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Thread: Happy Mother's Day 07

  1. #1
    If I could change my name
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    Happy Mother's Day 07

    Well it's tomorrow but may start this thread now to see what everyone is doing. and to repost what I said last year about this sort of thing. Not to kill what anyone has to say but just to reflect

    So I'm sitting here trying to think of a gift for my mother and then I thought of this that Mother's Day, like any gift-giving or well-wishing holiday may be good for some, but it's quite painful for others. Does anyone think about those with no mothers or those who have wrongly had their kids taken away or for the mother who gave up a child for adoption? It's aimed like every mother in existence is worthy of honor on this day, the mom's are going to be queen for the day.

    It tugs at my heart, knowing that every time they see something going on about Mother's Day, they become sorrowful and have to relive memories stored since the last painful Mother's Day. I saw a new line of greeting cards being advertised because they were different in that they said things like "Congratulations on Your Divorce", "To Mom and her Boyfriend" and "Happy Remarriage" . I'm surprised there aren't really cruel ones for people still carrying a hate or grudge towards their mothers, like "Thanks for giving me up" "You were always a bitch", "Thanks for the Beatings", "You were always neglectful", "You Never Loved Me", "Why did you have me?". Yikes, that's harsh! There would be a market for them, however.

    I hear so many people bitch about their mothers and don't treat them well for a whole year, but then this day comes around and only on this day do they pretend to care. It's not fair to the mother. Do they really think a yearly phone call is going to make things ok? That mom isn't hip to this? She makes noises like she's so pleased to hear from them, but deep down she's sad, knowing they're just going through the motions because it's expected. Granted, there are mothers who have kids who love them all the time and are very happy to be showered with gifts and cards on this day. They are the lucky ones.

    My mother is a kind woman, having myself with no father for much of my life; I remember that every Mother's Day. It pains me not to know how that felt, that because I was young I had no idea the problems she had. She had to go back to school just to support me and at that end caused her to go down a different path in her life then she wanted. More to the point I fucked up her life. To be reminded of this on mother's day is hard to think about, she never had said I did, and she praises the fact I was born. I just don't understand that, Is a gift every year going to help you not think of those times that you were poor, alone, and living a life you didn't plan on? Am I to be happy or sad?

    Confusion on this matter hits me every year now at this time when I need to get her a gift, as if it wasn't hard already, nothing I give her will change the past, something that I want it to do, and as well I can't give her something to remind her of those days past. Some years I went in on gifts with my two siblings born after this to a loving mother and father. They don't know what happened before and gifts they give are much more how to say "normal" However this hurts me more, as it's truly not from me, the one that matters. To ask you Gotwoot to help me here is hard. Frankly I'm not asking for it. I'm just typing what’s on my mind and bitching about the time I need to spend in a mall somewhere thinking about this. Another year, another gift that means at least to me, jack
    image fail!

  2. #2
    My mom has done so much and we (me and my sister) cant even get her a good gift. My Dads not rly around and neither of us can drive yet so we always have to sneak the gift home, but this year she caught us buyin it

    Sig made by Zinobi

  3. #3
    The only time I ever bought my mom a gift, she was dissapointed because I used lunch money to buy it. I was like, 15 at the time, so I'm not even sure where money could come from since I couldn't legally get a job without a worker's permit...

    Anyway, yeah, ever since then I haven't gotten her anything.

  4. #4
    Well, I am not to good with gifts. But who says you have to get a gift? Why don't you just spend time with her (family time?) ? Like go to a lake and have a picnic? Go biking together or something. You dont really have to buy something.

    I wont be "celebrating" mother days tomorrow. Got my finals this week and I want to concentrate on my exams. I will "celebrate" mother day next week after all the stress is gone. I am planning to help my mom with her garden.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr3atfull
    Well, I am not to good with gifts. But who says you have to get a gift? Why don't you just spend time with her (family time?) ? Like go to a lake and have a picnic? Go biking together or something. You dont really have to buy something.
    Spending time with my mom or doing something nice for her always seems more heartfelt than a gift (unless she specifically wants something). I try to do that, at least.

    I'm gonna try and get my mom a present or something tomorrow though, since she's actually been sick at home all week.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    What you can always do is do Mother's Day the smart way, do it the day before. Have you ever tried to go out for breakfast or brunch or whatever on Mother's Day? It's a nightmare, and so many people are doing the exact same, it kind of demeans the whole thing. Spending time with your mother is a lot more valuable than some cheesy card or gaudy gift. Today (Saturday) I spent a good 4 hours with her for early Mother's Day. I knew I might be busy Sunday, so we went out to brunch and then just drove around randomly and talked in the car. It feels way more valuable than some crap you picked up at the store the day before, and going early makes it feel a lot less pressured, more casual and relaxed because there aren't a ton of people doing the exact same thing.

    I used to buy or make cards or buy some gift (typically at random), but just spending a big chunk of time talking about whatever (work, politics, pop culture, whatever) seems like a much more worthy gift than even the most well thought and heartfelt written poem on a card.

    It doesn't have to take a lot of effort to show you actually care.

  7. #7
    Unfortunately every year we have to go out with my grandparents so i dont rly get to spend time with my mom and all my grandpa cares about is eating dinner kinda getting rid of the whole purpose of mothers day. My grandma has Parkinson's and is now in a hospital bed all day so i dont even see a point in going to dinner anymore but he still insists anyway.

    Sig made by Zinobi

  8. #8
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    *runs to the store*

  9. #9
    I'm generally the one who makes the obligatory comment about the fakeness of Mother's day. About how you shouldn't treat your mom extra special on some arbitrary day because Woodrow Wilson said so. You should treat your mom well everyday, since she's your mom and you suck for ruining her life, (unless you a) didn't ruin her life or b) she is really neglectful by choice and doesn't deserve praise, but has has to really be a sucky Mom).

    Anyway, my mom was a really good mom and she buys into Mothers day so I'll call her and pretend I'm the fine upstanding man she hopes I am because it will make her happy. She deserves to feel happiness for all she's done for me.

  10. #10
    Didn't realise it was mothers day.

    Who set this thing going anyway? What were the causes behind it?

  11. #11
    If I could change my name
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Didn't realise it was mothers day.

    Who set this thing going anyway? What were the causes behind it?
    Wiki Mother's day

    That will answer that

    on another note I got my mother a $35 gift card for Chapters (a book store)
    image fail!

  12. #12
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Well I just puled an all-nighter... So i'll be going to bed very soon and probably sleeping until 3 or 4pm. So I made sure I called my mom and woke her up to wish her a happy mother's day. Unfortunately at the moment i'm a bum without a job so no gift this year.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  13. #13
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Thanks to Fed Ex leaving my moms flowers and package outside on her steps they were stolen since she didn't get them and I checked the status online. Says they left it on the front porch. There are some things you just don't do in West Philly . Now I have to come up with something else for my Mom.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  14. #14
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeon
    Thanks to Fed Ex leaving my moms flowers and package
    Wow... that sucks... I wonder what the delivery dude was thinking.
    What was in the package?

    As for me, since i don't have a job, i can't buy a shit for my mom. But instead i just did some chore around the house while she was away. (For about 45 minutes)
    She didn't even realized it yet..
    I mean.. heck, piles of dishes disappearing like that and she don't even comment?
    I think she is blind.

    Edit: She finally saw it! She thanked me.

    That is all for me ˚_˚'

    My bro got her a blue rose. (a dyed white roses.)


  15. #15
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Here in Mexico Mother's Day is celebrated always on May 10.
    I bought her some flowers on May 8 and gave them to her in advance. Why? Because with my job taking most of the day, if I had gone to buy em on May 10 I would find none... most likely the same on May 9.
    Today they threw them away because they had dried up... damn heat -.-
    Oh well.

  16. #16
    I had a stressful week and didn't know what I should buy my mom so I fought the evils of the kitchen and made a marble cake. Actually the first cake I've ever baked and it even tasted good.

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