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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 13

  1. #101
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Yes, but he's not deducing the effect of Mangekyou based on his experiences with his own Sharingan. He figured them out for the reasons he stated in the episode. He could have been dead wrong, but Itachi's reaction clarified this reasoning.
    Yep I agree completely. I was just arguing against what some people said about how Kakashi must have deduced MS's effects on the eyes based on his experience with S. Therefore, he must have researched or had first-hand experience with MS and its effects on the eyes. After he got owned by Itachi in their last encounter, I would expect that he researched everything known about MS, and that's how he knows more about it, without actually knowing how to do the technique.

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  2. #102
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    I'm declaring this conversation over. I don't care what you call it, how you abbreviate it or what your personal feelings are about Mangekyou Sharingan, but this is getting stupidly off-topic. If you don't have something to say about this episode of Naruto Shippuuden, please refrain from posting further in this thread.

    Thank you and let's get back to what we're all here for.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #103
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    MS isn't just genjutsu.....
    Amaterasu is an MS ninjutsu that produces those black flames to burn through anything.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #104
    This is the worst episode ever made, I have never ever seen such a crappy episode where everyone is standing still for a whole episode :S

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
    This is the worst episode ever made, I have never ever seen such a crappy episode where everyone is standing still for a whole episode :S
    Never seen DBZ? Its just one of the many similarities of the series..

  6. #106
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Kn1ves with a one? wth?

    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    MS isn't just genjutsu.....
    Amaterasu is an MS ninjutsu that produces those black flames to burn through anything.
    Amaterasu -> Ninjutsu
    Tsukuyomi -> Genjutsu

    Could the Mangekyou have a Taijutsu ability as well? I would add Kenjutsu as well... but apart from Zabuza, Hayate and Kisame we really haven't seen other sword masters... (technically Tenten should know how to wield one... but who knows)

  7. #107
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    You know what, I don't even care anymore.

    I'll find out the answer Thursday night.

  8. #108
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    You know what, I don't even care anymore.

    I'll find out the answer Thursday night.
    Maybe, but my gut feeling is that this weeks episode is going to be Naruto fighting in Itachi's genjutsu the whole time. Which actually wouldn't be bad since i'd like to see them focus and flesh out one fight this time instead of hoping back and fourth with some mediocre action.

  9. #109
    Don't count on it. By the looks of the preview the majority of it will be the Kisame Vs Gai fight, with snippets of the Itachi Genjutsu thrown in.

  10. #110
    Genin KCMmmmm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crash
    Maybe, but my gut feeling is that this weeks episode is going to be Naruto fighting in Itachi's genjutsu the whole time. Which actually wouldn't be bad since i'd like to see them focus and flesh out one fight this time instead of hoping back and fourth with some mediocre action.
    Yeah, that really annoys me as well. Just when I get back into whatever is going on in the current fight, they switch it to another one. Worse yet, is the shift from an action scene to some distant country with nothing important transpiring there. Like showing Naruto fighting in the Genjutsu, switching to the Gai vs Kisame fight, and then making a switch back to the sand village, where they are all talking about what might be happening all the while interpreting breaking mugs as signs of ill fortune. What a waste of time.

  11. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Don't count on it. By the looks of the preview the majority of it will be the Kisame Vs Gai fight, with snippets of the Itachi Genjutsu thrown in.
    Gah, i never watch the previews because i like to keep the next episode a surprise. I really hope they don't do as much skipping around as they did in this episode. Ideally there should be an episode dedicated completely to each fight.

  12. #112
    hated the episode, hated it.

    Sorry I am so rooting for Kisame and Itachi to win just because itsmore of the same.

    No real development on why kakashi feels more confident in dealing with Itachi.

    Gai's team is weak, and why for the love all that is good why is that team still together, why haven't Gai gone on to teach a new team, same with Kakashi.

    Ok maybe I understand because these are difficult times, but how do you explain Gai and Neji on same team with they are both Joo's.

    Its like the same writing since the old series, they haven't upped the ante to improve things just giving us the same junk as before.

    But I'm still in love with TenTen, *even if she is weak combat skills*

    I mean I liked that Kisame called all that water to make it fight in his element but he rode the waves around trying to capture them for like 8minutes of episode time........boring fight development, thx for making this a boring episode.

    Man I was soo psyched to see Kisame and Itachi again I was so like it is on....Konoha your going down, or i was like man there is no way that the Team 7 can defeat Itachi its gotta be the old lady who will bring the whoopass on Itachi, sorry even though it makes sense for Itachi and Kisame to fight these people again, its just stupid to end their battle/rilvary so soon in the series, and if they do not end it then man we are absolutely doomed to crappy fights over and over again.

  13. #113
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I gotta agree with that. Neji should be leading his own team by now, instead of still following Gai around.

  14. #114
    Agreed on the Neji part. Kurenai was leading a team of Genin soon after becomming a Jounin, there is no reason why Neji shouldn't be doing it either. Having two Jounin on one team should make it really powerful, and I hope they don't ruin Gai's team by having Neji just learn two or three more techniques and nothing else.

    The only reason could be is that Neji could be on some sort of list to become a team leader, its just that there are other Jounin ahead of him who may be teaching. That or he has recently become a Jounin and its not the right time of the year to be assigning Jounin's to Genin teams.

  15. #115
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Not all jounins have genin students. Hyuuga Hiashi, for example, is a Jounin and pretty much just does whatever...
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #116
    Neji's still pretty damn young. What is he 16-17? Teenagers probably as of yet do not have the ability or how should I say, the mentality of that of a mentor or a tutor.

  17. #117
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    According to the Chuunin exams... Chuunins are team leaders.
    Yes, they do not lead Genins, but being Chuunin makes them worth being a team leader.
    Thus... every Jounin, despite how young/old/new should be capable of directing a Genin team.

    Aoba, Shizune, Genma, Anko, Ibiki, Shikato, Chouza, Inochi, Kiba's mom. All are Jounins as well and don't have genins under them.

    Ebisu didn't had them for years before Konohamaru Corps.

    Thus... Neji is capable of having his team, but hasn't been asigned one. So if the Hokage sends him with his old team she can if she wants to.

  18. #118
    Also, the same applies to gai. It's never been said that once you're team graduates, you get a new team rite away. He could just be a "free" jounin like neji and the others, doing missions (which is what thier real job is).

    Not to mention that he could have a team, and still have been sent on this mission because he's uniquely qualified. He's one of the strongest jounin in konoha, he knows his team mates and thier strenghts/weakneses really well, he has experience facing akatsuki members before, as well as experience fighting against the sharingan.

  19. #119
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    after watching this ep, i felt like rewatching some of the old naruto eps. i watched episodes 49 and 50 which were part of the lee vs gaara chuunin prelims. That's when i realized how bad naruto has become. Sure the story line is good, but the reason i liked it before was because so much happened and it had so much meaning. Now all it is, is whenever naruto hears the word sasuke, he runs off and goes into a DBZ fight, which goes SOO slowly. In eps 49 and 50, the fights were sooo exciting. The creaters of this show have gotten so caught up in not getting back into fillers that without realizing it, they dropped the regular show's quality almost down to filler level. It's like this isn't even naruto anymore.

    Like there was so much meaning before. I loved the part in lee vs gaara when they showed young lee training so hard to beat neji. There was like a good story and meaning behind everything. Now its just pointless fights.

    P.S. I wonder how sakura became chuunin when both of her teammates were missing...

  20. #120
    I agree, there is something missing in these fights that was there in the orignal Naruto fights. There seemed to be a lot more emotion and meaning behind each fight, and there were twists and turns in the plot. Remember the Zabuza arc? That was gold. Despite the genin involved not having uber-ultra-hardcore-one-hit-instant-death moves, the fights were more entertaining and drew you in to the story. I remember even when Itachi first turned up everyone was like 'wow!'

    It all just seems a bit anti-climatic now. The only bit that evoked the same sort of feelings in Shippuden was the very first teaser trailer of the forthcoming Naruto Vs Sasuke fight.

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