.

    The Bustercall fleet is like sitting right on top of where the two whirlpools are when the gate is closed, so if he shuts it, the fleet is toast.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I think Sanji is just going to shut the Gate of Justice.

    The Bustercall fleet is like sitting right on top of where the two whirlpools are when the gate is closed, so if he shuts it, the fleet is toast.

    that's a great idea. there's no way that they would be able to take on all those battleships without something like that happening.

    about Zoro:
    i don't know what to think about Zoro. maybe he will get a sword that he can use to beat Hawk Eyes with.

  6. #6
    The reason why Hawk Eyes if fearsome is because of his skill, not his sword. I believe it's just a huge sword named by himself.

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