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Thread: 2nd BoC Guild Wars Giveaway!!!11~

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    2nd BoC Guild Wars Giveaway!!!11~

    Last time (don't remember when) I gave 3 people some valuables for free. This time I'm giving away quite a bit more. The prize list is shown below:

    1st place: 500k + various other items
    2nd place: 200k
    3rd place: 100k

    I forgot what I got you guys to do last time, but this time the task is as follows: find a picture and Photoshop it into one of those SPARTAAAAA parodies, such as this:

    The rules:
    - You cannot make references to Gotwoot or Gotwoot members (thus, no Terra references)
    - Sexual references, unless outrageously clever, will receive very low creativity scores
    - Don't make anything offensive (you be the judge on this one)
    - Quality of Photoshopping is of no concern due to the various skill levels here

    Other info:
    - The contest begins now and ends on May 18 at 8 PM EST
    - PM your creation to me. I will post all submissions on this thread at the end and announce the winners
    - After submitting your picture, you have EXACTLY 24 hours to retract it and replace it with a new one. It will not count against you. You can only replace a submission once
    - I **might not** be the only judge so don't make the thing with the intention of appealing only to me (i.e. anime theme)


    Contest results:

    1st place: Turkish-S

    2nd place: ArcaneRed

    3rd place: XanBcoo


    Thanks for participating. PM me to set up meeting times/places so I can give you the goods.
    Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 05-22-2007 at 10:05 PM.

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