Are you being sarcastic? Cause it is. You should look it up.Originally Posted by Jessper
Are you being sarcastic? Cause it is. You should look it up.Originally Posted by Jessper
Must have still been asleep while posting that, meant shrapnel (which was the main focus of her big bomb). In which case they arent. Not that it matters, clearly he was able to block all of her attacks with out a second thought. His sword beats explosions.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Also, since all of her attacks were projectile attempting to make it work in the water is a whole lot easier said than done. Refraction of light and the reduced speed makes aiming at things underwater a totally different ball game.
Unless you purpose that she carries depth charges.
As usual, I disagree with most of you about the quality of this episode. I thought it was pretty good, with good action and some story progression.
I didn't like the switching between fights, especially since not much happened in the Itachi/Kakashi fight. I know it's his character, but impetuous Naruto gets old fast, and you just want him to shut up and sit still, considering that when he does act, he gets caught in a genjutsu so easily. Also, all 3 of Gai's pupils attacking the same way and getting caught in the same trap was hard to believe.
New techniques for Neji was cool. Gai taking Kisame's sword was beautifully done as well. Tenten warning Lee and Neji about the big ass wave coming straight for them was stupid, followed later by Lee warning Gai and Tenten about the big ass wave coming straight for them. I guess they didn't see it coming as soon as Lee. Chiyo having to explain 2 on 1 fighting to Naruto was freaking stupid.
The preview was hilarious, with the watershow announcer analogy. Sounds like a typical Japanese commercial with lots of hype and exclamation points. Plus, it showed Gai using nunchakus! Too cool.
For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?
I know this may be a contentious suggestion, but if people are trying to indirectly spoil by using manga knowledge to point anime watchers in the right direction then perhaps they should be prevented from posting in this forum?
Now I can't really judge the scale of this, and I others who are anime only watchers would be in the same boat as me. But the moderators in charge of the forums who do watch the manga need to consider this.
@Manga "Prophets": People, anime watchers don't read the manga because they enjoy understanding the story through the television series. We like to speculate about it here just as you guys do in the manga forums. The difference is you guys can genuinly speculate as there is no one to spoil it for you, whilst for us there is.
Just understand one point. Anime watchers are not so stupid as not to realise that the answers to our speculations probably already exist in the manga. There is nothing clever or fantastic about you coming in to this forum and giving the answers to people who don't want to know. If we wanted to know the answer that bad we would read the manga.
So stop getting a boner over spoiling and get a life.
I think you're overreacting. No one was revelling in the fact of spoiling, spoils can slip due to excitement that one has the knowledge and are antsy to share. Me, being a manga reader, opted out from posting manga knowledge or to add speculation that didn't exist. But seriously, that last sentence was totally unnecessary and quite immature.Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
Dude, making unnecessary and immature statements are so much fun. You should try it sometime.
I have to agree with db_hunter, some people need to keep their manga-induced observations to themselves, as they are spoiling it for the anime-only fans, even if they don't intend to. The constant comparison between the anime and manga is also annoying. Sorry if the anime's elaboration of a scene doesn't measure up to your own when you read the manga. We don't care to hear about it though.
For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?
I'm starting to get quite sad with Naruto.
Instead of the intellectual progress Naruto makes ( or should be making ), smarter in fights, clever tactics, understanding of the enemy, they made him some power animal that is there like some explosive Hulk.
However, what seperates the Hulk from Naruto, is that the Hulk at least, had one smart form. Naruto, is just dumb and when I say dumb, I mean retarded kind of dumb. Not to mention that the fightscenes are also all idiotically dumb! It's as if they all lost the capability to think themselves. No wai ? I shouldnt look into someones eyes when they got all these weird red and black thingies in them even though I knew this like, from episode 5 ? you kidding me ? Damn I must be really....riiiighttttttt
If it's any consolation, does the semblance of furious animal instinct while under Kyuubi influence count?Originally Posted by ?igma
one thing I dont understand is how they can look at itachi from so far away and look at him from his chin down. do they not have any peripheral vision?
if you have this problem seriously gtfospoils can slip due to excitement that one has the knowledge and are antsy to share.
i didn't think it was horrible, but probably should have been better...
I think it's clear Kakashi is hinting at Mangekyou Sharingan causing blindness over time. I watched Rasengan Fansubs this time, and the way they subbed it made it quite clear that Itachi might be losing his eyesight by employing that jutsu. Also, Itachi's surprise comes from Kakashi figuring this out, since it seems like only someone who has obtained Mangekyou and felt the adverse effects would know this (or was told)
The stuff with Gai was stupid and annoying. Tenten has clearly fallen behind the rest of her group, she always looked very scared and unsure whenever Kisame attacked. I agree that the three of them getting trapped in the Water Prison tech was quite lame. They had just seen that Kisame could make a Water Clone, so they should be on the look out for him having a Bunshin Clone jutsu as well...
I agree about the peripheral vision thing, but I don't think that accidentally seeing his eyes would do it. I think your brain would have to register it (Itachi using his Tsukyomi (sp) jutsu on the person) consciously, or otherwise how can the Genjutsu take effect?
the cutting between the scenes is also getting on my nerves. like i said, this episode is not terrible imo, especially since I don't have inflated expectations from reading the manga, but it could have been better.
oh, and a friendly reminder. if you get caught in the heat of the moment and spoil, i may just get caught up in the heat of the moment and ban you. fair?
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
I said this in a much shorter form a while back. I found it odd known manga readers were "speculating" future episodes. I got a response like "We're just repeating what we thought back then in the manga or what we would've thought if we didn't know."Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
Confirming or denying anything as spoiler/prophecy is spoiler/prophecy in itself, nub - Assertnfailure
Did I point to anything specific? NOPE! "Nub!" It's quite obvious who the spoilers are as their so-called "prophecies" seem to continually come true. Any idiot could figure it out.![]()
However, pointing out the anime/manga differences I think are important. As a anime-only watcher of bleach (because I think it sucks, but entertains me somewhat until Naruto comes out) and a manga reader of Naruto, a lot of things are censored and not fully explained in the Anime that should be pointed out. Censorship I can understand, but why take out details? Isn't the anime supposed to flesh out the manga? Don't they need to delay catching up to the manga as much as possible?It's especially important to point out the filler crap added in.
Last edited by JaySee; Sat, 05-12-2007 at 03:20 PM.
I guess one thing I want to hear from the manga readers is, is Naruto this dumb in the manga? To be fair, he grew up without parents and few friends, so he's bound to be dumb. But when a hero is that obnoxious, it's hard to root for him. Is this just a fault of the anime writers, or Kishimoto's characterization of Naruto?Originally Posted by ?igma
I don't agree at all. I'm here to discuss what happened in the anime episode I just watched, not the differences between the anime and the manga. If I wanted to know the differences, I'd go read the manga. I also could care less if something is in the anime that wasn't in the manga. After all, a 25 minute anime will contain material not included in the 3 issues of 18 page manga. If I cared that much about Kishimoto's "vision" of the Naruto world, I'd go read the manga.Originally Posted by JaySee
For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?
Regarding manga readers: There are some manga readers who can keep things to themselves. Its sad that a few rotten apples have to spoil it for others. I just think people who go on both manga and anime forums need to be regulated carefully. I don't know if its just me, but it seems that before the Naruto series hit the fillers, we didn't have this problem on the forums. We could have just picked up the idiots with the fillers.
The Episode:
I would agree with people that Naruto is tending too much towards DBZ style fighting. As much as I love DBZ style fighting, it doesn't suit Naruto. Bleach is better suited for that sort of thing.
I found it to be so stupid when Naruto said to Itachi that he isn't the same as he used to be, when Kakashi made a similar comment. I mean Kakashi was already a bad ass jounin, and even now he isn't being arrogant and saying he can take on Itachi by himself. I think Itachi should just annihilate Naruto for the principle of it all. No one, even the hero of the series, should be allowed to get away with such stupidiy.
Reading sux. Books are from the devil and TV is twice as fast.
For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?
Actually the Manga is much faster. Unless you read at the kindergarten level. We're talking about a comic book here, not a novel.Originally Posted by Animeniax
Why is everybody bitching? Nothing wrong with this episode. Usual Naruto pacing. People should be used to it by now.
Lee's comment about Gai's insight = best line ever
What's with the ever present DBZ comparisons? "DBZ fighting"?
When somebody says DBZ fighting I imagine flying, energy attacks that blows up half the planet and random lightspeed punching flurries.
Can't find any of that here. Maybe I'm not watching the same show as the rest of you.
i think they're referring to the dbz style super mega stare-down! where you try to make your opponents head explode by looking at him really hard.
Yes, the tea-party fights, while they do that, the camera slowly moves to two mating rabbits and once theyre done, camera zooms back to the "fight", they finished their tea and are now explaining their social problems. 30 MINUTES LONG :EOriginally Posted by Assassin
Man, the tiny bit of Itachi action in this episode completely renewed my respect for the guy. All you gotta do is look at the guy, and he'll fuck your shit up without using any overt or obvious movements.
Totally agree with JaySee in this respect. It's not "necessary" to know how the manga did things differently, but it's definitely much more enjoyable to me having that extra knowledge.Originally Posted by JaySee
For example, I think there was a part in the Sasuke/Naruto fight in episode 133, in which the anime left out the "shadow" of Naruto's moves that the manga had (as someone pointed out). Being aware of this gave me a much better understanding of how the sharingan worked. I don't know about everyone else, but I enjoy those little tidbits.
Kakashi deduces that Mangekyou Sharingan is detrimental to Itachi's sight because of how Itachi became fatigued and retreated after using it. Kakashi says this himself. It then shows Kisame saying out loud that it's dangerous for Itachi to use the Sharingan too much. I think that's how he figured it out, dudes...Originally Posted by masamuneehs
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Nope, I don't agree Kakashi figured it out by observation and by what Kisame said. Itachi's own words and reactions give it away. He acts shocked, and says "Kakashi-san, you couldn't have..." when Kakashi asks how bad his eyesight has become. This isn't consistent with Itachi's responses to Kakashi's previous deductions about the Mangekyou Sharingan. If you look at how that is shown in the anime as well, Itachi looks far more hostile towards Kakashi after that one remark than at any other time. This would seem to indicate that he is feeling threatned, or that he now knows he is in for a proper fight.